similar to: Setting qplot default options

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Setting qplot default options"

2007 Oct 11
Axis value as percentage
Hello, I am using ggplot2 to display some distributions, I my data, there are percentages represented as 0.10, 0.13, ... I now want to do the axis show "5%", "10%", "15%", ... Is there is simple way to do this? I tried to use scale_y_prob(), but I didn't get through it. Thanks and regards, Christoph
2007 Oct 08
Specify plot size
Hello, I have another (possibly easy) question: How to specify the size of a plot? When I draw a plot, I can freely change the size of the window, which is nice for single plots to find the best height/width ratio, but as I need a lot of plots in my work, I want to look them all the same, so I need to specify the size in advance. Thanks for help, Christoph
2009 Jun 01
ggplot2 and Date class
I'm trying to plot a time series in ggplot, but a date column in my data frame is causing errors. Rather than provide my own data, I'll just refer to the scale_date example at: , which reproduces the error. > df <- data.frame( date = seq(Sys.Date(), len=100, by="1 day")[sample(100, 50)], price = runif(50) ) > dt <- qplot(date,
2007 Oct 14
ggplot2: ordering categorial data
Hello again, everytime I think I got something to work, the next issue comes up... I have the following data.frame, I want to visualize: > data_rb tld spam1 spam2 share 1 ca 826436 73452 0.0889 2 org 470550 25740 0.0547 3 de 156042 15531 0.0995 4 com 140753 7527 0.0535 5 edu 34845 2507 0.0719 6 net 12781 382 0.0299 7 ru 7648 18 0.0024
2008 Feb 21
jpeg() creating empty files with qplot() in a loop
Hello all, I'm stuck with a strange issue with writing jpegs of plots to a folder in a loop. This works: for (step in 1:length(steps)) { jpeg(filename=paste("frame_",sprintf("%05d",step),".jpg",sep="")) plot(steps[[step]]) } But if I use qplot to generate the plot (which is my aim): for (step in 1:length(steps)) {
2009 Mar 12
Unable to run smoother in qplot() or ggplot() - complains about knots
I get the following error when I run qplot() qplot(grade, read,data = hhm.long.m, geom = c("point", "smooth")) Error in, data, knots) : x has insufficient unique values to support 10 knots: reduce k. I am not sure how to tackle this problem. When I take a subsample (< 1000) than I am able to run that function but with my sample
2009 Jun 10
ggplot, qplot: alpha channel for colors corresponding to factor
Hi, I have a qplot like the one in the minimal example below, except I also have faceting like this: qplot(jitter(Goodall),jitter(Better.adapt),colour=Second.adapt,facets=~Pol,data=d1) and with the real data I get quite a lot of overplotting, so I would like to add an alpha channel. In addition, I would like to be able to control which colors are used for each value of Second.adapt (which
2008 Mar 04
qplot (ggplot2) faceting histogram with missing values
Hi, I've run into a difficulty with qplot function (in the ggplot2 package). I can facet histograms even when the faceting variable contains missing values, but only so long as the faceting variable is not a factor. Example: y1 <- rnorm(10) x1 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA) x2 <- factor(c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4), NA)) library(ggplot2) qplot(y1, geom = "histogram", facets =
2011 Jun 06
qplot fill and colour not working as expected
I am just learning to use qplot and can't get the fill/colour to work. Below is the R code for a scatter plot and bar graph. library(ggplot2) x<-c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) y<-c(1,2,3,2,5,6,3) qplot(x,y, main="Scatter Plot Test", xlab="X Label Test", ylab="Y Label Test", colour="blue")z<-c("van", "van", "van",
2009 Jan 29
Adding vertical line to histogram and qplot "stacked" plot
R-users it appears I am leaning on your knowledge once again.  Is there any way to add a vertical line to a histogram and qplot "stacked" plot?  Here is my current attempt:   "qplot" approach attempt: qplot(Run, data = data_dataframe, breaks = breaks, fill = Temperature, main = short_title) + scale_x_continuous("Data") + scale_y_continuous("Freq")
2006 Oct 27
qplot of ggplot package how to plot different size according to the values and not to the weights?
