similar to: Finding convex hull?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Finding convex hull?"

2009 Nov 24
convex hull for cluster analysis
Dear R gurus and users, I seem to have problem finding the right tool for plotting convex hulls over 2D plots, after a cluster analysis. In fact I would like to draw a convex hull in 2D for a generic group of points. I found a "convhulln", but this doesn't seem to give me a convex hull. Here is what I do: > library(mvtnorm) > Mean <- c(2,1) > Sigma <-
2009 Dec 04
Hi, I seek to identify those points in/outside a multidimensional convex hull (geometry::convhulln). Any suggestions? Background just in case I'm going down a really wrong road: Given an observed data set with one dependent/observed variable (Y) and multiple (3 to 10) independent/design variables (X1, X2, ...) I want to increase the number of points by interpolating. I'm using
2007 Mar 26
sampling from the uniform distribution over a convex hull
Ranjan Maitra writes: > Does anyone have a suggestion (or better still) code for sampling > from the uniform distribution over the convex hull of a set of > points? This is implemented in library 'spatstat'. If x and y are vectors of coordinates of your initial set of points, library(spatstat) W <- convexhull.xy(x, y) P <- runifpoint(42, W) will compute
2001 Dec 10
high dimensional convex hull
Does anyone know of a R package that will determine the convex hull of a high-dimensional dataset (say 4-10 dimensions). I know chull works for 2D data. I'm neophyte to R and convex hulls so please keep it simple. Many thanks Ben -- Ben Stapley. Biomolecular Sciences, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD. Tel 0161 200 5818 Fax 0161 236 0409
2001 Sep 22
Finding a 3D convex hull in R
Dear List Members, I'm presently carrying out morphological analysis of a data set of neuronal structures. These are essentially 3D binary trees. In due course I will be trying to use discriminant analysis or other methods to classify these neurons based on morphological variables such as total tree length, segment number etc. I would like to calculate a 3D convex hull for a set of X,Y,Z
1999 Aug 30
convex hulls
Does anybody know if there are functions to: 1. Define a convex hull on a space with more than 2 dimensions? chull just works for a plane. 2. Numerically select elements within a given complex hull. Thanks! Dr. Agustin Lobo Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra (CSIC) Lluis Sole Sabaris s/n 08028 Barcelona SPAIN tel 34 93409 5410 fax 34 93411 0012 alobo at
2006 May 02
Concave Hull?
I am modeling a trend surface using trmat and want to trim the resulting matrix to the area enclosed by my real data (i.e., remove all the extrapolated areas). I was using chull and in.chull to calculate the convex hull and change all the other values created by trmat to NA. However, my real data has portions that are slightly concave so chull would give me slivers that are extrapolations from
2007 Mar 24
sampling from the unoform distrubuton over a convex hull
Dear list, Does anyone have a suggestion (or better still) code for sampling from the uniform distribution over the convex hull of a set of points? Many thanks and best wishes, Ranjan
2012 Jul 04
problem loading siar
Hi, I have a problem while loading the "siar" program in R. When I am loading siar, system does not load convexhull. On the screen I have seen such writings. The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:spatstat’: convexhull How can I load the convexhull, how can I unmask from this package? I will be appreciated if you give advice about this. Best Sukran
2010 Sep 24
boundary check
Dear R, I have a covariates matrix with 10 observations, e.g. > X <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5) > X [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [1,] 0.24857135 0.30880745 -1.44118657 1.10229027 1.0526010 [2,] 1.24316806 0.36275370 -0.40096866 -0.24387888 -1.5324384 [3,] -0.33504014 0.42996246 0.03902479 -0.84778875 -2.4754644 [4,] 0.06710229 1.01950917
2009 Mar 09
Chull function
Hi everyone, Using a simulation, I have to find what are the probabilities that, in a square region, the convex hull is a triangle, using the "chull" function. However, I have a hard time with the chull function, i did not see many examples in which the chull function is used. I searched a long time on google, but I did not find nothing. So, if anyone can help, Thanks!
2009 Jan 17
Concave Hull
Dear Friends, Here is an algorithm for finding concave hulls: Has anyone implemented such an algorithm in R? RSiteSearch('concave hull') didn't reveal one (I think). _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology Postal Address: P.O.Box 400400, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Express Parcels
2009 Nov 25
Concave hull
Dear friends, Do you know how to calculate the CONCAVE hull of a set of points (2- dimensional or n-dimensional)? is that possible in R? (With a "smoothing" parameter of course). Best, -- Corrado Topi Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Indicators Area 18,Department of Biology University of York, York, YO10 5YW, UK Phone: + 44 (0) 1904 328645, E-mail: ct529 at
2008 Jul 19
estimating volume from xyz points
Dear all, I have several sets of x-y-z points and I need to estimate the volume that encompass all my points. Recently I got some adivice to show the "convex hull" of my points using geometry package (see code below). But now I need to calculate the volume of my set of points. Any advice are wellcome. Thanks in advance Miltinho Astronauta Brazil ----- require(geometry) library(rgl)
1999 Apr 07
chull() wanted?
Hello! Is there someone already working on an implementation of Splus' chull() function for R? If not, I would like volunteer to try it. For my "Diplom" I implemented convex peeling in C (some time ago), using an O(n log(n)) algorithm, so it probably will prove relatively easy to use that code for a R-function. Well, as least as easy as any programming tends to be. :-) Detlef
2005 Sep 01
convex-polygon in scatter plot
Hello, I am trying to draw a convex-polygon (envelope) connecting the outer points (of a particular class) in a scatter plot [which I want to do to illustrate the range of a particular type of samples in an ordination plot]. Is there any function to plot this kind of polygon? Kind regards Zlatko Petrin
2020 Jun 24
Problema con un loop for
Vuelvo al ataque, pues ya os lo pregunté. Javier Rubén me dió una posible explicación, pero finalmente no me resolvió el problema. Así que lo vuelvo a intentar, a ver si hay más suerte. Si hago, p.e., i = 1 y corro las 2 filas de dentro del loop que pongo abajo, me abre una ventana y me hace el partial() de frg, es decir, lo hace bien, pero si corro todo el loop, me abre las 9 ventanas (de 9
2002 Jan 08
write.table - format
Hello there I ` m a newbie in R and have a question about the output of write.table My command looks like this: write.table(datatr$V1[data.chull],file="outr.txt", quote = FALSE, sep = "\t") In the outputfile (outr.txt) I have an "x" in the left corner and a new row with numbers for each column(1,2,3...). I just want the values in my file. What should I change in
2011 Feb 21
(no subject)
What is and how can i get it to work so i can load other data? > library(splancs) > area = 6*4 > lambda = 1.5 > N = rpois(1,lambda*area) > u = runif(N,-2,4) > v = runif(N,0,4) > plot(u,v,asp=1) > h = chull(u,v) > h = c(h,h[1]) > plot(u[h],v[h],"1",asp=1) Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid plot type '1' >
2007 Jul 13
convhulln {geometry} output from .call
Hi All, convhulln {geometry} computes the convex hull of a set of points in n- dimensions via .call, returning the hull itself, and also "unavoidably generates a diagnostic report on an Rterm console." See the example below. I need to access the results of the diagnostic report (specifically the computed hull volume) from within R, but I cannot see how. I've looked at