similar to: Need some help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "Need some help"

2003 Jan 02
random number generation
Can a single random number be generated in R? I have an exercise that wants to simulate coin tosses, and I cannot seem to find a good example of the use of random number generation in R. Any help? Joshua Gramlich Chicago, IL
2009 Aug 31
Offtopic, HT vs. HH in coin flips
Dear R-help, Could someone please try to explain this paradox to me? What is more likely to show up first in a string of coin tosses, "Heads then Tails", or "Heads then Heads"? ##generate 2500 strings of random coin flips ht <- replicate(2500, paste(sample(c("H", "T"), 100, replace = TRUE), collapse =
2010 Oct 05
Im trying to simulate the rolling of a pair of dice   this is my function: #function to simulate tosses of a pair of dice #from the simulation, the program returns the empirical probability of #observing a double count <- 0 for(j in 1:sim){#begin loop die1 <- sample(1:6,1) print(die1) die2 <- sample(1:6,1) print(die2) count <- ifelse(die1 == die2, count + 1, count) }#end loop emprob
2010 Oct 13
Coin Toss Simulation
I am trying a simple toin coss simulation, of say 200 coin tosses. The idea is to have a data frame like so: Experiment# Number_Of_Heads 1 104 2 96 3 101 So I do: d <-data.frame(exp_num=c(1,2,3)); /* Just 3 experiments to begin with */ d$head_ct <-sum(sample(0:1,200,repl=TRUE)); d; exp_num head_ct 1
2008 May 28
functional testing joins table problem
I have models/controllers Class Facility has_many :facilities_services, :dependent => :delete_all Class Service has_many :facilities_services, :dependent => :delete_all Class FacilitiesServices belongs_to :facility belongs_to :service so in my test/functional/facilities_controller_test.rb, I have post :destroy, :id => 5 which tosses an error...
2006 May 22
text_field_with_auto_complete part II (newbie question)
now that tha auto complete works (thanks Craig) I''m at a stumbling point again. here''s the situation. I have a text box that gets populated from the auto complete that has "ivanoff, john" and I want to add him to a list of approved users. how do I get the id to add to the employees_users table? do I need to look up the employee in the employee table or can I get the
2012 Aug 04
Head or Tails game
Hi, Reading about a "Heads and Tails" game in Introduction to Probability (Example 1.4, pp. 5-8). You toss a coin 40 times. If heads, Peter wins $1, tails, he loses $1. I think I can do that ok with: winnings <- sum(sample(c(-1,1), 40, replace=TRUE)) But I have to do it 10,000 times
2000 Sep 25
No subject
Dear friends. In Carlin and Louis "Bayes and emperical Bayes methods.." 1996 the classical example of 12 independent tosses of a fair coin producing 9 heads and 3 tails is given. If the situation is seen as a fixed sample of 12, a binomial lieklihood is used, and Carlin et al reports a probability of 0.075. Using sum(dbinom(9:12,12,.5)) I obtain 0.073 Likewise, if the experiment is
2012 Jul 06
Problems with crashing IBM X3630 M3/ZFS
Hello. I've got a quartet of IBM x3630 M3 with one that is frequently hard locking under heavy NFS load. I am running 9.0-RELEASE with all the patches from freebsd-update. My problem machine has 8 16 core clients, each doing IO intensive tasks connected to it via a Procurve and the onboard igb0 interface. Mostly network reads, typically 10MB read per MB written. When the machine locks
2016 Dec 18
llvm (the middle-end) is getting slower, December edition
On Dec 17, 2016 7:41 PM, "Sean Silva" <chisophugis at> wrote: On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Davide Italiano via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Davide Italiano <davide at> > wrote: > [...] > > > I don't have an infrastructure to measure the runtime performance > >
2018 Jan 16
lost ability to apt-get install r-base=3.4.2-1trusty1
Hello, I need a specific version of R installed for consistency reasons. I do the standard setup steps: echo "deb trusty/" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9 sudo apt-get update And then a simple install call, which used to work just fine some time ago, tosses an
2002 Oct 15
win2000 and samba
Hi, We have a samba server 2.2.4 in a RH 6.2 Linux system. I should say that the samba server is working well except for a win2000 workstation. For this win2000, the user can mount network drive to the samba server, e.g. H: to \\sambaserver\username, it asks the password, if entered correctly. it is connected. No problem at all. However, if the user reboots the win2000, the poblem comes.
2004 Aug 06
MTU was: Re: my icecast problem
It is going to depend on a number of factors. Linux sets (along with a few other OS's I'm sure) its MTU to 1500. The problem is, if you set it longer then it will most likely be frag'd by your router. If that router does not, then another will. I think MTU for ppp interfaces are smaller. Likewise, if your backbone is FDDI, it has a large frame (somewhere in the 8000 range I
2002 Jul 17
More introductions
--- "Tabuleiro" wrote: Hi, guys. I was working with the VP3 code, planning to integrate it with Ogg for a self-contained solution for video playback, platform independant, no installation required, no QT, no AVI runtimes. My main interest is CD-based work using local files and portability/performance, not really into streaming or anything fancy (network error correction, prediction,
2010 Feb 23
makedepend in Mesa
While keeping up-to-date the nouveau mesa driver (either classic or gallium), or doing regression testing, the big majority of my rebuilds resulted in segfaults. I am not talking about autogen or configure detection. I believe this also works automatically in other projects and doesn't with mesa, but forgetting to do this usually causes a build failure. Then autogen/configure can be run and
2011 Nov 21
Scatter plot - using colour to group points?
Dear All, I am very new to R - trying to teach myself it for some MSc coursework. I am plotting temperature data for two different sites over the same time period which I have downloaded from a university weather station data archive. I am using the following code to create the plot plot ( x = TEMP3[,"TIME"], y = TEMP3[,"TEMP"], type = "p", col =
2012 Dec 18
Infiniband performance issues answered?
In IRC today, someone who was hitting that same IB performance ceiling that occasionally gets reported had this to say [11:50] <nissim> first, I ran fedora which is not supported by Mellanox OFED distro [11:50] <nissim> so I moved to CentOS 6.3 [11:51] <nissim> next I removed all distibution related infiniband rpms and build the latest OFED package [11:52] <nissim>
2006 Jul 10
Rails on a Mac - I''ve seen the light
Well I finally broke down and got me one of those Intel iMacs and a copy of Textmate. It took me a bit to get use to Textmate but once I learned some of the shortcuts I was cruising. Mac OS X took very little time to get used to as I already had a decent *nix background. Up until this point I had been primarily on Windows. Some of the productivity highlights I''ve found: 1. My CPU
2002 Jul 17
problem formatting data frames
Dear R-guRus: I have a problem with the format of my data in R. Let's say I have a HUGE text table which consists of columns of numerical data, separated by tabs, but in some places rows of text (error messages, etc) are inserted in between rows of numerical data. Because the data file is so huge and because I have thousands of these files, it's unpractical to try and go thru these
2006 Apr 04
SSL failures on 1.0B3
I have setup Dovecot 1.0B3, and IMAP works fine, but I cannot get IMAPS to work. I've generated the keys with the mkcert script and Thunderbird can see and accept the certificate but tosses an error just after that. In my log, I'm getting: dovecot: Apr 03 19:07:43 Warning: imap-login: SSL_accept() failed: error:140D308A:SSL routines:TLS1_SETUP_KEY_BLOCK:cipher or hash