similar to: Delete query in sqldf?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Delete query in sqldf?"

2010 Jun 27
Ways to work with R and Postgres
Hi, I post this message to the general r-help list hoping anyone within a wider range have suggestions: There are three ways to integration R and postgres, especially on 64bit Microsoft windows Platform, 1. via RODBC package, which has 32 bit and 64 bit version for windows 2. via RPostgres interface, which only has 32bit version currently 3. via plr for Greenplum, which only supports a
2011 Apr 20
Hi, I am new to R and trying to migrate from SAS. I am trying to copy data from one table to another table which have same columns using sqldf. but not working and showing "NULL" I wrote statement as sqldf("INSERT INTO new select * from data") but showing NULL Please help me in this regard. Thank you -- View this message in context:
2011 Apr 18
SQLDF syntax
Hi, I am new to R and trying to migrate from SAS. I am trying to use sqldf to create a new table from existed table and change some of the columns. I have table called DataOld with columns commodity, rate and total and I am trying to create new table called DataNew with columns commodity, ratenew and totalNew. > sqldf("create table datanew as select commodity, ratenew as rate * 10, >
2009 Dec 24
help in merging
Hi All, I want to "merge" two datasets by column "ID" and I don't want the result to be sorted by "ID". I am doing the following: > z = merge(x, y, by = "ID", sort=F) The result is not sorted by "ID". But (as oppose to what I expected) it is not even in the original order of either "x" or "y". Can
2012 Aug 20
function case in sqldf (datas from oracle) with a null value
I use sqldf to join 2 dataframes from 2 distinct databases : a and b come from old sqldf's. sqldf("select a.*, b.*, case a.QTY when null then b.QTY else a.QTY end as NEW_QTY" from a inner join b on a.OBJECT=b.OBJECT") R doesn't understand "when null". I tried with "when NA", "when '' ", "when ' ' " but it doesn't
2007 Sep 07
Automatic detachment of dependent packages
Dear All, When one loads certain packages, some other dependent packages are loaded as well. Is there some way of detaching them automatically when one detaches the first package loaded? For instance, > library(sqldf) Loading required package: RSQLite Loading required package: DBI Loading required package: gsubfn Loading required package: proto but > detach(package:sqldf) > >
2007 Aug 01
New R package sqldf
sqldf is an R package for running SQL select statements on one or more R data frames. It is optimized for convenience making it useful for ad hoc queries against R data frames. Given an SQL select statement whose tables are the names of R data frames it: - sets up the database (by default it transparently sets up an in memory SQLite database using RSQLite; however, MySQL via RMySQL, can be
2007 Aug 01
New R package sqldf
sqldf is an R package for running SQL select statements on one or more R data frames. It is optimized for convenience making it useful for ad hoc queries against R data frames. Given an SQL select statement whose tables are the names of R data frames it: - sets up the database (by default it transparently sets up an in memory SQLite database using RSQLite; however, MySQL via RMySQL, can be
2018 Jul 23
oddity in transform
Note the inconsistency in the names in these two examples. X.Time in the first case and Time.1 in the second case. > transform(BOD, X = BOD[1:2] * seq(6)) Time demand X.Time X.demand 1 1 8.3 1 8.3 2 2 10.3 4 20.6 3 3 19.0 9 57.0 4 4 16.0 16 64.0 5 5 15.6 25 78.0 6 7 19.8 42 118.8 >
2007 Nov 24
how to calculate the return?
