similar to: Extracting df (degree of freedom) & estfun (estimating function) from model built in lmer or lmer2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Extracting df (degree of freedom) & estfun (estimating function) from model built in lmer or lmer2"

2007 Sep 19
Robust or Sandwich estimates in lmer2
Dear R-Users: I am trying to find the robust (or sandwich) estimates of the standard error of fixed effects parameter estimates using the package "lmer2". In model-1, I used "robust=TRUE" on the other, in model-2, I used "robust=FALSE". Both models giving me the same estimates. So my question is, does the robust option works in lmer2 to get the robust estimates of
2007 Oct 08
estfun & df
Hello EVERYONE, I need an URGENT help from you please! How can I see the "estfun" (empirical estimating function) and "df" (degree of freedom) from the following mixed-model please? (fm1 <- lmer2(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) Many thanks in advance for your kind help. Sattar
2007 Feb 08
How to get p-values, seperate vectors of regression coefficients and their s.e. from the "yags" output?
Hello R-users: I am using "yags" for fitting GEE which is giving me the same result as "Proc GENMOD". Now I have couple of questions related to yags output. (By the way, someone told me to run the geeglm for the same analysis and I did run but did not get the same result as of genmod and don't know how to correct the geeglm codes so that all three will be same!)
2007 Jan 29
lmer2 error under Mac OS X on PowerPC G5 but not on Dual-Core Intel Xeon
> (fm1 <- lmer2(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) Error in as.double(start) : Calloc could not allocate (888475968 of 4) memory ************************* > sessionInfo() R version 2.4.1 (2006-12-18) powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0 locale: C attached base packages: [1] "grid" "datasets" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
2008 Apr 25
Use of survreg.distributions
Dear R-user: I am using survreg(Surv()) for fitting a Tobit model of left-censored longitudinal data. For logarithmic transformation of y data, I am trying use survreg.distributions in the following way: tfit=survreg(Surv(y, y>=-5, type="left")~x + cluster(id), dist="gaussian",, scale=0, weights=w) my.gaussian<-survreg.distributions$gaussian
2007 May 26
How to get the "Naive SE" of coefficients from the zelig output
Dear R-user: After the fitting the Tobit model using zelig, if I use the following command then I can get the regression coefficents: beta=coefficients(il6.out) > beta (Intercept) apache 4.7826 0.9655 How may I extract the "Naive SE" from the following output please? > summary(il6w.out) Call: zelig(formula =$il6 ~$apache, model =
2007 May 04
Library & Package for Tobit regression
Hello R-Users: I am want to use tobit regression for left censored panel/longitudinal data. Could you please provide me the name of "library" and/or "package" that will give me option of fitting tobit regression model for longitudinal data? Thank you. Sattar __________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 02
Fitting Weighted Estimating Equations
Hello Everybody: I am searching for an R package for fitting Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) with weights (i.e. Weighted Estimating Equations). From the R documentation I found "geese(geepack)" for fitting Generalized Estimating Equations. In this documentation, under the paragraph “weights” it has been written, “an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.
2010 May 14
Creating an S3 method when the generic function is defined in another (imported) package
Hi, In one of my packages (maxLik), I would like to add an S3 method, where the generic function (estfun) is defined in another package (sandwich). Everything works fine if my package "Depends" on the other package and I import the generic function "estfun" from the "sandwich" package and define the new method in the NAMESPACE file. However, I prefer not to load the
2007 Jan 25
New version of lme4 and new mailing list R-SIG-mixed-models
Version 0.9975-11 of the lme4 package has been uploaded to CRAN. The source package should be available on the mirrors in a day or two and binary packages should follow soon after. There are several changes in this release of the package. The most important is the availability of a development version of lmer called, for the time being, lmer2. At present lmer2 only fits linear mixed models.
2007 Jan 25
New version of lme4 and new mailing list R-SIG-mixed-models
Version 0.9975-11 of the lme4 package has been uploaded to CRAN. The source package should be available on the mirrors in a day or two and binary packages should follow soon after. There are several changes in this release of the package. The most important is the availability of a development version of lmer called, for the time being, lmer2. At present lmer2 only fits linear mixed models.
