similar to: Residuals from biglm package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Residuals from biglm package"

2006 May 17
Re : Large database help
Thanks for doing this Thomas, I have been thinking about what it would take to do this, but if it were left to me, it would have taken a lot longer. Back in the 80's there was a statistical package called RUMMAGE that did all computations based on sufficient statistics and did not keep the actual data in memory. Memory for computers became cheap before datasets turned huge so there
2010 Dec 11
(S|odf)weave : how to intersperse (\LaTeX{}|odf) comments in source code ? Delayed R evaluation ?
Dear list, Inspired by the original Knuth tools, and for paedaogical reasons, I wish to produce a document presenting some source code with interspersed comments in the source (see Knuth's books rendering TeX and metafont sources to see what I mean). I seemed to remember that a code chunk could be defined piecewise, like in Comments... <<Chunk1, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE>>=
2007 Mar 13
Sweave question: prevent expansion of unevaluated reused code chunk
Hi, Consider the following (much simplified) Sweave example: -------------- First, we set the value of $x$: <<chunk1,eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ Then we set the value of $y$: <<chunk2,eval=FALSE>>= y <- 2 @ Thus, the overall algorithm has this structure: <<combined,eval=FALSE>>= <<chunk1>> <<chunk2>> @
2007 Mar 15
Sweave bug using 'FDR' in chunk label (PR#9567)
Full_Name: Kevin Coombes Version: 2.4.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm running R 2.4.0 on a Windows XP machine, with only the default packages loaded. Running Sweave or Stangle on the following Rnw file: -------------- % bug.Rnw \begin{document} Demonstrate an Sweave/Stangle bug. <<info>>= sessionInfo() @ <<getFDR>>= x <- 1 @
2023 Feb 11
scan(..., skip=1e11): infinite loop; cannot interrupt
On Fri, 10 Feb 2023 23:38:55 -0600 Spencer Graves <spencer.graves at> wrote: > I have a 4.54 GB file that I'm trying to read in chunks using > "scan(..., skip=__)". It works as expected for small values of > "skip" but goes into an infinite loop for "skip=1e11" and similar > large values of skip: I cannot even interrupt it; I
2008 Feb 07
Buffer flushing
Short question: is there way to tell EM to actually send data after send_data call? I''m building a file transferring app. I send Mashal.dump''ed metadata first, and then - the file contents (chunked). I found a silly bug: receive_data() gets marshalled metadata and the first chunk of the file in a single variable. Like that: c1.send_data("meta")
2011 Dec 21
Looping over files
Hi, ?I have a list of files in one of my working directories: "chr17.chunk1.dose.fvd" "chr17.chunk1.dose.fvi" "chr17.chunk1.prob.fvd"? "chr17.chunk1.prob.fvi"? ........... ......... ........ "chr17.chunk10.dose.fvd" "chr17.chunk10.dose.fvi" "chr17.chunk10.prob.fvd" "chr17.chunk10.prob.fvi" And I am
2012 Jul 06
Maximum number of patterns and speed in grep
Hi, I am using R's grep function to find patterns in vectors of strings. The number of patterns I would like to match is 7,700 (of different sizes). I noticed that I get an error message when I do the following: data <- array() for (j in 1:length(x)) { array[j] <- length(grep(paste(patterns[1:7700], collapse = "|"), x[j], value = T)) } When I break this up into 4 chunks of
2011 Nov 15
gsub help
Hi, ?I am working with the following list of files: [1] ""?????????????? [2] ""????????? [3] "" [4] ""?????? [5] ""?????? The
2007 Feb 12
predict on biglm class
Hi Everyone, I often use the 'safe prediction' feature available through glm(). Now, I'm at a situation where I must use biglm:::bigglm. ## begin example library(splines) library(biglm) ff <- log(Volume)~ns(log(Girth), df=5) fit.glm <- glm(ff, data=trees) fit.biglm <- bigglm(ff, data=trees) predict(fit.glm, newdata=data.frame(Girth=2:5)) ## -1.3161465 -0.2975659
2012 Oct 25
Regarding the memory allocation problem
Dear All, My main objective was to compute the distance of 100000 vectors from a set having 900 other vectors. I've a file named "seq_vec" containing 100000 records and 256 columns. While computing, the memory was not sufficient and resulted in error "cannot allocate vector of size 152.1Mb" So I've approached the problem in the following: Rather than reading the data
2023 Feb 11
scan(..., skip=1e11): infinite loop; cannot interrupt
Hello, All: I have a 4.54 GB file that I'm trying to read in chunks using "scan(..., skip=__)". It works as expected for small values of "skip" but goes into an infinite loop for "skip=1e11" and similar large values of skip: I cannot even interrupt it; I must kill R. Below please find sessionInfo() with a toy example. My real problem is a large
2012 Jan 22
Best practices?
Suppose I start building nodes with (say) 24 drives each in them. Would the standard/recommended approach be to make each drive its own filesystem, and export 24 separate bricks, server1:/data1 .. server1:/data24 ? Making a distributed replicated volume between this and another server would then have to list all 48 drives individually. At the other extreme, I could put all 24 drives into some
2006 Feb 19
possible rails -> postgresql bug
Hi I have a problem accessing an array field in a Postgresql database. Here is the table definition. View "neil.flashing_codes" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+-----------------------+----------- code | character varying(10) | description | text | folds | integer[] | View definition: SELECT
2009 Feb 21
variable/model selction (step/stepAIC) for biglm ?
Hello dear R mailing list members. I have recently became curious of the possibility applying model selection algorithms (even as simple as AIC) to regressions of large datasets. I searched as best as I could, but couldn't find any reference or wrapper for using step or stepAIC to packages such as biglm. Any ideas or directions of how to implement such a concept ? Best, Tal --
2011 Nov 03
anova or liklihood ratio test from biglm output
(Sorry if this is a repost, I got a bounce reply from the r-help server) Hi, I’m using the biglm() function to create some linear models for a very large data set than lm() can’t fit due to memory issues (the problem is with the number of interactions, I can fit the main effects model) I need to determine if the 2-way interactions are necessary or not. Ideally I’d like to use anova() to
2009 Mar 20
Using predict on a biglm object returns NA
Hi R experts, I used biglm to construct a model (which has categorical variables). When I run predict on the model output on a new data (for testing) or on the same data, I get only NA's. I'm able to run predict with some other models constructed with biglm. One reason I suspect is that the model itself has a few undefined terms (NA's). I'm wondering if there's any way to
2009 Feb 25
leaps and biglm
New versions of leaps and biglm are percolating through CRAN. The new version of biglm fixes a bug in sandwich standard errors with weights, and adds predict(), deviance() and AIC() methods [based on code from Christophe Dutang]. The new version of leaps adds a regsubsets() method for biglm objects, so that the subset selection algorithms can be run efficiently on large data sets. -thomas
2009 Feb 25
leaps and biglm
New versions of leaps and biglm are percolating through CRAN. The new version of biglm fixes a bug in sandwich standard errors with weights, and adds predict(), deviance() and AIC() methods [based on code from Christophe Dutang]. The new version of leaps adds a regsubsets() method for biglm objects, so that the subset selection algorithms can be run efficiently on large data sets. -thomas
2010 Nov 10
biglm and epicalc ROC curves
Hello list, I am trying to avoid "Rifying" some of my SAS code to generate ROC plots, and the logistic.display() and lroc() functions in the epicalc package do what I want. However, I must generate my logistic model with bigglm because I have 1) limited hardware, 2) ~2.5 million rows, and 4 categorical and 2 continuous independent variables. When I attempt to invoke epicalc's