similar to: mean of subset of rows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "mean of subset of rows"

2007 Oct 11
reference for logistic regression
Dear list, first accept my apologies for asking a non-R question. Can anyone point me to a good reference on logistic regression? web or book references would be great. I am interested in the use and interpretation of dummy variables and prediction models. I checked the contributed section in the CRAN homepage but could not find anything (Julian Faraway?s "practical Regression and ANOVA
2008 Mar 11
Design�s validate() output
Dear list Is there anywhere I could find further information on how to interpret the output for a logistic regression for validate() from Design package?. I tried ?validate and google but I cannot find information on what the rows and the columns represent. Thanks David
2007 Sep 12
k-means clustering
Dear list, first apologies for this is not strictly an R question but a theoretical one. I have read that use of k-means clustering assumes sphericity of data distribution. Can anyone explain me what this means? My statistical background is too poor. Is it another kind of distribution, like gaussian or binomial? What does it happen if the distribution is not spherical? Could you give me an
2008 Feb 08
Dear list I would like to compare two measurements of disease severity (M1 and M2), one of the is continuous (M1 ranging from 1 to 10) and the other is ordinal (M2 takes Low, Medium, high and very high). Do you think is ok to use cor() function to test whether the two agree, i.e correlate? I am afraid that if I set M2 to 1,2,3 and 4, the function cor() will take them as continuous and
2008 Jan 21
summary of categorical variables
Dear list, I have a data.frame with nine categorical variables (0,1,2 and NAs) that I would like to get the number of events for each of them. I can extract this using summary() for each variable at a time with the as.factor()argument (otherwise it will get me the mean value): >summary(as.factor(mydf[,3])) 0 1 2 NA's 194 67 4 2 Trying to use apply() to get this for
2008 Jan 18
histogram with NAs
Dear list, I have a categorical variable in a data.frame that I would like to plot using a histogram to show number of events. Values are 0, 1 and some NAs. I can?t make the hist() function to 1) include a column with the number of NAs 2) have the x axis to be categorical, I always get 0, 0.2, 0.4,... 1 divisions Can anyone help me? This is my code. "database" is my data.frame and
2024 May 15
Extracting values from Surv function in survival package
OS X R 4.3.3 Colleagues I have created objects using the Surv function in the survival package: > FIT.1 Call: survfit(formula = FORMULA1) n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL SUBDATA$ARM=1, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=0 18 13 345 156 NA SUBDATA$ARM=2, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=1 13 5 NA 186 NA SUBDATA$ARM=2, SUBDATA[, EXP.STRAT]=2 5
2024 May 16
Extracting values from Surv function in survival package
Hi Dennis, look at the help page for summary.survfit, the Value n.event. G?ran On 2024-05-15 22:41, Dennis Fisher wrote: > OS X > R 4.3.3 > > Colleagues > > I have created objects using the Surv function in the survival package: >> FIT.1 > Call: survfit(formula = FORMULA1) > > n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL >
2008 May 16
reading and analyzing a text file
Dear list, I have a text file from a scanner that includes 20 lines of text (scanner settings) before it actually starts showing the readings in a tabular format (headings are ID, intensity, background and few others). I am a biologist with some experience using R and my question is if it is possible to read this file into an R workspace and store the actual readings in a dataframe,
2007 Aug 01
Problem to remove loops in a routine
Dear R-users, I have written the following code to generate some trellis plots. It works perfectly fine except that it is quite slow when it is apply to my typical datasets (over several thousands of lines). I believe the problem comes from the loops I am using to subset my data.frame. I read in the archives that the tapply function is often more efficient than a loop in R. Unfortunately ,
2009 Sep 14
Eliminate cases in a subset of a dataframe
Hi folks, I created a subset of a dataframe (i.e., selected only men): subdata <- subset(data,data$gender==1) After a residual diagnostic of a regression analysis, I detected three outliers: linmod <- lm(y ~ x, data=subdata) plot(linmod) Say, the cases 11,22, and 33 were outliers. Here comes the problem: When I want to exclude these three cases in a further regression analysis, - for
2011 Aug 17
How to apply a function to subsets of a data frame *and* obtain a data frame again?
Dear all, First, let's create some data to play around: set.seed(1) (df <- data.frame(Group=rep(c("Group1","Group2","Group3"), each=10), Value=c(rexp(10, 1), rexp(10, 4), rexp(10, 10)))[sample(1:30,30),]) ## Now we need the empirical distribution function: edf <- function(x) ecdf(x)(x) # empirical distribution function evaluated at x ##
2003 Mar 25
Help with data.frame subsets
Hello all, I'm trying to get a subset of a data frame by taking all rows where the 2nd column is >= Min and <= Max. I can do that by a 2 step process similar to the following: subData <- dataFrame[dataFrame[,2] >= Min,] subData2 <- subData[subData[,2] <= Max,] Then I try to graph the results where col 2 is the X var and col 3 is the Y var. Therefore I do the following: X
2011 Oct 31
googleVis motionchart - slow with Date class
Hi, I am trying to create a googleVis motion chart with monthly data. When formatting the date column as a Date class variable, the plot as presented in the browser becomes considerably slower and very prone to crashing the browser. To illustrate this issue I have modified the WorldBank demo. ### objects from demo("WorldBank", package = "googleVis") M <-
2008 Jun 19
Advanced Filtering problem subdata.csv I've attached 100 rows of a data frame I am working with. I have one factor, id, with 27 levels. There are two columns of reference data, x and y (UTM coordinates), one column "date" in POSIXct format, and one column "diff" in times format (chron package). What I am trying to do is as follows: For each day
2007 Jun 21
Overlaying lattice graphs (continued)
Dear R Users, I recently posted an email on this list about the use of data.frame and overlaying multiple plots. Deepayan kindly indicated to me the panel.superposition command which worked perfectly in the context of the example I gave. I'd like to go a little bit further on this topic using a more complex dataset structure (actually the one I want to work on). >mydata Plot
2012 Sep 24
stop on rows where !$ti_all)
Dear R experts, I got help to build a loop but there is a bug inside it that causes one part of the mechanism to fail. It should grow once, but if keep growing on rows where $ti_all is not NA. Here is a wall of code that very crudely demonstrates the problem, there is a couple of dim() outputs at the end where you can see how it the second time around keeps adds (2) rows, but this does not
2003 Oct 16
returning dynamic variable names from function
Within a function I'm assigning dynamic variable names and values to them using the "assign" function. I want to pass back the results but am uncertain how to do this. Basically, my function reads a number of data files and uses the filename of each file as the variable name for a list-to-become-dataframe. I want then to pass all these lists back, but again, the names of the
2008 Mar 03
handling big data set in R
Hello R users, I'm wondering whether it is possible to manage big data set in R? I have a data set with 3 million rows and 3 columns (X,Y,Z), where X is the group id. For each X, I need to run 2 regression on the submatrix. I used the function "split": datamatrix<-read.csv("datas.csv", header=F, sep=",") dim(datamatrix) # [1] 2980523 3
2002 Sep 30
using step function in functions
Help! I am a new R user. It has been slow getting up to speed, but definitely rewarding. I have come up against a problem I can't handle. I would very much appreciate any help. I am writing a vector auto regression (VAR) function that utilizes existing R statistical functions. I would like to use the step function to do step-wise elimination on each univariate time series model. No