similar to: Trouble with R CMD INSTALL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Trouble with R CMD INSTALL"

2007 Nov 07
Trouble in creating a list
I want to create a list based on the information from a data.frame, Model. So I tried the following: MyList <- list(colnames(Model)[2] = levels(Model$(colnames(Model)[2]))) but it failed with an error: Error: unexpected '=' in "list(colnames(Model)[2] =" I have the following problems with this command line: (1) I wanted to use colnames(Model)[2] as a tag for the list:
2008 Jan 17
Trouble receiving messages from the mailing list
For some unknown reason I stopped receiving any messages from the R- help mailing list. See if this test gets through. Thanks, Gang
2006 Jun 28
Problem with package sem
Hi experts, I just started to learn R today, and tried to work with an add-on package sem. I have a version of 2.3.1 on MacOS X 10.4.6 with sem put under /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.3/Resources/library However when I typed library(sem) the following error showed up: Error in library(sem) : 'sem' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0? Why is this? Thank
2007 Dec 06
Any package for deconvolution?
I want to run deconvolution of a time series by an impulse or point-spread function through Wiener filter, regularized filter, Lucy-Richardson method, or any other approaches. I searched the CRAN website and the mailing list archive, but could not find any package for such a deconvolution analysis. Does anybody know an existing R function for deconvolution? TIA, Gang
2008 Feb 28
Collapse an array
Suppose I have a 4-D array X with dimensions (dx, dy, dz, dp). I want to collapse the first 3 dimensions of X to make a 2-D array Y with dimensions (dx*dy*dz, dp). Instead of awkward looping, what is a good way to do this? Is there a similar function like reshape in Matlab? Thanks, Gang
2007 Aug 02
Error message in lmer
I do not think anyone has answered this. > I'm trying to run a simple one-way ANCOVA with the lmer > function in R package lme4, but have encountered some > conceptual problem. The data file MyData.txt is like this: > > Group Subj Cov Resp > A 1 3.90 4.05 > A 2 4.05 4.25 > A 3 4.25 3.60 > A 4 3.60 4.20 > A 5 4.20 4.05 > A 6 4.05 3.85
2007 Oct 29
Converting a string
This must be very simple, but I'm stuck. I have a command line in R defined as a variable of a string of characters. How can I convert the variable so that I can execute it in R? Really appreciate any help, Gang
2007 Oct 29
How to test combined effects?
Suppose I have a mixed-effects model where yij is the jth sample for the ith subject: yij= beta0 + beta1(age) + beta2(age^2) + beta3(age^3) + beta4(IQ) + beta5(IQ^2) + beta6(age*IQ) + beta7(age^2*IQ) + beta8(age^3 *IQ) +random intercepti + eij In R how can I get an F test against the null hypothesis of beta6=beta7=beta8=0? In SAS I can run something like contrast age*IQ 1,
2010 May 11
Regressions with fixed-effect in R
Hi there, Maybe people who know both R and econometrics will be able to answer my questions. I want to run panel regressions in R with fixed-effect. I know two ways to do it. First, I can include factor(grouping_variable) in my regression equation. Second, I plan to subtract group mean from my variables and run OLS panel regression with function lm(). I plan to do it with the second way because
2009 Apr 22
Exporting objects plotted with plot3d() - rgl package
Dear all, Can anybody tell me how to export a 3d figure made with the plot3d function? I'm careless about whether it's still interactive or not in another format, as long I can get it out of R. Thanks! Alejandro Gonz?lez Departamento de Biodiversidad y Conservaci?n Real Jard?n Bot?nico Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient?ficas Claudio Moyano, 1 28014 Madrid, Spain Tel +0034
2009 Aug 20
expanding 1:12 months to Jan:Dec
Dear R users I would like to do some spreadsheet style expansion of dates. For example, I would need to obtain a vector of months. I approached in an obviously wrong way: > paste(01:12) [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" > as.Date(paste(01:12),
2010 Dec 06
R crashes when making graphs
hi, i am running R with JGR and Deducer under Ubuntu Mint Lucid. since i updated to R 2.12 i can no longer make graphs - R just crashes. the full error report was posted to launchpad ( without any success so far. anyone with a similar problem or helpful suggestions? thanks! kat
2013 Apr 15
how to transform string to "Camel Case"?
Dear all, Given the following vector: > (z <- c('R project', 'hello world', 'something Else')) [1] "R project" "hello world" "something Else" I know how to obtain all capitals or all lower case letters: > tolower(z) [1] "r project" "hello world" "something else" > toupper(z) [1] "R
2009 May 15
replace "%" with "\%"
Dear all, I'm trying to gsub() "%" with "\%" with no obvious success. > temp1 <- c("mean", "sd", "0%", "25%", "50%", "75%", "100%") > temp1 [1] "mean" "sd" "0%" "25%" "50%" "75%" "100%" > gsub("%",
2010 Aug 06
brew equivalent of "R CMD Sweave"
Dear all Is there an equivalent of "R CMD Sweave" for brew [1] documents? Something in the lines of "R CMD brew"? Can R be configured to parse brew documents from the commandline, without opening an interactive R session and issuing the following? require(brew) brew("featurefull.brew") I would like to set a LyX converter for brew documents, and for this I'd need
2010 Nov 10
error on R CMD rtags
Dear all I'm getting a strange error when trying to use rtags() to generate tags in Emacs format. root at liv-laptop:/usr/lib/R# R CMD rtags -o /usr/local/build/ETAGS --no-Rd --no-c library/ Tagging R files under library/; writing to /usr/local/build/ETAGS (overwriting)... [..] Error: '\.' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "[.]*\." Execution halted
2009 Dec 11
Literature analysis
Dear all, i am new in R. I am writing a review paper about batteries. However, i am interested in analyzing all the papers by keywords, author, references and year. This could be done by "refviz" a software, which is only running on windows machines and which is not free. So my question to you is, is it somehow possible to write a script that can do all of this work? And if yes, with
2013 Feb 22
How to do generalized linear mixed effects models
I want to analyze binary, multinomial, and count outcomes (as well as the occasional continuous one) for clustered data. The more I search the less I know, and so I'm hoping the list can provide me some guidance about which of the many alternatives to choose. The nlme package seemed the obvious place to start. However, it seems to be using specifications from nls, which does non-linear
2010 Aug 04
retrieve name of an object?
Dear all Is there an easier way to retrieve the name of an object? For example, > tmp <- 1:10 > as.character(quote(tmp)) [1] "tmp" > as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl)) [1] "$" "mtcars" "cyl" > as.character(quote(mtcars$cyl))[3] [1] "cyl" The last call more than anything seems a hack. Is there a better way? Thank you Liviu
2009 Jun 16
Trouble with optim on a specific problem
Hello! I am getting the following errors when running optim() [I tried optim() with 3 different methods as you can see]: Error in optim(c(0.66, 0.999, 0.064), pe, NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B") : objective function in optim evaluates to length 6 not 1 > out <- optim( c(0.66, 0.999, 0.064), pe, NULL, method = "Nelder-Mead") Error in optim(c(0.66, 0.999, 0.064),