Hi, R-users, data is a matrix like this AMR BS GE HR MO UK SP500 1974 -0.3505 -0.1154 -0.4246 -0.2107 -0.0758 0.2331 -0.2647 1975 0.7083 0.2472 0.3719 0.2227 0.0213 0.3569 0.3720 1976 0.7329 0.3665 0.2550 0.5815 0.1276 0.0781 0.2384 1977 -0.2034 -0.4271 -0.0490 -0.0938 0.0712 -0.2721 -0.0718 1978 0.1663 -0.0452 -0.0573 0.2751 0.1372 -0.1346
2010 Jul 28
sqldf 0.3-5 package or tcltk problem
This is my first post. I am running Mac OS X version 10.6.3. I am running R 2.11.0 GUI 1.33 64 bit. This may or may not be related to sqldf, but I experienced this problem while attempting to use an sqldf query. The same code runs with no problem on my Windows machine. Here is what happens: > r=sqldf("select ... ") Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Then
2018 Jul 24
oddity in transform
The idea is that one wants to write the line of code below in a general way which works the same whether you specify ix as one column or multiple columns but the naming entirely changes when you do this and BOD[, 1] and transform(BOD, X=..., Y=...) or other hard coding solutions still require writing multiple cases. ix <- 1:2 transform(BOD, X = BOD[ix] * seq(6)) On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at
2010 Nov 01
sqldf hanging on macintosh - works on windows
Have a long script that runs fine on windows (32 bit). When I try to run in on two different macs (64 bit), however, it hangs with identical behavior. I start with: library(sqldf) This results in messages: Loading required package: DBI Loading required package: RSQLite Loading required package: RSQLite.extfuns Loading required package: gsubfn Loading required package: proto Loading required
2007 Nov 10
How to more efficently read in a big matrix
Dear list, I need to read in a big table with 487 columns and 238,305 rows (row names and column names are supplied). Is there a code to read in the table in a fast way? I tried the read.table() but it seems that it takes forever :( Thanks a lot! Best, Allen
2007 Jul 19
package NULL not found
In performing Rcmd check I am getting this output regarding using Argument '' and a NULL package not found and it stops with an error: * using log directory 'C:/Rpkgs/sqldf.Rcheck' * using ARGUMENT ' ' __ignored__ R version 2.5.1 (2007-06-27) * checking for file 'sqldf/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * this is package 'sqldf' version '0.1-0' * checking package
2010 Nov 01
sqldf error only on Unix not Windows
Hello Group, I am having trouble with the sqldf package on unix. The same code works fine on windows. Silly Example script: # Load the package library(sqldf) # Use the titanic data set data(women) colnames(women) head(women) sqldf('select height, count(*) from women where height is not null group by weight') Unix Output and error: bash-3.00$ R --vanilla <testR.R
2011 Apr 29
For loop and sqldf
Hi list, Can anyone tell my why the following does not work? Thanks a lot! Your help is very much appreciated. DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" B C D E F G 8025 1995 0 4 1 2 8025 1997 1 1 3 4 8026 1995 0 7 0 0 8026 1996 1 2 3 0 8026 1997 1 2 3 1 8026 1998 6 0 0 4 8026 1999 3 7 0 3 8027 1997 1 2 3 9 8027 1998 1 2 3 1 8027 1999
2012 Feb 02
sqldf for Very Large Tab Delimited Files
Hi All, I have a very (very) large tab-delimited text file without headers. There are only 8 columns and millions of rows. I want to make numerous pieces of this file by sub-setting it for individual stations. Station is given as in the first column. I am trying to learn and use sqldf package for this but am stuck in a couple of places. To simulate my requirement, I have taken iris dataset as an
2009 Jul 15
Spaces in a name
I am reading regressors from an excel file (I have no control over the file) and some of the element names have spaces: i.e. "Small Bank Aquired" but I have found that lm(SourceData ~ . - "Small Bank Aquired", mcReg) doesn't work (mcReg = modelCurrentRegressors) As they are toggles I have ran them through factor() to be treated propertly as 0 or 1 but due to the fact I
2009 Dec 25
sqldf 0.2-0
A new version of sqldf, version 0.2-0, has been uploaded to CRAN and should be available on most mirrors by now. NEW - works with the new version of DBI package, DBI 0.2-5. The default action of this version of DBI quotes those column names in select statements that are SQL reserved words (rather than appending __1 to them which was the previous default action). As a result it should no