I have the following Data structure $ step45 : Factor w/ 2 levels $ obserror : num 6.2 6.2 5.6 6.6 6.6 ... $ Mon : num 2.2 2.0 1.0 3.2 2.0 ... $ inc.comp : num 4 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 ... all I wanted to do is plotting Mon against obserror, the colors should be by step45 and the size of the symbol should be according to inc.comp so I did this:
2009 Jul 13
Strange error in qplot
Hi all, whenever I try to plot a histogram using qplot() function of "ggplot2" library, I get error like this : > qplot(rnorm(1000), geom="histogram", binwidth=0.2, main = "", xlab="", > ylab="") Error in scale[[1]] : subscript out of bounds However if I remove ylab="" argument, then it is working fine. Am I missing something?
2012 Jul 18
ggplot2 qplot pch not working anymore
Is there a way to use a continuous variable to pch in qplot? I believe this worked in previous version. I need to specify certain values of a shape for particular points so that multiple graphs all show the same shapes for the same streams. I have gone to the original data and added a pch column that I would like to use to specify the shapes to pch in qplot. Any help would be greatly
2010 Feb 14
Problems with boxplot in ggplot2:qplot
Dataframe closed contains balances of closed accounts: each row has month of closure (Date-type column month) and latest balance. I would like to plot by-month distributions of balances. A qplot call below produces several warnings and no output. Can anyone help? Thank you. PS. A really basic task, very similar to the examples on p. 71 of the ggplot2 book, apart from a Date grouping column; I
2010 Aug 23
change order of plot panels in faceted ggplot/qplot
Hi, I have a 5-paneled figure that i made using the facet function in qplot (ggplot). I've managed to arrange the panels into two rows/ three columns, but for the sake of easy visual comparisons between panels in my particular dataset, I want to have the two plots on the bottom align on the right hand side of the figure instead of the left. Here's an example: m <-
2009 Jan 28
Changing histogram stack in qplot
I've been using qplot pretty successfully to generate stacked histograms.  However, it appears that I need to tweak the colors a little.    I've got three temperature variables (characters not numeric) and I need to change from the default qplot colors to the following: Low = Blue Middle = black High = Red   Here is pseudo code of what I have currently:qplot(Run, data = TestData, breaks =
2011 Jan 14
bug in qplot (library ggplot2)
Hello, this following code give a nice png: /library(ggplot2) i <- 1 png(file=paste('test ',i,'.png',sep='')) qplot(carat, data=diamonds, fill=color,geom='histogram')+scale_y_continuous(i) / I would like to get more files, but the following code doesn't make any file: /library(ggplot2) for (i in 1:2) { png(file=paste('test
2011 Jul 12
qplot and for loops
I have 4 columns and 56 rows of made up data that I want to plot as a series of bar graphs. The idea is to create one bar graph for each of the 4 columns using a for loop. I tried the following command in RStudio and when I type x in the console I get just the 4th graph instead of all four graphs. I did not define what x is before hand. I was not sure what it would be. Any suggestions on how you
2010 Jun 09
specifying plot symbol sizes in qplot or ggplot2
Hi. first things first ... thanks for ggplot2. Now my question. I'm using qplot to generate a plot as follows where X,Y,Z, A are columns in a dataframe. qplot(X, Y, data=XYDATA, color=Z, geom=c("point"), size=A) This works as expected. Factor A has three levels so there are three sizes of the point plot symbol. I understand that the factor levels are mapped to symbol sizes.
2011 Dec 21
black and white in qplot? layout 4 graphs in one screen
Hello, I am trying to plot means and standard errors conditioned by a factor, using qplot. I am successful at getting the bar graph I want with a error bar, however I have tried many things and cannot get the bars to change colors. Currently showing as red and blue, but need it to be black and white for publication. Any suggestions please? Using a data set June, which is str: