similar to: transparent colors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "transparent colors"

2004 Oct 07
How to use alpha transparency channel for colors?
The release notes for R 2.0.0 states: It is now possible to specify colours with a full alpha transparency channel via the new 'alpha' argument to the rgb() and hsv() functions, or as a string of the form "#RRGGBBAA". NOTE: most devices draw nothing if a colour is not opaque, but PDF and Quartz devices will render semitransparent colours. A new argument
2007 Jun 28
align() function missing in R ?
Dear list members, I switched from Splus to R a few years ago and so far found no functionality missing. However, I am struggling to find the equivalent align() function for time series. I did find some reduced functionality such as alignDailySeries in package:fCalendar but the full capability of aligning two timeseries seems to be missing. Could this be true ? I am sure there must be a need
2007 Apr 24
R as a server on Linux
Hi, I am trying to avid the somewhat costly startup overhead of launching a separate R executable for each "client" request on Linux. My current architecture is such that My Java client explicitly calls R in batch mode and passes it certain parameters. The initital startup takes almost 10 seconds because R has to load a bunch of libraries as well as a moderately large, previously
2008 Apr 17
pnbinom.c qnorm.c
Dear R users, I was wondering from where I could get the C source code to compute pnbinom() and qnorm() ? (I would use R in batch mode but I find the startup time prohibitive, unless there is a way to speed it up) I searched the Web and it clearly is part of the R distribution, I just don't know how to extract them. Thanking you ! Markus Loecher Princeton, NJ [[alternative HTML version
2010 Mar 09
MASS package not on CRAN ?
The MASS package is listed on the CRAN web site ( but I am unable to install it via install.packages(). The error is that the package is "unavailable". When I manually download the source tar ball and try to install it on a Linux machine, installation fails because "it is not a valid package". Do I need to search
2008 Nov 12
apply() just loops ?
Dear R users, I have been diligently using the apply() family in order to avoid explicit for loops and speed up computation. However, when I finally inspected the source code for apply, it appears that the core computation is a simple loop as well. What am I missing ? Why the often found advice to use apply() instead of loops and the actually observed empirical speedups on many tasks ? Thanks in
2011 Apr 13
latex, eps graphics and transparent colors
I have a diagram to be included in latex, where all my figures are .eps graphics (so pdflatex is not an option) and I want to achieve something like the following: three concentric filled circles varying in lightness or saturation. It is easiest to do this using transparency, but in my test using the postscript driver, the transparent color fills do not appear. Is it correct that postscript()
2011 Feb 19
barplot, different color for shading lines and bar
Dear all, might there be a modified barplot function out there which allows the user to specify a fill color for the bars and independent parameters for the overlaid shading lines ? Currently, when I specify density and col, the fill color for the bars is white. Thanks! Markus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 18
source code for prompt()
Dear R community, pardon my ignorance but how would you get the source code for"non-visible functions" ? For example, I would like to see and modify the source code for the prompt() function. Thanks! Markus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jun 05
read.table, row.names arg
Dear R users, I had somehow expected that read.table() would treat the column specified by the row.names argument as of class character. That seems to be the only sensible class allowed for a column containing row names. However, that does not seem to be the case, as the following example shows: x <- = c("010007787048271871", "1007109516820319",
2010 Sep 10
modifying axis labels in lattice panels
Dear all, I am struggling to modify the axis labels/ticks in a panel provided to xyplot. To begin with, I do not know the equivalent of the xaxt="n" directive for panels that would set the stage for no default x axis being drawn. My goal is to draw ticks and custom formatted labels at certain hours of the week. When I execute the code below, I get an error message in the plot window that
2011 Mar 29
ggplot2: scale_y_log10() with geom_histogram
Dear ggplot2 users, is there an easy/elegant way to suppress zero count bars in histograms with logarithmic y axis ? One (made up) example would be qplot(exp(rnorm(1000))) + geom_histogram(colour = "cornsilk", fill = "darkblue") + scale_x_sqrt() + scale_y_log10() Thanks! Markus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2000 Oct 24
installation problems with rbitmap.c (PR#703)
Full_Name: Markus Loecher Version: 1.1.1 OS: Solaris Submission from: (NULL) ( When trying to install R on a Sun SPARC, make fails in the very end, here is the error message: rbitmap.c:239: parse error before `jmp_buf' rbitmap.c:239: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union rbitmap.c: In function `my_error_exit': rbitmap.c:257: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
2009 Sep 18
as.POSIXct(as.Date()) independent of timezone
Dear R users, I am struggling a bit with the converting dates to full POSIX timestamps, in particular, I would like to somehow force the timezone to be local, i.e. the output of as.POSIXct(as.Date("2008-07-01")) should always be equal to "2008-07-01 00:00:00", is that achievable ? I tried to set the origin and the timezone, neither of which seems to make a difference. On my Mac
2009 Oct 30
possible memory leak in predict.gbm(), package gbm ?
Dear gbm users, When running predict.gbm() on a "large" dataset (150,000 rows, 300 columns, 500 trees), I notice that the memory used by R grows beyond reasonable limits. My 14GB of RAM are often not sufficient. I am interpreting this as a memory leak since there should be no reason to expand memory needs once the data are loaded and passed to predict.gbm() ? Running R version 2.9.2 on
2010 Mar 23
no predict function in lme4 ?
Dear mixed effects modelers, I seem unable to find a predict method for mer objects in the package lme4. Am I not seeing the forest for the trees ? Any pointer would be very helpful. Thanks, Markus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 06
making scatter plot points fill semi-transparent
hi all, i have a simple scatter plot, and i'd like to make it so the scatter plot colors are slightly transparent. i see in a previous post that someone mentioned the "alpha" parameter, but i am not sure how it can be used with the 'plot' function [*]. for example, suppose i have: plot(mydata$column1, mydata$column2, col="red", cex=1) i now want to make it so
2009 Feb 08
updating contents of a package
Dear fellow R users, I read through the "Writing R Extensions" document and am able to now create my own packages/libraries which so far are just well documented collections of my own R functions. I use package.skeleton() and the tools package to build these packages. However, it is not clear to me how to modify and update a package after its initial creation. How do you elegantly update
2010 Sep 21
package gbm, predict.gbm with offset
Dear all, the help file for predict.gbm states that "The predictions from gbm do not include the offset term. The user may add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired." I am just not sure how exactly, especially for a Poisson model, where I believe the offset is multiplicative ? For example: library(MASS) fit1 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age +
2009 May 05
quick square root axes
Dear R users, while I enjoy the built-in log argument to the plot() function, I wished it would be as easy to create more general custom transformed axes such as sqrt(), logit, etc... for example, instead of plot(x=exp(rnorm(10)), y=(1:10)^4, log = "xy"), sth. along the lines of plot(x=exp(rnorm(10)), y=(1:10)^4, trans = list(x = log, y = sqrt)) to encode the desired transfomation.