similar to: lme4 install trouble

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "lme4 install trouble"

2006 Jan 10
glmmPQL / "system is computationally singular"
Hi, I'm having trouble with glmmPQL from the MASS package. I'm trying to fit a model with a binary response variable, two fixed and two random variables (nested), with a sample of about 200,000 data points. Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message that is difficult to understand without knowing the internals of the glmmPQL function. > model <- glmmPQL(primed ~
2008 Jan 24
(lme4: lmer) mcmcsamp: Error in if (var(y) == 0)
I've got a problem with "mcmcsamp" used with glmer objects produced with "lmer" from the lme4 package. When calling mcmcsamp, I get the error Error in if (var(y) == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed This does not occur with all models, but I can't find anything wrong with the dataset. If the error is in my data, can someone tell me what I am looking
2008 Jan 20
read.table: wrong error message? (PR#10592)
--Apple-Mail-44--797532055 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I believe read.table may report misleading errors. In this example, where a header line in a file has an incorrect number of row names (28 instead of 29), I get the error message "duplicate row.names are not allowed". However, I cannot not find any
2006 Jan 24
Condor and R
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has successfully linked R against the Condor libraries so that R can be run as a Condor job in the "standard" (not "vanilla") universe. The advantage of this would be that due to checkpointing, jobs can be suspended and transferred to another node. There is a good overview by Xianhong Xie here:
2008 Aug 19
R vs Stata on generalized linear mixed models: glmer and xtmelogit
Hello, I have compared the potentials of R and Stata about GLMM, analysing the dataset 'ohio' in the package 'faraway' (the same dataset is analysed with GEE in the book 'Extending the linear model with R' by Julian Faraway). Basically, I've tried the 2 commands 'glmmPQL' and 'glmer' of R and the command 'xtmelogit' of Stata. If I'm not
2013 May 18
glmer.nb: function not in downloaded lme4 package?
Dear R Help, I would like to use the glmer.nb function for mixed modelling using negative binomial distribution please. On the CRAN website apparently this function is called from the lme4 package (version 0.99999911-1). I have downloaded the latest version of the lme4 package (version 0.999999-2) and have recently reinstalled the latest version of 64-bit R (version 3.0.1) but after
2010 Feb 09
step and glmer
Is it possible to use the step() function with a glmer() as an object? I obtain the following error message when I try to do it: "Error in x$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class". I perform the glmer correctly but I can't do the step. Thank you so much. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2006 Jan 13
glmmPQL: Na/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
I'm using glmmPQL, and I still have a few problems with it. In addition to the issue reported earlier, I'm getting the following error and I was wondering if there's something I can do about it. Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) : Na/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3) ... Warnings: 1: Singular precistion matrix in level -1, block 4 (...) 4: "" The
2013 Nov 07
Error running MuMIn dredge function using glmer models
Dear list, I am trying to use MuMIn to compare all possible mixed models using the dredge function on binomial data but I am getting an error message that I cannot decode. This error only occurs when I use glmer. When I use an lmer analysis on a different response variable every works great. Example using a simplified glmer model global model: mod<- glmer(cbind(st$X2.REP.LIVE,
2008 Aug 25
Specifying random effects distribution in glmer()
I'm trying to figure out how to carry out a Poisson regression fit to longitudinal data with a gamma distribution with unknown shape and scale parameters. I've tried the 'lmer4' package's glmer() function, which fits the Poisson regression using: library('lme4') fit5<- glmer(seizures ~ time + progabide + timeXprog + offset(lnPeriod) + (1|id), data=pdata,
2011 Nov 14
lme4:glmer with nested data
Dear all, I have the following dataset with results from an experiment with individual bats that performed two tasks related to prey capture under different conditions: X variables: indiv - 5 individual bats used in the experiment; all of which performed both tasks task - 2 tasks that each individual bat had to perform dist - 5 repeated measures of individual bats at 5 different distances from
2008 Aug 20
bug in lme4?
Dear all, I found a problem with 'lme4'. Basically, once you load the package 'aod' (Analysis of Overdispersed Data), the functions 'lmer' and 'glmer' don't work anymore: library(lme4) (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) (gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd), family = binomial, data
2008 Aug 07
incorrect usage of glmer crashes R (PR#12375)
Full_Name: susscorfa Version: 2.7.1 OS: ubuntu Submission from: (NULL) ( Incorrect implementation of the grouping variable in the function glmer crashes R a small example: require(lme4); a<-data.frame(b=rpois(1000,10), c=gl(20,50), d=rnorm(1000,3), e=rnorm(1000,5), f=rnorm(1000,2)+5); glmer(b~d+f|c+(e), family=poisson, data=a) It crashes R on debian linux (2 independant
2011 May 13
using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed response variable
Sub: using glmer to fit a mixed-effects model with gamma-distributed response variable Hello, I'm currently trying to fit a mixed effects model , i.e.: > burnedmodel1.2<-glmer(gpost.f.crwn.length~lg.shigo.av+dbh+leaf.area+|site/transect/plot), family=gaussian, na.action=na.omit, data=rws30.BL) If I run this code, I get the error below: Error:
2010 Mar 14
likelihood ratio test between glmer and glm
I am currently running a generalized linear mixed effect model using glmer and I want to estimate how much of the variance is explained by my random factor. summary(glmer(cbind(female,male)~date+(1|dam),family=binomial,data= liz3")) Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation Formula: cbind(female, male) ~ date + (1 | dam) Data: liz3 AIC BIC logLik deviance 241.3
2011 May 16
Problem on glmer
Hi all, I was trying to fit a Gamma hierarchical model using "glmer", but got weird error message that I could not understand. On the other hand, a similar call to the glmmPQL leads to results that are close to what I expect. I also tried to change tha "nAGQ" argument in "glmer", but it did not solve the problem. The model I was fitting has a simple structure - one
2008 Jul 16
Likelihood ratio test between glm and glmer fits
Dear list, I am fitting a logistic multi-level regression model and need to test the difference between the ordinary logistic regression from a glm() fit and the mixed effects fit from glmer(), basically I want to do a likelihood ratio test between the two fits. The data are like this: My outcome is a (1,0) for health status, I have several (1,0) dummy variables RURAL, SMOKE, DRINK, EMPLOYED,
2010 Mar 20
Problem specifying Gamma distribution in lme4/glmer
Dear R and lme4 users- I am trying to fit a mixed-effects model, with the glmer function in lme4, to right-skewed, zero-inflated, non-normal data representing understory grass and forb biomass (continuous) as a function of tree density (indicated by leaf-area). Thus, I have tried to specify a Gamma distribution with a log-link function but consistently receive an error as follows: >
2008 Sep 17
Hi everyone, I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed effects model (logistic) in R and am having some trouble specifying the covariance structure for the random effects. I'm using glmer, which by default assumes an unstructured relationship between the random effects, but I want the structure to be a multiple of an identity. Here is my code: glmer(y ~ 1 + (x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
2013 Jan 18
Nesting fixed factors in lme4 package
Hi, can anyone tell me how to nest two fixed factors using glmer in lme4? I have a split-plot design with two fixed factors - A (whole plot factor) and B (subplot factor), both with two levels. I want to do GLMM as I also want to include different plots as a random factor. But I am interested on the effect of A a B and their interaction on the response variable. I tried