similar to: oanda and yahoo get.hist.quote

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "oanda and yahoo get.hist.quote"

2010 Dec 02
Downloading quote data from yahoo finance
Hi R users,   Thanks in advance.   I am using R 2.12.0 on Windows XP.   May I request you to assist me in the following please.   1. I am getting error while downloading quote data from yahoo finance.   The example code is below (taken from tseries help):   library(tseries)   con <- url("") if(!inherits(try(open(con), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) {  
2006 Jun 16
Yahoo data download problem
Hi all R-Experts, I'm facing one problem in yahoo data downloading. I'm suing Windows XP, R 2.2.0, and i'm using yahoo.get.hist.quote function to download data. I need 500 companies of S&P index daily 'closing price' data for last ten years. My questions are: 1) I have all the ticker names of S&P 500 companies in a .csv format. I'm reading those names in R and
2013 Apr 16
R package with Java source code
Dear All, Are there any plans around that "R CMD INSTALL some_package_containing_java_source code" supports Java source code compiling in future versions of R similar to compiling C/C++ and/or Fortran sources in the src directory? Best regards Adrian -- Dr. Adrian Trapletti Steinstrasse 9b CH-8610 Uster Switzerland Phone : +41 (0) 44 9945630 Mobile : +41 (0) 79 1037131 Email :
2003 Jan 23
Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #51 - 13 msgs
> Subject: [R] Question on running tseries::garch on Mac OSX > Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 15:58:50 -0800 > From: Nicholas Waltner <nwaltner at> > To: <R-help at> > > Hello, > > When I run the garch examples, I get the following output: > > > dax.garch <- garch(dax) > > ***** ESTIMATION WITH ANALYTICAL GRADIENT *****
2003 Feb 17
Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #80 - 14 msgs
> Subject: [R] LRT in arima models > Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:53:04 +0100 > From: "vito muggeo" <vito.muggeo at> > To: <r-help at> > > Dear all, > > For some reason I'm evaluating the size of the LRT testing for the effect of > some explanatory variable in arima models. > I performed three different simulations
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
A new version of tseries (0.9-10) has been uploaded to CRAN. The new version contains the class "irts" for irregularly spaced time series. Irregular time series are basically time series where each observation (uni- or multivariate) has a time-stamp represented by an object of class "POSIXct". It provides some basic functionality such as reading and writing irregular time
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
A new version of tseries (0.9-10) has been uploaded to CRAN. The new version contains the class "irts" for irregularly spaced time series. Irregular time series are basically time series where each observation (uni- or multivariate) has a time-stamp represented by an object of class "POSIXct". It provides some basic functionality such as reading and writing irregular time
2011 May 05
quantmod's addTA plotting functions
Hi, I'm having trouble with quantmod's addTA plotting functions. They seem to work fine when run from the command line. But when run inside a function, only the last one run is visible. Here's an example. test.addTA <- function(from = "2010-06-01") { getSymbols("^GSPC", from = from) GSPC.close <- GSPC[,"GSPC.Close"] GSPC.EMA.3
2002 May 07
Re: R: tseries
Norbert Klink wrote: > Hi! > > I would like to use your tseries GARCH functionality in conjuction with > S-Plus 6 under Windows. Unfortunately, in order to make DLLs usable for > S-Plus it requires you to generate a so-called "S-Plus Chapter DLL", which > carries some S-Plus specific overhead. Loading your DLLs as they are > wouldn't work. Trying to compile the
2010 Mar 16
Simple for-loop runs out of memory
I have the following simple for-loop, which makes R crash every time. The length of the vectors is about 1200 rows, 1 column. n = max(length(GSPC),length(FTSE)) for(i in 1:1000) { if (row.names(GSPC)[i]==row.names(FTSE)[i]){ } else { if (row.names(GSPC)[i]>row.names(FTSE)[i]){ GSPC<-rbind(GSPC[1:(i-1),],GSPC[(i-1):length(GSPC),]) row.names(GSPC)[i]=row.names(FTSE)[i] } else {
2012 Dec 06
Fuction Error
I'm calling a list of symbols and then using a function to build a data frame from that symbol list. It works great until I introduce this index symbol from yahoo '^GSPC'. When and index symbol is introduced I get and error which is below. > Data <- symbolFrame(symbols) Error in get(S) : object '^GSPC' not found Since R does not like the ^ in front of a name it
2005 Nov 02
Bug report on get.hist.quote
> get.hist.quote(instrument="INR/USD", provider="oanda", start="2005-10-20") trying URL '' Content type
2011 May 07
Convenience-at-the-expense-of-clarity (was: quantmod's addTA plotting functions)
Thanks, Writing plot(addTA()) worked fine. I find myself with such mixed feelings about R. After finding that addTA worked fine at the command line but not in a function, I puzzled for a long time about what kind of virtual machine structure could possibly account for that. I couldn't think of any. It turns out that this isn't due to an R virtual machine structure. The reason addTA adds
2009 Aug 03
Help with data type
Hi there, Using a quantmod function, I calculate the daily change between two points in a time series. However, I don't think I am using the data correctly. Code: getSymbols("^GSPC", src="yahoo") CloseData <- Cl(GSPC) Delta <- diff(CloseData, lag=1) for (i in 3:length(Delta)) { if (Delta[i]>Delta[i-1]) sum <- sum + Delta } I can't seem to use the Delta
2011 May 23
MLDownloader 7.1 fails to download data from yahoo
Any pointers as to how to proceed with this would be most welcome! wine --version wine-1.3.19 lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS Release: 10.04 Codename: lucid I used crossover to create a Win XP bottle and installed IE7 and then MLDownloader. There is a 15 day trial version available here:
2011 Oct 22
Help w/an old R program I've rediscovered and want to make work
I found an old R program I wrote som eyears back and I'd like to make work in 2.11.1 (or a more recent version), but am having two problems: 1. I can't seem to access the datafile it requires. I'm not sure where the default place that R looks to for files references within it is, or what exactly the format is for pulling in the data, by my own #comments from a few years ago
2011 Jun 03
tkrplot Newbie
Hello, I am trying to write a tcltk based program that plots/manipulates xts/xoo time series objects. I have the code I used from ## : ## require(quantmod) require(tcltk) library(tkrplot) Sys.setenv(TZ="GMT") getSymbols("^GSPC", from = "1960-01-01") Myhscale <- 2.5 # Horizontal scaling
2005 Oct 14
run many linear regressions against the same independent variables in batch
R function lm(response ~ term) allows me to run a linear regression on a single response vector. For example, I have recent one year historical prices for a stock and S&P index. I can run regression of the stock prices (as response vector) against the S&P index prices (as term vector). Now assume I have 1000 stocks to run the above regressions (against the same S&P index prices).
2013 Jan 08
Conditional Statistics
Hello, I am a new user of R. I am coming from SAS and do statistics on stock market data, economic data, and social data. My question is this: How can you get the mean, standard dev, etc. of a variable based on a conditional statement on either the same variable or a different variable in the same data set? So if I had the closing prices of the S&P from 01/01/1990-12/31/1990, how could I get
2010 Aug 15
Adding colored background area to a time series plot
Hi, I am trying to add a rectangular colored background area to a plot of a time series of relative price changes. I believe that what I'm trying to do is very similar to the question and example given here: at My problem/difference is that my time series looks like so: >