similar to: Controlling values in read.table

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Controlling values in read.table"

2007 Oct 15
The "condition has length > 1" issue for lists
I have the following code: list1 <- list() for (i in list.files(pattern="filename1")){ x <- read.table(i) list1[[i]] <- x } list2 <- list() for (i in list.files(pattern="filename2*")){ x <- read.table(i) list2[[i]] <- x } anslist <- vector('list', length(list1)) for(i in 1:length(list1)) if (list1[[i]] & list2[[i]] >1)
2007 Dec 06
Fitting large titles in a plot
I want to fit a fairly long main title for a plot, supposedly by changing row after a while. As for now it starts way outside the picture margin at the left and continues way out right passed the right margins. >plot(A,main="This is my really long title and it's so long that I can see just about half of it.") Any suggestions? Shouldn't be that hard. -- View this message in
2007 Oct 11
Operating matrix positions
I have two equally long lists of equally large matrices . I now want to generate a column that consists of the differences between position [i,j] in matrix k in each list. That is, the first position in this new column is 'position [1,1] in matrix 1 (of list 1)' minus 'position [1,1] in matrix 1 (of list 2)', and so on, continuing to the next matrix as soon as the current one is
2006 Apr 12
yet another problem with S4 dispatch (with setClassUnion)
Dear John and Seth, dear R-devels, once again the question of method dispatch in S4 -- this time with setClassUnion(); taking up your advice in I have been too quick in stating that >setClassUnion()---at least in my case---solves the problem; > The problem arises
2015 Sep 15
CentOS-6 - LogWatch
On Mon, September 14, 2015 21:28, Always Learning wrote: > > On Mon, 2015-09-14 at 14:51 -0400, James B. Byrne wrote: > >> The Logwatch imapd service script distributed with CentOS-6 does not >> generate anything when I run logwatch --service all on a cyrus-imapd >> host. Is this expected behaviour? Is there a separate script for >> cyrus-imapd or are their
2007 Sep 20
convert data from
Hi, I am trying to convert a data frame from: X1 X2 A 1 2 B 3 4 C 5 6 to: A01 1 A02 2 B01 3 B02 4 C01 5 C02 6. How can I do it in R? I appreciate your help. Zheng --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jul 30
how to combine data of several csv-files
Hello, I'm looking for a solution for the following problem: 1) I have a folder with several csv files; each contains a set of measurement values 2) The measurements of each file belong to a position in a two dimensional matrix (lets say "B02.csv" belongs to position 2,2 3) The size of the matrix is fix 4) I cannot assure to have a csv file for each position 5) Each position
2009 Mar 10
Pseudo-random numbers between two numbers
I would like to generate pseudo-random numbers between two numbers using R, up to a given distribution, for instance, rnorm. That is something like rnorm(HowMany,Min,Max,mean,sd) over rnorm(HowMany,mean,sd). I am wondering if dnorm(runif(HowMany, Min, Max), mean, sd) is good. Any idea? Thanks. -james
2010 Feb 26
Preserving lists in a function
Dear R users, A co-worker and I are writing a function to facilitate graph plotting in R. The function makes use of a lot of lists in its defaults. However, we discovered that R does not necessarily preserve the defaults if we were to input them in the form of list() when initializing the function. For example, if you feed the function codes below into R: myfunction=function( list1=list
2006 Jun 26
sortables and accept question
i did some searching through the archives and didn''t really find an answer to my question, so i''m going to just ask it. i have a situation where there are 3 sortable lists. list1, list2, and list3 i need list2 to accept divs from all 3 lists, but list1 and list3 to only accept divs from the list1 and list3 i''ve added two classes to the divs in my sortables: .rail
2013 Jan 10
merging command
HI Eliza, You could do this: set.seed(15) mat1<-matrix(sample(1:800,124*12,replace=TRUE),nrow=12) # smaller dataset #Your codes ?list1<-list() ?for(i in 1:ncol(mat1)){ ? list1[[i]]<-t(apply(mat1,1,function(x) x[i]-x)) ? list1} ?x<-list1?? x<-matrix(unlist(x),nrow=12) x<-abs(x) ?y<-colSums(x, na.rm=FALSE) z<-matrix(y,ncol=10) ?z<-as.dist(z) ?z ?# ?? 1?? 2?? 3?? 4?? 5??
