similar to: plot.Design

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "plot.Design"

2007 Sep 27
R: anova.Design
Dear All: I tried to replicate a case study described by Prof. Harrell in Chapter 7 of his Regression Modeling Strategies book, but failed on using anova.Design to reproduce his table 7.1, Following is the code: rm(list=ls()) library(Hmisc) library(Design) getHdata(counties) counties$older <- counties$age6574 + counties$age75 label(counties$older) <- '% age >= 65, 1990'
2011 May 17
can not use plot.Predict {rms} reproduce figure 7.8 from Regression Modeling Strategies (
Dear R-users, I am using R 2.13.0 and rms 3.3-0 , but can not reproduce figure 7.8 of the handouts *Regression Modeling Strategies* ( by the following code. Could any one help me figure out how to solve this? setwd('C:/Rharrell') require(rms) load('data/counties.sav') older <- counties$age6574 + counties$age75
2011 Oct 18
Latex question
Dear all, This may not be the right place for latex questions, but I do not know where else to ask the question. I have two subfigures. I want the first subfigure to have a caption on the side of it and the second subfigure to have a caption below it. Thank you. Hannah [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 15
read.xls question
I'm an R newbie and had a question about the read.xls function. I've heard that this is often not a reliable function to use for importing data. However, I have created numerous xls files which contain information about voter turnout and macroeconomic indicators in India. I'm writing a paper on the relationship between economic growth and voter turnout. This is the command I use:
2010 May 11
(svy)glm and weights question
Hi all, I am running a set of logistic regressions, where we want to use some weights, and I am not sure whether what I am doing is reasonable or not. The dependent variable is turnout in an election - i.e. survey respondents were asked whether or not they voted. The percentage of those who say they voted is much higher than the actual turnout, probably due both to non-response bias and social
2008 Mar 07
How to navigate in layout() created graph?
Hi I created a complex layout with using layout() and it looks exactly as I need it. But I don't want to print in the order in which the subfigure are numbered, but in a different order. How can I navigate in the layout so that I can specify the subfigure in which to plot? At the moment I am using a function which is converting the number to mfg parameter for par, but it does not seem to
2007 Jul 27
Package manual examples - 'unexpected$undefined' errors
Trying out an unfamiliar package, the natural thing is to use the examples given in the package's manual - hopefully, the writers of the package wouldn't include examples which didn't work! Recently, though, I've been getting 'unexpected$undefined' error messages when doing this, despite having copy/pasted the text from the manual (taking out hard breaks on the way).
2011 Feb 25
Markov chain transition model, data replication project
Hello all, I am currently attempting to replicate data from a political science article that utilized a Markov chain transition model to predict voter turnout intention at time *t*; the data was separated into two different models based on whether prior intent was to vote or not to vote. The details don't really matter. Mostly I am curious how to run a Markov chain transition model in R,
2006 Aug 11
Getting Really Started with Rails - Tutorial styled Slides Available
For those that missed out joining the amazing turnout of ~70 people here in Vancouver for the mini-workshop I did on the 27th last month, I am making available the 30 slides I used for the presentation. The slides were used in conjunction with me demonstrating it via command line. Alot was learned by both attendees, and quite possibly even more so by myself while teaching the material. I created
2010 Feb 10
looping problem
Hi R-users,   I have this code here: library(numDeriv)   fprime <- function(z) { alp  <- 2.0165;   rho  <- 0.868;   # simplified expressions   a      <- alp-0.5   c1     <- sqrt(pi)/(gamma(alp)*(1-rho)^alp)   c2     <- sqrt(rho)/(1-rho)   t1     <- exp(-z/(1-rho))   t2     <- (z/(2*c2))^a   bes1   <- besselI(z*c2,a)   t1bes1 <- t1*bes1   c1*t1bes1*t2 }   ## Newton
2010 Jul 23
Figures in Latex
Hi all, I want to add 6 plots in the format of 2 columns and 3 rows as one figure in latex. The plots are in .eps file. I know how to add 2 plots side by side, but could not figure out how to do multiple rows. I know this may not be the right place to ask such a question. But I do not know who to ask, so just try my luck here. Thank you in advance.
2007 Nov 24
Hmisc: can not reproduce figure 4 of Statistical Tables and Plots using S and LATEX
Dear R-users: I can not reproduce figure 4 of *Statistical Tables and Plots using S and LATEX* by Prof. Frank Harrell with the following code: rm(list=ls()) library(Hmisc) getHdata(pbc) attach(pbc) age.groups <- cut2(age, c(45,60)) g <- function(y) apply(y, 2, quantile, c(.25,.5,.75)) y <- with(pbc, cbind(Chol=chol,Bili=bili)) # You can give new column names that are not legal S names
2008 Jul 23
Quantitative analysis of non-standard scatter plots.
Hi, I am having difficulties in finding ways to analyse scatter plots and quantitatively differentiate between them. Since this is best demonstrated by a figure, I have attached one with 4 subfigures (a)-(d). Qualitatively (and I hope you would agree with me), sub-figures (a), (b), and (d) seem to represent uniform 2d scatters. It is hard for me to quantify it, but it seems as if the envelopes
2007 Sep 27
ReL plot(cox.zph())
You report an error message: > plot(zph.revasFit[1]) Error in plot.window(xlim, ylim, log, asp, ...) : need finite 'ylim' values I have never seen this error before, and I cannot guess what causes it. You need to provide more information, and likely a small data set that produces the problem. Perhaps you have an x variable that is a constant? Terry Therneau
2006 Nov 30
R_WinEdt question
if I want to put fig1plot to the left, figYPplot to the right figYAaplot on the bottom. How to modify the following cod to do these? \begin{figure}[H] \centering \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} \centering <<label=fig1plot,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= <<fig1plot>> @ %\caption{Caption 1} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} \centering
2006 Aug 10
passing hash from controller to view and pluralization?
hi, i have 2 tables (counties and towns). counties has_many towns and towns belong_to counties. now my question: i thought i would need to do is say @counties = Counties.find(:all). should that not return to me all counties in the counties table WITH all towns associated with each county? in my view i was getting error when doing this if(counties.has_towns?) saying undefined has_towns
2012 Jan 13
Coloring counties on a full US map based on a certain criterion
Dear Rers, is there a way to color counties on a full US map based on a criterion one establishes (i.e., all counties I assign the same number should be the same color)? I explored a bit and looks like the package "maps" might be of help. library(maps) One could get a map of the US: map('usa') One could get countries within a US state: map('county', 'iowa', fill
2017 Jun 07
Gluster Community Meeting 2017-06-07
Just a reminder. The community meeting is scheduled to happen in about 2.5 hours. Please add topics you want to discuss and any updates you have to the meeting notepad at [1]. ~kaushal [1]:
2018 Mar 20
Gluster Global Meetup (Community Meeting Fun!)
Hey all! In the spirit of trying something new with the Community Meeting, this next one is changing a bit. I'm calling it 'Gluster Global Meetup' for lack of a better name (names welcomed) - and we're putting it on a video call. Same time as the community meeting, but a little different on the format. Here's a video call link for this that I'll add to the community
2006 Dec 18
Logo Contest Discussion
We've passed the deadline for new entries in the logo contest. We had a very good turnout with 11 high quality designs submitted. We will now have 3 days of discussion and unlimited modifications to these 11 designs after which we'll have a poll lasting 3 days. Since this brings us to Christmas Eve there will be no time for runoff polls before the holidays in the event one design