similar to: plotting region

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "plotting region"

2009 Nov 30
Plotting color.legend() outside of plot region
Dear List, I am trying to plot a color.legend() in the right outer margin of my device region. I have read multiple threads on the subject and still can't get it right. I have stolen an example from one of the threads to demonstrate my problem. I have extended the outer margin using par(oma()), and have used par(xpd=NA) to tell it to plot in the device region. I can get the legend to plot
2006 Jan 24
Basic graphics question
I have a toy example given here: par(fig=c(0,1,0,0.05)) par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) par(plt=c(0,1,0,1)) par(oma=c(0,0,0,0)) par(ann=F) plot(c(0,1),c(0,1),type='n',xlab='',ylab='',main='') rect(0,0,1,1,col='gray75') What parameter am I missing to make the gray rectangle use the entire figure region? I am trying to build a plot from
2007 May 07
different hights & centering in one device region
Hello, I have a question. I creat a PDF file with four rows and two cols. Is it possible to: -create a plot regions with different hights (example: rows 1 & 2-4) -ro center an image in the whole width (example: rows 4) Thank's a lot. Felix example: -------- Title -------------------------------- |Text |Text | |Text |Text | --------------------------------- | | | | | |
2000 Feb 02
Outer margin (oma) settings for pairs()
I propose the following small changes to pairs.default. The point is to allow control of the outer margin settings, so that there is for example room for legends. [Note also the issue re the setting of par()$usr on exit] ---------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Replace function (x, labels, panel = points, main = NULL, font.main = par("font.main"),
2007 May 22
Legend outside plotting area
Hi, I have been trying many of the suggested options to place a legend outside plotting area, including something like this: par(xpd=T, oma=par()$oma+c(4.5,0,1.5,0),mar=par()$mar+c(1,0,1,0) But the aspect of the four plots gets compromised when I change the margin settings. I cannot use mtext because I need to use colors for the text. I tried layout, but wouldn't let me include
2020 Aug 20
[RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for representing function PLT entries
Hi all, We would like to propose a new Constant type in LLVM for representing entries in the Procedure Linkage Table (PLT). The PLT is a data structure used for dispatching position-independent function calls to appropriate functions where the address of the function is not known statically. Right now, if a call is made to a function, it may be lowered to a direct call to the function itself or
2017 Jul 26
axis() after image.plot() does not work except if points() is inserted between
Thanks... I agree that the problem was explained in the documentation but I can't find a way to have axis() working even manipulating par("plt") or with graphics.reset = TRUE: - adding graphics.reset=TRUE does not allow axis() to be shown; - I see that par()$plt is involved but it is the not sufficient to explain why axis() works because if it is changed by hand, axes are not
2020 Aug 21
[RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for representing function PLT entries
> -----Original Message----- > From: llvm-dev <llvm-dev-bounces at> On Behalf Of Fangrui > Song via llvm-dev > Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 10:18 PM > To: Leonard Chan <leonardchan at> > Cc: llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> > Subject: [EXT] Re: [llvm-dev] [RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for > representing function PLT
2007 Oct 14
ggplot2 geom_hline error
Hello R-List I've run into a minor problem with ggplot2. In particular, I get an error message when trying to plot a horizonal line through zero. Here is what I do: plt.df <- subset(xfm.df, select=c(stage, subj, tX)) plt <- ggplot(pp.df, aes(x=stage, y=tX, group=subj)) + geom_line() plt plt <- plt + geom_hline(intercept=0) plt The first plot yields a most lovely graph.
