similar to: power law fit with unknown zero

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "power law fit with unknown zero"

2008 Apr 07
Width of text displayed in R
All, I think this is pretty basic but I couldn't find the answer in any source. I have just built my own R for Linux (amd 64). It runs well, but R thinks that it only has 80 characters or so of screen width. I log on with Putty to the box and can stretch it as large as I want. Is there a simple way to tell R to use more screen width when displaying? From whatami: OS RELEASE :
2008 Apr 09
read table not reading lines containing single quotes
Hi, * I am using read.table command as follow kegg<-read.table("c:/",header =TRUE,quote= "'", sep="\t") * Fragment of file is as follow: ID Pathway 04916 Melanogenesis 04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 04950 Maturity onset diabetes of the young 05010
2008 Apr 07
read.table with multiple header lines
Hello, I have difficulties in reading in a text file with multiple (=2) header lines. My table looks like this: id code gr grcode AA AB AC AD time 30 40 50 60 1 1234 1 c 0 1 0 0 2 1346 1 c 0 0 0 1 3 1456 1 c 0 0 1 1 4 1893 1 c 0 0 1 1 Can someone help me out? Thanks Deborah --
2007 Oct 11
reason for error in small function?
Running the function below, tested using the cardiff dataset from splancs generates the following error. What changes do I need to make to get the function to work? Thanks. --Dale > gen.rpoints(events, poly, 99) > rpoints Error: object "rpoints" not found # test spatial data library(splancs) data(cardiff) attach(cardiff) str(cardiff) events <- as.points(x,y) ###
2008 Apr 14
how to add different type of lines (short dash, long dash) into current plot)
Dear I try to add three different lines (solid, short dash, long dash) in to current barplot. I saw there are types of lines ("p","b", ect). However, they are not what I request. Has nayone have this experience? Many Thanks! Xin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 08
data import problem
Dear All, I'm trying to read a text data file that contains several records separated by a blank line. Each record starts with a row that contains it's ID and the number of rows for the records (two columns), then the data table itself, e.g. 123 5 89.1791 1.1024 90.5735 1.1024 92.5666 1.1024 95.0725 1.1024 101.2070 1.1024 321 3 60.1601 1.1024 64.8023 1.1024 70.0593
2008 May 28
Can plot() be used for multiple plots?
Greetings helpRs -- I would like to use plot() to plot two cumulative distribution curves so that a user of the plot can compare the distributions of the two variables. The following code draws two distributions separately, but I cannot find the instruction necessary to add a second cumulative distribution to the first one. Any suggestion would be very welcome. x1 <-
2008 Apr 25
How to overlap two density plots?
Hi, How can I overlap two density plots? A <- c(8,10,10,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,11,11,11,10,10,7) B <- c(11,13,13,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,14,14,14,13,13,10) plot(density(A)) plot(density(B)) Regards, Emre P.S. There's a overlap.density function in package DAAG Is there another way to do this? -- --- Emre ÜNAL [[alternative HTML version
2008 May 31
How to identify overlapped items from two list and plot them?
Hi list, I have a question on how to identify the overlapped items from two vectors: >x<-c(0,1,2) >y<-c(1,2,2,3) and plot the number of the overlapped as well as non-overlapped in a diagram? Thanks much, Allen [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Apr 28
data.frame indexing
Dear R Community, A simple problem (for some of you): I wish to index a data.frame by all elements NOT in my index E.g.: > a<,nrow=10,ncol=10)) > b<-which(a$V1>0.8) > b [1] 1 4 6 10 > a_indexb<-a[b,] > a_notIndexB<-a[!b,] > nrow(a_notIndexB) [1] 0 Indexing a on b is not a problem (a_indexb), but how can do get only the
2008 May 09
data management question
Hi all, I have a data management question. I am using an panel dataset read into R as a dataframe, call it "ex". The variables in "ex" are: id year x id: a character string which identifies the unit year: identifies the time period x: the variable of interest (which might contain NAs). Here is an example: > id <- rep(c("A","B","C"),2)
2008 Apr 08
Practical Data Limitations with R
We are new to R and evaluating if we can use it for a project we need to do. We have read that R is not well suited to handle very large data sets. Assuming we have the data prepped and stored in an RDBMS (Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server), what can R reasonably handle from a volume perspective? Are there some guidelines on memory/machine sizing based on data volume? We need to be able to handle
2006 Jul 21
Merge two dataframes of different column length and row length by two columns at a time
Hello, I have two dataframes of the following structures: str(a) `data.frame': 1354896 obs. of 14 variables: $ V1 : int 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... $ V2 : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... $ V3 : int 74 12305 103 12337 46 57 12446 90 12097 79 ... $ V4 : num 11.8 1529.2 17.8 1579.4 6.7 ... $ V5 : int 88 11040 104 11557 56 58 11040 74 10991 81 ... $ V6 : num 15.5 1921.3 20.3
2008 Apr 29
Legend problem when exporting a plot to PDF
Hi list, When exporting to PDF a graph with a legend, in the final PDF, the text is going beyond the legend box. > dev2bitmap("test.pdf", type="pdfwrite", h=6, w=6) The legend looks OK on the screen. I noticed that the size of the legend box depends on the size of the screen window, which is not the case for other graphical parts (text of the legend, title, axis
2006 Oct 17
Convert Contingency Table to Flat File
Hello All, Is there any R function out there to turn a multi-way contingency table back to a flat file table of individual rows and attribute columns.? Thanks! marco --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Mar 15
click on graph and select data points?
Hi all, I am doing some clustering and the clustered results are presented in a "pairs" plot showing 4 clusters... I made the data points belong to 4 different clusters displaying different colors. Now I want to select the best clustered class, how can I click on the data point, and the program returns the index of that cluster(its class number, or color number)? Also, if I would
2006 Apr 16
string vector indices
Hi, I have a string vector, say, x <- "a", "aab" and anther string vector, say, y <- "a", "aa", "aab", "aabc". Is there any R function to get the indices of y for the elements of x, that is, foo(x, y) will give me the index vector c(1, 3)? I know i can combine apply() and grep("^aab$", y) to do it. But is there any
2006 Nov 12
How to increase decimal places
Hello everyone, does anybody know how to increase the decimal places that R uses to calculate something. I think that in default R uses 6 decimal places but I need 12. Thank you very much! Best regards, Maja! --
2006 Mar 14
name of the graphics output
Hello. In the file list.txt, I have the name of n files in data frame format. I want to make an image for each file and save the images in pdf format. To do this, I do the following: llista = scan(file="list.txt",what=list(nom="")) for ( in llista[[1]]){ aux=read.table( aux=as.matrix(aux) pdf() image(aux)
2006 Apr 07
simple if statement
I am ashamed to be asking this question, but I couldn't find the solution anywhere. Searching for "if" and "R" is not very productive... I cannot get a simple if statement to work. I have data on college students. I want to make a string variable that has the names of the years. That is, when the year variable i is equal to 1, I want to have a variable called years