similar to: problem with times

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "problem with times"

2007 Oct 08
sort time
Hello, I have got the following problem: > times <- c("02.07.2007", "03.07.2007","03.09.2007", "04.07.2007","05.07.2007") > mode(times) [1] "numeric" > tim <- as.character(times) > mode(tim) [1] "character" > sort(times) [1] "02.07.2007" "03.07.2007" "03.09.2007"
2007 Jul 22
Data Set
Hi Sir I have made a data set having 23 stations of rainfall. when I use the attach function to approach indevidual stations then following error occurr. *>attach(data)* *>S.Sharif #S.Sharif is the station name which has 50 data values* *Error: object "S.Sharif" not found* Now how to solve this problem. Thank You Regards -- AMINA SHAHZADI Department of Statistics GC
2009 Sep 17
Hello, I have 12 sample each sample has got 1000 observation, i.e I have a matrix X with 1000 rows and 12 columns! m <- svm(t(X)) p <- predict (m) Can anyone tell me how to use svmtrain() in R! Many Yhanks, Samuel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Sep 27
plot or boxplot!
Hello, if we suppose that times <- c("2006-05-14", "2006-06-12", "2006-06-12", "2006-05-14", "2006-05-14", "2006-06-12") value <- c(2,3,1,4,3,1) then with plot(times, value) we have two boxplots in one graph for 2006-05-14 and 2006-06-12 respectively! Is it possible to have them in a scatterplot? and
2003 Feb 11
Dynamic Linear Models for Times Series - Implemented?
Hi, I was wondering whether a package that can perform dynamic linear models on times series data was available for R? Many Thanks, Gavin Simpson %~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~%~% Gavin Simpson [T] +44 (0)20 7679 5522 ENSIS Research Fellow [F] +44 (0)20 7679 7565 ENSIS Ltd. & ECRC [E] gavin.simpson at
2007 Sep 26
Hello, I have got the following problem: > setwd("C:/temp") > library(xlsReadWrite) > MyData <- read.xls(file="Mappe1.xls", colNames = TRUE,dateTimeAs = "isodatetime") > attach(MyData) > MyData name value times 1 A1 2 2006-05-12 2 A2 3 2006-05-16 3 A3 1 2006-05-12 4 A4 4 2006-05-12 5 A5 2
2008 Mar 14
SAS data
Hello, I am trying to read the SAS file MyData.sa7bdat in R! This file is saved under D:\data! I therefore wrote > path <-"D:/SasData" > sashome <- "C/Progra, Files/SAS Institute/9_1/SAS" > sascmd <- file.path(sashome, "sas.exe") > MyData <- read.ssd(path, "MyData", sascmd=sascmd) The results what I get:
2010 Jan 19
OT: Software for specific visualisation of data...ideas?
Dear List, A student in the Department where I work would like to produce a graphic similar to this one: Does anyone know if the figure in the pdf can be generated in a specific software application for example? Any suggestions would be most gratefully received by the student concerned. Many thanks,
2012 Dec 29
Error in plot.envfit(ef, p.max = 0.1) : (subscript) logical subscript too long
Hello there, I'm trying to plot vectors with p<0.1 in a NMDS ordination plot using p.max. Below the scripts I'm using. I guess I'm missing something! could you please give me a hand? species<-metaMDS(species_matrix)ef<-envfit(species,environmentaldata_file,permu=999,na.rm=TRUE)efplot(species, dis="sites")plot(ef,p.max=0.1) Error in plot.envfit(ef, p.max = 0.1) :
2006 Oct 31
one problem about how to hold graphic with R
Sorry to disturb you, but can you help me to solve one little problem? I want to draw a graphic after another with R but I cannot find the first one after that. Do you know the command to hold the graphic with R? I remember with Matlab you may use "hold on". Thanks. -- Baohua Yang [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 08
Factor Analysis in R
Hi I am trying to run Factor Analysis using R...I am using the syntax factanal(m1, factors=3) but it's giving me an message Error in cov.wt(z) : 'x' must contain finite values only ...I am using a data set which is having only numeric variables and have some NA's also in it..What should I do next..Someone please help me out with the syntax..Thanks in advance Cheers Arup --
2009 Sep 15
identical(length(x), 1) returns FALSE, but print(length(x)) is 1, length(x)==1 is TRUE, and is.integer(lenght(x)) is TRUE????
Dear R, the condition: identical(length(x),1) returns FALSE but print(length(x)) returns 1 and: is.vector(x) is TRUE. is.integer(length(x)) is TRUE length(x) ==1 is TRUE I am puzzled. Regards -- Corrado Topi Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators Area 18,Department of Biology University of York, York, YO10 5YW, UK Phone: + 44 (0) 1904 328645, E-mail: ct529 at
2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List, I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the labels on some plots. I have got to here but now I'm stuck: plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, " yr"^{-1}))) Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2008 Mar 03
help for the first poster- a simple question
Hi, there, I cannot get accurate value for calculation. for example: ld<-sqrt(1*0.05*0.95*0.05*0.95) 0.05*0.95-ld=-6.938894e-18 0.05*0.95-ld==0 is False. I met this problem in my program, how can I handle it. Thanks. xj.
2010 Aug 21
basic hist() question
Hi list I loaded the content of a file dureetasks.txt to variable a. This file contains an interger per line. when I print a vector, it displays correctly. however, when I try to print the histogram, I get this error message > a=read.table("dureetasks.txt") > hist(a) Error in hist.default(a) : 'x' must be numeric Can you help please? regards -- PhD candidate in
2011 Nov 18
cca with repeated measures
Dear all, How can I run a constrained correspondence analysis with the following data: 15 animals were measured repeatedly month-wise (over to 2 years) according to ther diet composition (8 food categories). our data.frame looks like this: food 1 2 ... 8 sex season year animal freq 12 8 ... 1 0 summer 2011 1 freq 0 7 ... 0 1 winter 2011 1 ... freq 0 7 ... 0 1 spring 2011 15 We
2005 Aug 16
problem using model.frame()
Hi I'm having a problem with model.frame, encapsulated in this example: y1 <- matrix(c(3,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,1), nrow = 5, byrow = TRUE) y1 <- rownames(y1) <- paste("site", 1:5, sep = "") colnames(y1) <- paste("spp", 1:4, sep = "") y1 model.frame(~ y1) Error in model.frame(formula, rownames,
2008 Jul 23
Weighted variance function?
There is a R function to calculate weighted mean : weighted.mean() under stats package. Is there any direct R function for calculating weighted variance as well? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Nov 03
merging dataframes
Dear List, I often have to merge two or more data frames containing unique row names but with some columns (names) common to the two data frames and some columns not common. This toy example will explain the kind of setup I am talking about: mat1 <-, nrow = 5)) mat2 <-, nrow = 4)) rownames(mat1) <- paste("site",
2009 Nov 05
annotating time axis by axis.POSIXct
Dear all I try to format labels on axis as standard ones does not look well, but I am not able to make axis.POSIXct to work. here is an example x<-seq(as.Date("2008-1-1"), as.Date("2009-9-6"), by="2 months") y<-rnorm(11) plot(x,y) #not very sophisticated axis plot(x,y, axes=F) axis(2) axis.POSIXct(1, at=x, format="%m/%Y") # no axis The same is on