similar to: Error message in GAM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Error message in GAM"

2011 May 29
[LLVMdev] Build error for llvm-2.9 on RHEL5
Hi, I am getting the following build error while building llvm on RHEL5. Please help me fix this: gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/rhel5pdi/home/asin/llvm_install/tools/llvm-config' /rhel5pdi/home/asin/llvm_install/Release/bin/llvm-config: line 18: use: command not found /rhel5pdi/home/asin/llvm_install/Release/bin/llvm-config: line 19: use: command not found
2011 May 30
[LLVMdev] Build error for llvm-2.9 on RHEL5
On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Arjun Singri <arjunsingri at> wrote: > Hi, > I am getting the following build error while building llvm on RHEL5. Please > help me fix this: > gmake[2]: Leaving directory > `/rhel5pdi/home/asin/llvm_install/tools/llvm-config' > /rhel5pdi/home/asin/llvm_install/Release/bin/llvm-config: line 18: use: > command not found >
2012 Mar 19
Issue with asin()
Hello everyone, I am working for a few days already on a basic algorithm, very common in applied agronomy, that aims to determine the degree-days necessary for a given individual to reach a given growth stade. The algorithm (and context) is explained here: , and so I implemented my function in R as follows: DD <- function(Tmin, Tmax, Tseuil,
2008 Jun 20
Problems with basic loop
I'm having trouble creating a looping variable and i can't see wher ethe problem arises from any hep gratfully appreciated First create a table x<-table(SURVEY$n_0,exposed) > x exposed False True Under 16 24 1 16-19 68 9 20-24 190 37 25-34 555 204 35-44 330 87 45-54 198 65 55-64 67 35 65+
2013 Sep 22
Arcsine transformation
I am tryin to perform an arcsine transformation on my data containig percentages as the dep. variable. Does anyone have a code that I could use to do that? I am relatively new to R. Thanks for your help! -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 Apr 30
arcsine transformation
I have been trying to preform both a bartlett's test and an arcsine transformation on some average percentage data. I've tried inputting it different ways and I keep getting the same error message: > head(workingdata) DYAD BEFORE AFTER 1 BG-FL 4.606772 5.787520 2 BG-LL 5.467503 7.847395 3 AD-MV 5.333735 11.107380 4 MM-FL 5.578708 12.063500 5 MM-MV 2.037605 6.415303 6 MM-RM
2006 May 11
greco-latin square
Hi, I am analyzing a repeated-measures Greco-Latin Square with the aov command. I am using aov to calculate the MSs and then picking by hand the appropriate neumerator and denominator terms for the F tests. The data are the following: responseFinger mapping.code Subject.n index middle ring little ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1
2004 Jan 21
derivative of atan(x) and similar functions
Dear R experts. 'D()' function recognizes some of the analitical functions, such as sin, cos, etc. But I'd like to take analytical derivatives from asin, atan etc. functions. Are there any R packages providing that features? Thanks. -- Timur.
2005 Feb 02
publishing random effects from lme
Dear all, Suppose I have a linear mixed-effects model (from the package nlme) with nested random effects (see below); how would I present the results from the random effects part in a publication? Specifically, I?d like to know: (1) What is the total variance of the random effects at each level? (2) How can I test the significance of the variance components? (3) Is there something like an
2006 Oct 02
Trig.Rd typo (PR#9269)
Full_Name: Robin Hankin Version: 2.4.0 RC OS: MacOSX 10.4.7 Submission from: (NULL) ( The first cut line described in Trig.Rd for asin() is incorrect in the ascii version of the manpage. The Rd file reads: For \code{asin()} and \code{acos()}, there are two cuts, both along the real axis: \eqn{\left(-\infty, -1\right]}{\(-Inf, 1\]} and Note the inconsistency between the
2000 Sep 15
R on HP-UX, again: fails, 1 arith test fails
I want to report the progress of my attempts to get R running on HP-UX with gcc: Firstly, I could work around the PIC problem by leaving out all the lib stuff (I rebuilt gcc with --enable-share, but this (alone) did not help), e.g. the line gcc -shared -fPIC -o ansari.o fexact.o kendall.o ks.o prho.o swilk.o -L/usr/local/lib -lg2c -lm -L/lib/pa1.1 -L/usr/lib/pa1.1 -u main
2011 Oct 05
SPlus to R
I'm trying to convert an S-Plus program to R.  Since I'm a SAS programmer I'm not facile is either S-Plus or R, so I need some help.  All I did was convert the underscores in S-Plus to the assignment operator <-.  Here are the first few lines of the S-Plus file:   sshc _ function(rc, nc, d, method, alpha=0.05, power=0.8,              tol=0.01, tol1=.0001, tol2=.005, cc=c(.1,2),
2012 Nov 15
Hello, I am fairly new with R and am having trouble finding an optimal group. I checked the help functions for the various optimize commands and it was a little over my head. I have a dataset with 4 columns, name, type, value, and cost. The set consists of a list of people, which have 3 types. I want to choose 6 people, two of each type, and maximize the sum of their values. However, I'm
2010 Dec 20
Metafor package
I have some question about metafor package. I'm interest to perform a random effect meta-analysis of proportion (single group summary of prevalence of disease in a population as reported by different study) It ask: 1. "PFT": The Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformed proportion is reported to be equal to 1/2*(asin(sqrt(xi/(ni+1))) + asin(sqrt((xi+1)/(ni+1)))). Hovewer, i
2012 Oct 02
Efficient Way to gather data from various files
Hello, Sorry if this process is too simple for this list. I know I can do it, but I always read online about how when using R one should always try to avoid loops and use vectors. I am wondering if there exists a more "R friendly" way to do this than to use for loops. I have a dataset that has a list of "ID"s. Let's call this dataset "Master" Each of these
2004 Nov 15
Somewhat off-topic : Hand and Taylor reference
I am sorry to trouble the list with this, but I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me track down this reference. I am looking for a good reference on repeated measures, and many of the relevant functions in R refer in their "help" to: Hand, D. J. and Taylor, C. C. (1987) _Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Repeated Measures._ Chapman and Hall. This sounds
2002 Oct 19
SSH Documentation
Hello, I'm trying to find very indepth documentation of OpenSSH, so far I have found nothing of much use, if anyone could direct me to some advance texts on openssh it would be greatly appreciated.
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Hi! Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset. Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4 treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2013 Jul 19
[LLVMdev] SIMD instructions and memory alignment on X86
What is "frep.x86.sse2.sqrt.pd". I'm only familiar with things prefixed with "llvm.x86". On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Peter Newman <peter at> wrote: > After stepping through the produced assembly, I believe I have a culprit. > > One of the calls to @frep.x86.sse2.sqrt.pd is modifying the value of ECX - > while the produced code is
2000 Nov 03
Filled region on graph
Hi, Say I'd like to fill in color or by hashing the region above 0.5 and below -0.5 in the following situation. > x <- seq(0,2*pi, length=100) > plot(x, sin(x), type="l") > # Now fill the top part and the bottom part The only mention of the words "fill" or "filled" seem to be in filled.contour. So is this possible in R? Thanks in advance. Yves