similar to: Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Linux editor for R+LaTeX, but not Emacs"

2009 Apr 08
Sweave problem, with multicolumn tables from R to LaTeX
Hi there, I have been using the example provided bellow for a while, and It was working without any problem. Nevertheless, just since 2-3 days is not working, probably because I did update.packages(). I have tried to re-install the older versions of the packages Hmisc() and xtable(), but still does not work. Can you run this example, and tell me if you got the same problems? I use
2007 Apr 12
Method dispatch for print() in package its
Dear all, in the package its the print() method does not seem to correctly work in all circumstances: > selectMethod(print, "its") Method Definition: function (x, ...) { print(x@.Data <mailto:x@.Data> , ...) } <environment: namespace:its> Signatures: x target "its" defined "its" > fundPME.lst[[1]]$irr An object of
2007 Aug 03
Problem with making dll under Windows
Dear all, I have problems to compile a DLL for Windows XP with R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27). See output below: C:\AZ_DATEN\C, C++\BE_speedup>R CMD SHLIB dmypow.c Goto undefined subroutine &DynaLoader::bootstrap_inherit at C:\Programme\R\R-2.5 .1\share\perl/ line 80. Compilation failed in require at c:/Programme/Perl/lib/IO/ line 262. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted
2005 Apr 26
good editor for R sources ?
Dear all, (Sorry if the question has already been answered.) Could someone please suggest a good text editor for writing R sources ? (I know emacs exists ... but I find it a bit heavy). I use crimson ( which is small and simple, but the R syntax seems not to be supported. Thanks for any advice
2008 Feb 02
best text editor for Linux?
Hi all, I know this question has been asked in the past, but I am wondering if anyone running R on Linux has any guidance as to a text editor that works well with R. At the present time I am running R on Windows and using TINN-R. For a number of reasons I want to switch to Linux, but can't find much in the way of a text editor in sync with R. Any experiences, recommendations would be
2007 Apr 19
rbind() of factors in data.frame
Dear all, I would like to inquire, if it is a desired feature that the combination with rbind() of two data frames with factors columns does not sort the factors levels of the combined data frame. > str(rbind(data.frame(a = factor(c(4, 3))), data.frame(a = factor(c(2, 1))))) 'data.frame': 4 obs. of 1 variable: $ a: Factor w/ 4 levels
2006 Nov 10
lattice: histogram of factor variable
Dear all, I am encountering a problem with lattice in the current version 0.14-13 with R version 2.4.0 on a Windows XP system. For example, histogram(~voice.part, singer) is not labeling the x labels according to the factor levels of voice.part, which it should do (and has done in former versions of lattice, as far as I remember). In addition, I get the warnings Warning messages: 1:
2006 Nov 23
Problem with as.ts(zoo-object)
Dear all, I have an error message, when I try to convert a zoo object (called test) to ts (on R 2.4.0, Package zoo version 1.2-1, Windows XP) > test 1994-05-10 1994-06-09 1994-07-09 0.0024943889 0.0024881824 0.0006955831 > str(test) atomic [1:3] 0.002494 0.002488 0.000696 - attr(*, "index")=Class 'Date' num [1:3] 8895 8925 8955 > is.regular(test) [1] TRUE
2009 Aug 27
Best R text editors?
Quick informal poll: what is everyone's favorite text editor for working with R? I'd like to hear from people who are using editors that have some level of direct R interface (e.g. Tinn-R, Komodo+SciViews). Thanks! --j -- Jonathan A. Greenberg, PhD Postdoctoral Scholar Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS) University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue The
2010 Aug 02
Linux Editor
Hi Everyone, I recently have started using R again on a Linux box after spending several years on a Mac. Last I checked, the best way to use R was through EMACS using something like ESS. I remember that being serviceable but not always the most convenient. Is there anything comparable to the mac version of R with its built in console, editor, etc?? thanks! -- View this message in context:
2006 Nov 14
Error in str(its-object)
Dear all, on my Windows XP R 2.4.0 version with Package its version 1.1.4 I have a problem with str() applied on an its-object after a simple matrix manipulation on the its object (see below). I am not sure, whether this a problem with my application, its or str(). Of course, one can make > str(core(its(mat)) / 1) num [1:2, 1:3] 1 2 3 4 5 6 - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$
2006 Oct 18
Latex editor recommendations
This question is not oriented towards R, but is posted here because I have the impression that there are at least some Latex users among the contributors. The question is: What editors for Latex are to be recommended? I have located one: What other alternatives are there? I am (for the most part) using Windows XP. Tom
2010 Dec 16
editor for MacOS
Dear friends - I'm using Tinn-R in Windows and find it OK. My son is running MacOS and is just starting using R and I know nothing about MacOS and R but we seem to have difficulties in finding something similar to Tinn for MaC. What are your suggestions? Thanks a lot! Troels Ring, MD Aalborg, Denmark
2011 Jan 28
R-/Text-editor for Windows?
Tinn-R ( is one of the topmost suggestions when googling an R-(text-)editor for Windows. However, to me it appears dissappointing that Tinn-R does not handle utf-8 (mac-roman, or any other) encoded R-scripts or, in general, text files. Besides Emacs and the R built-in editor, could you recommend a good editor for Windows, even some commmercial for a small
2007 Apr 20
Suggestions for statistical computing course
Dear R-helpers, I am planning a course on Statistical Computing and Computational Statistics for the Fall semester, aimed at first year Masters students in Statistics. Among the topics that I would like to cover are linear algebra related to least squares calculations, optimization and root-finding, numerical integration, Monte Carlo methods (possibly including MCMC), bootstrap, smoothing and
2009 Jun 02
Most used R editors
Hi, I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which editor is the most used in the R community. This post is some kind of survey. Personally, I use Emacs with ESS, It permits to : - open more than one R session - split the emacs editor as many part as you want. - use a lot of keybindings. ... I also tried Rkwards, Scilab (windows), JGR etc... but they are not
2009 Mar 02
portable R editor
Hi, I have been dreaming about a complete R environment on my USB stick for a long time. Now I finally want to realize it but what I am missing is a good, portable editor for R which has tabs and syntax highlighting, can execute code, has bookmarks and a little project file management facility pretty much like Tinn-R has those. I like Tinn-R but it seems like there is only a very old version of
2006 Nov 06
Colour-coded Editor for R Code
Do any of you know any simple programming editors for R scripts which offer basic colour-coding and bracket-matching facilities? Dregging through scripts to find a missing comma or parentheses is something I'd rather do less of... Jon Minton [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 May 29
R GUI for Linux?
Hello all, I noticed that both Windows and OS X version of R have a GUI (Rconsole). Is there a GUI for Linux? I'm running Debian on which the CLI for R works just fine. Regards, - Robert
2003 Nov 20
best editor for .R files
Which is the best editor for .R files? I currently use kate on my linux as it has R highlighting and allows me to split the window into two: in one I edit the .R file and in the other I have a shell so I run R and can easily copy and paste the code. There are some features that I don't like and I am having a look on some alternatives. I've heard wonders of emacs with ess but I am a