2020 May 07
Emitting a local alias
Hi, I wanted to see if there was a way in IR to emit a local alias such that I would get: ``` .type _ZTVSt13bad_exception, at object # @_ZTVSt13bad_exception .globl _ZTVSt13bad_exception _ZTVSt13bad_exception: *.L_ZTVSt13bad_exception:* .long 0 # 0x0 .long (_ZTISt13bad_exception.rtti_proxy-.L_ZTVSt13bad_exception)-8 .long
2020 Aug 21
[RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for representing function PLT entries
I do have concerns about the amount of object level modeling that we want to do in the IR though. While it isn't the highest level IR we've managed to mostly avoid these kinds of features/complications in the past. I'm definitely interested in hearing some alternate implementations here and there rather than a full set of constants for relocations. Keeping the IR abstract enough over
2012 Mar 13
[LLVMdev] MC JIT on ARM can't generate valid code for external functions call
Hello. We found the following problem with MC JIT, on ARM it can't generate valid code for instruction "bl <external_function>" like: bl printf Because the ELF file in memory generated by MC JIT does not have the .plt section, but we need to have the following code to be emitted in it: .plt:00008290 STR LR, [SP,#-4]! .plt:00008294
2009 Mar 17
Need a little help setting the upper median using "layout"...
The code I'm using is shown below. I would like to have a larger median at the top of the plot so that I can show the entirity of "title_text". Several times I tried messing with "par(mar", but that seemed to make matters worse. By any chance can anyone provide any insight as to the best way to increase the top/upper/northern margin, so the entirity of the title is
2010 May 06
How do I plot geoms in parallel in ggplot
Hello, I am new to ggplot. Please forgive my ignorance! I have patient data such that each individual is a row and then the attributes are in columns. So for example: Subj Time Height Weight WBC Plt 1 1 9 4 4 150 1 2 10 5 6 200 1 3 11 6 5 250 1 4
2020 Aug 30
[RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for representing function PLT entries
On Aug 24, 2020, at 6:47 PM, Leonard Chan via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at> wrote: > Thanks for the responses! I’m going to see if I can summarize the concerns and ideas people have (for my own clarity) and see where we can go on from there. Folks seem to be on board with the idea of introducing some new IR entity that (after linking) *could* be a reference into the PLT, but some
2005 Oct 25
pairs(oma) warnings (PR#8252)
Unlike R 2.1.1, version 2.2.0 generates warnings when an 'oma' argument as passed to pairs(): A <- rnorm(100) B <- rnorm(100) pairs(cbind(A,B)) # no warning pairs(cbind(A,B), oma=c(6,8,10,12)) # warnings in R 2.2.0 I think pairs() should draw the plot quietly, without warnings. Can't see anything in the documentation indicating that an
2008 Mar 27
Rule for accessing attributes?
Hi ! I am a new user and quite confused by R-indexing. Make a list and get the attributes lst <- list(x = 1:3, y = 4:6, z = 7:9) attributes(lst) This returns: $names [1] "x" "y" "z" I can easily do: nm <-names(lst) or nm <-attr(lst,"names") which both return the assigned names of the named list 'lst', but why then this doesn't
2020 Aug 22
[RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for representing function PLT entries
> -----Original Message----- > From: Fāng-ruì Sòng <maskray at> > Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 4:04 PM > To: Eli Friedman <efriedma at> > Cc: Leonard Chan <leonardchan at>; llvm-dev at > Subject: [EXT] Re: [llvm-dev] [RFC][LLVM] New Constant type for > representing function PLT entries > > On Fri, Aug
2007 Apr 27
Write text in the
Hey Felix, So basically what you want is a figure containing a block of four plots, with a main title for the figure? If that's the case then something like this should work: # BEGIN CODE # par(oma=c(0,0,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){ plot(NA,xlim=range(0,10),ylim=range(-5,5)) title(paste("Plot ",i,sep="")) } par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,0)) mtext("Main
2002 Jun 14
SCP2 implementation documentation?
Hi, I'm about to incorporate scp2 support to our current SSH2 server implentation and I could't find any document (RFC, internet draft, etc) about the implementation scp or scp2. Does anyone know where I could find some ??? Thanks -- Charles Gelinas Software Engineering Ericsson Inc. Datacom Networking and IP Services Access Product Unit charles.gelinas at Ph: (805)