2011 Sep 19
"could not find function" after import
I am trying to build a package (GWASTools, submitted to Bioconductor) that uses the "sandwich" package. I have references to "sandwich" in DESCRIPTION: Imports: methods, DBI, RSQLite, sandwich, survival, DNAcopy and NAMESPACE: import(sandwich) In the code itself is a call to vcovHC: Vhat <- vcovHC(mod, type="HC0") I have sandwich version 2.2-7 installed.
2011 Apr 20
survexp with weights
Hello, I probably have a syntax error in trying to generate an expected survival curve from a weighted cox model, but I can't see it. I used the help sample code to generate a weighted model, with the addition of a "weights=albumin" argument (I only chose albumin because it had no missing values, not because of any real relevance). Below are my code with the resulting error
2007 May 02
KS test pvalue estimation using mctest (library truncgof)
Hi, I'm trying to evaluate a Monte Carlo p-value (using truncgof package) on a left truncated sample. >From an empirical sample I've estimated a generalized pareto distribution parameters (xi, beta, threshold) (I've used fExtremes pkg). I'm in doubt on what of the following command is the most appropriate: Let: x<-sample t<-threshold xt<-x[x>t] xihat<-gpdFit(x,
2010 Mar 20
different forms of nls recommendations
Hello, Using this data: US_Final_Values.txt and the following code i got the image at the end of this message:<-read.table("c:/tmp/US_Final_Values.txt",header=T,sep=" ") US.nls.1<-nls($ECe~a*$WTD^b+c,,start=list(a=2.75,b=-0.95,c=0.731),trace=TRUE)
2007 Feb 19
Urgent: How to obtain the Consistent Standard Errors after apply 2SLS through tsls() from sem or systemfit("2SLS") without this error message !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I am trying to obtain the heteroskedasticity consitent standard errors (HCSE) after apply 2SLS. I obtain 2SLS through tsls from package sem or systemfit: #### tsls #### library (sem) Reg2SLS <-tsls(LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D,~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D) summary (Reg2SLS) #### systemfit #### library (systemfit) RS <- LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D Inst <- ~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D labels
2012 Jul 24
Function for ddply
Hello, all. I'm new to R and just beginning to learn to write functions. I know I'm out of my depth posting here, and I'm sure my issue is mundane. But here goes. I'm analyzing the American National Election Study (nes), looking at mean values of a numeric dep_var (environ.therm) across values of a factor (partyid3). I use ddply from plyr and wtd.mean from Hmisc. The nes requires a
2005 Sep 19
How to mimic pdMat of lme under lmer?
Dear members, I would like to switch from nlme to lme4 and try to translate some of my models that worked fine with lme. I have problems with the pdMat classes. Below a toy dataset with a fixed effect F and a random effect R. I gave also 2 similar lme models. The one containing pdLogChol (lme1) is easy to translate (as it is an explicit notation of the default model) The more parsimonious
2004 Oct 21
Hmisc: Using stratified weighted means (wtd.mean) within a function
Hello list, I have the following function which, as you can see, uses mean: meanratings <- round(apply(stack03[,c(102:121)],2,function(x) (tapply(x ,actcode, mean, na.rm=T))), digits=1) The above function yields the following output: q27a q27b q27c q27d q27e q27f q27g q27h q27i q27j q27k q27l q27m q27o q27p 1 7.8 8.1 7.7 7.9 7.9 NaN NaN 8.4 7.8 7.0 7.6 NaN NaN 7.1 6.0 2
2010 Dec 29
as.object: function doesn't exist but I wish it did
I seem to come to this problem alot, and I can find my way out of it with a loop, but I wish, and wonder if there is a better way. Here's an example (lmer1-5 are a series of lmer objects): bs=data.frame(bic=BIC(lmer1,lmer2,lmer3,lmer4,lmer5)$BIC) rownames(bs)=c('lmer1','lmer2','lmer3','lmer4','lmer5') best=rownames(bs)[bs==min(bs)] > best [1]