similar to: Type III sum of squares and appropriate contrasts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Type III sum of squares and appropriate contrasts"

2008 Sep 26
Type I and Type III SS in anova
Hi all, I have been trying to calculate Type III SS in R for an unbalanced two-way anova. However, the Type III SS are lower for the first factor compared to type I but higher for the second factor (see below). I have the impression that Type III are always lower than Type I - is that right? And a clarification about how to fit Type III SS. Fitting model<-aov(y~a*b) in the base package and
2009 Mar 02
Unrealistic dispersion parameter for quasibinomial
I am running a binomial glm with response variable the no of mites of two species y->cbind(mitea,miteb) against two continuous variables (temperature and predatory mites) - see below. My model shows overdispersion as the residual deviance is 48.81 on 5 degrees of freedom. If I use quasibinomial to account for overdispersion the dispersion parameter estimate is 2501139, which seems
2009 Mar 09
lme anova() and model simplification
I am running an lme model with the main effects of four fixed variables (3 continuous and one categorical – see below) and one random variable. The data describe the densities of a mite species – awsm – in relation to four variables: adh31 (temperature related), apsm (another plant feeding mite) awpm (a predatory mite), and orien (sampling location within plant – north or south). I have read
2001 Sep 08
t.test (PR#1086)
Full_Name: Menelaos Stavrinides Version: 1.3. 1 OS: Windows 98 Submission from: (NULL) ( When model simplification is used in glm (binomial errors) and anova is used two compare two competitive models one can use either an "F" or a "Chi" test. R always performs an F test (Although when test="Chi" the test is labeled as Chi, there isn't any
2011 Jul 25
Wide confidence intervals or Error message in a mixed effects model (nlme)
I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population growth rate of the mite (ranges from negative to positive) and the exploratory variable is a categorical variable (treatment). The experiment was blocked in time (3 blocks / replicates per block) and it is unbalanced - at least 1 replicate per block. I am
2011 May 21
unbalanced anova with subsampling (Type III SS)
Hello R-users, I am trying to obtain Type III SS for an ANOVA with subsampling. My design is slightly unbalanced with either 3 or 4 subsamples per replicate. The basic aov model would be: fit <- aov(y~x+Error(subsample)) But this gives Type I SS and not Type III. But, using the drop() option: drop1(fit, test="F") I get an error message: "Error in
2009 Dec 15
Type III sum of square in ANOVA
Dear all,   Does some body have idea on how to extract Type III sum of Square from "lm" or "aov" function in R ? I could not figure out it.   If this is minor and irrelevant to post in this mail, I am sorry for that. Thanks.     Sincerely, Ram Kumar Basnet Wageningen University, Netherlands   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 01
Type-I v/s Type-III Sum-Of-Squares in ANOVA
Hello, I believe the aov() function in R uses a "Type-I sum-of-squares" by default as against "Type-III". This is relevant for me because I am trying to understand ANOVA in R using my knowledge of ANOVA in SPSS. I can only reproduce the results of an ANOVA done using R through SPSS if I specify that SPSS uses a Type-I sum-of-squares. (And yes, I know that when the sample
2002 Mar 01
Type III Sum of Squares
Hi, When doing a two-ways anova in R and comparing my same results with an SPSS output, I noticed that R calculated type I Sum of Squares. Is it possible to use Type III Sum of Squares? Thanks, S?bastien Plante Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER) -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Aug 26
Type II and III sum of square in Anova (R, car package)
Hello everybody, I have some questions on ANOVA in general and on ANOVA in R particularly. I am not Statistician, therefore I would be very appreciated if you answer it in a simple way. 1. First of all, more general question. Standard anova() function for lm() or aov() models in R implements Type I sum of squares (sequential), which is not well suited for unbalanced ANOVA. Therefore it is better