2010 Mar 15
rbind, data.frame, classes
Hi, This has bugged me for a bit. First question is how to keep classes with rbind, and second question is how to properly return vecotrs instead of lists after turning an rbind of lists into a data.frame list1=list(a=2, b=as.Date("20090102", format="%Y%m%d")) list2=list(a=2, b=as.Date("20090102", format="%Y%m%d")) rbind(list1, list2) #this loses the
2009 Oct 30
Names of list members in a plot using sapply
Hi R users: I got this code to generate a graphic for each member of a lists. list1<-list(A=data.frame(x=c(1,2),y=c(5,6)),B=data.frame(x=c(8,9),y=c(12,6))) names1<-names(list1) sapply(1:length(list1),function(i) with(list1[[i]],plot(x,y,type="l",main=paste("Graphic of",names1[i])))) Is there a more elegant solution for not to use two separate lists? I would like to
2011 Jan 20
syntax for a list of components from a list
I'm attempting to generalise a function that reads individual list components, in this case they are matrices, and converts them into 3 dimensional array. I can input each matrix individually, but want to do it for about 1,000 of them ... This works array2 <- abind(list1[[1]],list1[[2]],list1[[3]],along=3) This doesn't array2 <- abind(list1[[1:3]],along=3) This doesn't either
2011 Nov 21
Creating a list from all combinations of two lists
R-helpers: Say I have two lists of arbitrary elements, e.g.: list1=list(c(1:3),"R is fun!",c(3:6)) list2=list(c(10:5),c(5:3),c(13,5),"I am so confused") I would like to produce a single new list that is composed of all combinations of the "top level" of list1 and list2, e.g.: listcombo=list(list(list1[[1]],list2[[1]]),list(list1[[1]],list2[[2]]
2011 Feb 06
Applying 'cbind/rbind' among different list object
Hi, I am wondering whether we can apply 'cbind/rbind' on many **equivalent** list objects. For example please consider following: > list1 <- list2 <- vector("list", length=2); names(list1) <- names(list2) <- c("a", "b") > list1[[1]] <- matrix(1:25, 5) > list1[[2]] <- matrix(2:26, 5) > list2[[1]] <- 10:14 > list2[[2]] <-
2012 Apr 19
question about lists
I am new to R, and I have been running into the following situation when I mistype a variable name in some code: > list1 <- list( a=1, b=2 ) > list2 <- list( a=1 ) > list2$b <- list1$c > list2 $a [1] 1 I would think at the point where I am trying to reference a field called "c" -- that does not exist -- in list1, there would be an error flagged. Instead, list1$c
2004 Jan 24
loop variable passage and lists
I cannot understand why the following expression is accepted (and gives the expected result: to set column 3 and 4 of the first element of list1 -a data.frame list- as first element of list2): > list2[[1]]<-list1[[1]][3:4] ...while this one is not (to do the same iteratively from the first to the eleventh element of list1): > for (i in 1:11){list2[[i]]<-list1[[i]][3:4]} Error in
2004 Oct 25
usage and behavior of 'setIs'
Hello, am I using 'setIs' in the correct way in the subsequent (artifical) example? Do I have to specify explicit 'setAs' for 'list' and 'vector' or should this work automatically, since "getClass("List1")" states an explicit coerce also for these classes. I'm working with R 2.0.0 Patched (2004-10-06) on windows 2000. Thanks for your
2011 Feb 08
Extrcat selected rows from a list
Hi, I have two lists 1) List1- 30,000 rows and 104 columns 2) List2- a list of 14000 selected rownames  from List 1 Now, I want to extract all the 104 columns of List1  matching with the 14000 selected rownames from List2.  Psedocode will be something like this: match rownames(List2) with rownames(List1) extract selected matched 104 coloumns from (List1) strore in-> List3 So the