similar to: loess coefficients output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 150 matches similar to: "loess coefficients output"

2009 Jul 20
moving columns on a stripchart closer together
Greetings I have a very simple question that I have not been able to solve by reading the manual. When I produce a stripchart with two straight columns of dots representing individual observations, one representing one group of subjects and the other representing another, the columns wind up at the far left and far right sides of the plot, and I'd like them to be closer together, about as far
2001 Jul 20
angle/density in barplots/polygon
I'm trying to convert some S-Plus code which generates barplots and other shaded area plots to R. If I specify that I want hatching using the angle and density arguments, the messages 1: argument `density' is not used (yet) in: .NotYetUsed("density", error = FALSE) 2: argument `angle' is not used (yet) in: .NotYetUsed("angle", error = FALSE) so apparently these
2018 Sep 05
Bind 9.12.x support status
Hi, I recently noticed that when doing "samba_dns --all-names --verbose" against Bind-9.12, I can't update dns records. I'm getting these error messages for each record to update: . . . update failed: REFUSED Failed nsupdate: 2 update(nsupdate): SRV 389 Calling nsupdate for SRV
2012 Oct 12
Dom0 physical networking/swiotlb/something issue in 3.7-rc1
Hi Konrad, The following patch causes fairly large packet loss when transmitting from dom0 to the physical network, at least with my tg3 hardware, but I assume it can impact anything which uses this interface. I suspect that the issue is that the compound pages allocated in this way are not backed by contiguous mfns and so things fall apart when the driver tries to do DMA. However I
2018 Aug 02
Bind 9.12.x support status
> Nobody has looked into it yet. Likely just an extra build rule > required, I would need to see the 9.11 and 9.12 DLZ header files to > check. > > Aaron Haslett (CC'ed) may be able to help once he fights past the other > BIND9 issues he is looking at. > > Andrew Bartlett Thanks for response. I actually looked it myself. Since there is no DLZ ABI changes since
2004 Apr 09
loess' robustness weights in loess
hi! i want to change the "robustness weights" used by loess. these are described on page 316 of chambers and hastie's "statistical models in S" book as r_i = B(e_i,6m) where B is tukey's biweight function, e_i are the residulas, and m is the median average distance from 0 of the residuals. i want to change 6m to, say, 3m. is there a way to do this? i cant
2005 Jul 12
getting panel.loess to use updated version of loess.smooth
I'm updating the loess routines to allow for, among other things, arbitrary local polynomial degree and number of predictors. For now, I've given the updated package its own namespace. The trouble is, panel.loess still calls the original code in package:stats instead of the new loess package, regardless of whether package:loess or package:lattice comes first in the search list. If I
2011 Mar 05
loess function takes long to estimate
Hi, I have 2 questions regarding using loess function in stats package. 1. I have about 1 million points. I did loess with alpha=0.5 and degree=1 and 2 regressors. It has run for more than 5 hrs on 64bit 16CPU and 64GB server (with no other process running). I am wondering if this is usual? And if there is anyway to make it run faster? 2. I noticed a difference in RAM consumption when specifying
2008 Jun 03
'asymmetric span' for 2D loess?
Hello, I am interested in performing a 2D loess smooth on microarray data, i.e. log2 ratios on a 2D grid, using different spans in the horizontal and vertical directions (the immediate reason being that replicate spots are laid out in the horizontal direction). Is it possible to do this in R? Functions like loess(stats) seem to apply the same span for all predictors, which carries over to
2003 May 18
derivatives from loess (not locpoly)?
is there a way of estimating derivative curves, similar to the ones we get from 'locpoly', from 'loess' estimation. i am interested in estimation of 1st and 2nd derivatives... --------------------------------- [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jan 08
Problem getting loess tricubic weights
Hi I am trying to get the tricube weights from the loess outputs as I need to calculate an error function which requires the weight. So I have used the following example from the R: cars.lo <- loess(dist ~ speed, cars, span=0.5, degree=1, family="symmetric") Then i try to get the weights: cars.lo$weights [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1999 Jul 16
Contractor needed for MSVC wrapper to Loess
Hi, Our firm is looking to see if it is possible to wrap some of more advanced lib in R like modreg.dll and specifically Loess function in there for both regression and prediction into MSVC++. We will probably take it to either VB or Python for implementation issues. Given that locfit has many utitlities built in for data transformation, this would be a good thing. If that's not
2008 Oct 24
"right" aligning loess
Dear R Users, Does anyone know if I can somehow "right" align the loess function, so it only uses data points up to a certain date, and not around it ? Sort of like rollmean(...align="right") in the rollmean function. Thanks, Tolga Generally, this communication is for informational purposes only and it is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale
2010 May 17
Loess fit
Hi, I wonder why my attempt to extend an existing loess fit to a new data set is producing error. I was trying the following: dat = read.csv(choose.files()) x = dat[,2]; y = dat[,1] x.sort = sort(x) y.loess = loess(y~x, span=0.75) # For testing the above fit with a new dataset: test = read.csv(choose.files()) # test data new_x = test [,1]; new_y = test[,2] new_x.sort = sort(new_x) predicted
2010 Jan 25
Quantile loess smother?
Hello all, I wish to fit a loess smother to a plot of Y`X, but in predicting the 95% quantile. Something that will be a combination of what rq (package quantreg} does, with loess. Is there a function/method for doing this? Thanks, Tal ----------------Contact Details:------------------------------------------------------- Contact me: | 972-52-7275845 Read me:
2009 Mar 14
Is it normal that normalize.loess does not tolerate a single NA value?
Dear all, I have been using normalize.loess and I get the following error message when my matrix contains NA values: > my.mat = matrix(nrow=100, ncol=4, runif(400) ) > my.mat[1,1]=NA > my.mat.n = normalize.loess(my.mat, verbose=TRUE) Done with 1 vs 2 in iteration 1 Done with 1 vs 3 in iteration 1 Done with 1 vs 4 in iteration 1 Done with 2 vs 3 in iteration 1 Done with 2 vs 4 in
2005 Aug 18
display of a loess fitted surface
Good morning, I am Marta Colombo,student at Politecnico,Milan. I am studying local regression models and I am using loess function. My problem is that when I have a loess object I don't know how to display the fitted surface; in fact, while in S when you have a loess object you can see it writing plot(object), in R this dosen't work. Also I'd like to know if there is something like the
2012 May 03
cannot calculate standard estimate with predict on loess
Hi, For some reason I have been unable to use the predict function when I desire the standard error to be calculated too. For example, when I try the following: l<- loess(d~x+y, span=span, se=TRUE) p<- predict(l, se=TRUE) I get the following error message: Error in vector("double", length) : vector size cannot be NA In addition: Warning message: In N * M1 : NAs produced by
2005 Mar 04
reproducibility of the loess function
Hi, We noticed a difference between R versions 1.9.1 and 2.0.1 concerning the loess function. The resulting fitted data is quite different. Furthermore, with the 2.0.1 release, if I apply the loess function several times on the same input data set, I get different results. Has anybody already noticed such a problem ? Thanks Marie-Agn?s
2009 Jan 04
example of using loess()
Hi, I have read ?loess help page and did some google on loess, however there are insufficient information on weighted variance. I am wondering that if any of you know of an example or document on weighted variance using loess (), especially for the cases when more than one explanatory variable is involved. Thanks a lot, cruz