2004 Aug 11
type III sum of squares
R-help What are the strengths and weakness of 'aov' in 'car' package? My model looks something like this : library(car) aov(lm(fish.length~zone*area, Thank you Luis Ridao Cruz Fiskiranns??knarstovan N??at??n 1 P.O. Box 3051 FR-110 T??rshavn Faroe Islands Phone: +298 353900 Phone(direct): +298 353912 Mobile: +298 580800 Fax:
2008 Sep 14
Nonlinear regression question&
I was unable to open this file Bill Venables' excellent "Exegeses on Linear Models" posted at I'd be very interested in reading it? Thanks Esther Meenken Biometrician Crop & Food Research Private Bag 4704 Christchurch TEL: (03) 325 9639 FAX: (03) 325 2074 EMAIL:MeenkenE at Visit our website at
2005 Nov 24
type III sums of squares in R
Hi everyone, Can someone explain me how to calculate SAS type III sums of squares in R? Not that I would like to use them, I know they are problematic. I would like to know how to calculate them in order to demonstrate that strange things happen when you use them (for a course for example). I know you can use drop1(lm(), test="F") but for an lm(y~A+B+A:B), type III SSQs are only
2000 Aug 12
Nonlinear regression question
Dear R users I recently migrated from Statistica/SigmaPlot (Windows) to R (Linux), so please excuse if this may sound 'basic'. When running a nonlinear regression (V = Vmax * conc / (Ks + conc), i.e. Michaelis-Menten) on SigmaPlot, I get the output listed below: >>>Begin SigmaPlot Output<<< R = 0.94860969 Rsqr = 0.89986035 Adj Rsqr = 0.89458984 Standard Error of
2009 Oct 27
anova interaction contrasts: crossing helmert and linear contrasts
I am new to statistics, R, and this list, so apologies in advance for the errors etiquette I am certain to make (in spite of reading the posting guide, help on various commands, etc.). ?Any help is greatly appreciated. Here is my data: fatigue = c(3,2,2,3,2,3,4,3,2,4,5,3,3,2,4,5,4,5,5,6,4,6,9,8,4,3,5,5,6,6,6,7,9,10,12,9) n <- 3 train <- gl(3, 4*n, labels=c("6wks",
2004 Mar 03
Confusion about coxph and Helmert contrasts
Hi, perhaps this is a stupid question, but i need some help about Helmert contrasts in the Cox model. I have a survival data frame with an unordered factor `group' with levels 0 ... 5. Calculating the Cox model with Helmert contrasts, i expected that the first coefficient would be the same as if i had used treatment contrasts, but this is not true. I this a error in reasoning, or is it
2006 Sep 29
Helmert contrasts for repeated measures and split-plot expts
Dear R-help I have two separate experiments, one a repeated-measures design, the other a split-plot. In a standard ANOVA I have usually undertaken a multiple-comparison test on a significant factor with e.g TukeyHSD, but as I understand it such a test is inappropriate for repeated measures or split-plot designs. Is it therefore sensible to use Helmert contrasts for either of these designs?
2011 Jul 20
Analysis of unbalanced data in nlme or car
I am analyzing a dataset on the effects of six pesticides on population growth rate of a predatory mite. The response variable is the population growth rate of the mite expressed as ln(Nfinal/Nstarting) of the mite, where N final the population of the mite at the end of the experiment and N starting the population of the mite at the beginning of the experiment. Each of the six treatments was ran
2005 Apr 13
multinom and contrasts
Hi, I found that using different contrasts (e.g. contr.helmert vs. contr.treatment) will generate different fitted probabilities from multinomial logistic regression using multinom(); while the fitted probabilities from binary logistic regression seem to be the same. Why is that? and for multinomial logisitc regression, what contrast should be used? I guess it's helmert? here is an example
2001 Jun 15
contrasts in lm and lme
I am using RW 1.2.3. on an IBM PC 300GL. Using the data bp.dat which accompanies Helen Brown and Robin Prescott 1999 Applied Mixed Models in Medicine. Statistics in Practice. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, USA which is also found at The data file was opened and initialized with > dat <- read.table("bp.dat") >