similar to: sin(pi)?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "sin(pi)?"

2007 Mar 20
abline within data range
Dear R helpers, I would like to have abline, for a lm model for example, lying within data range. Do you know how to get it? Thank in advance Nguyen D Nguyen #CODE x<- rnorm(200, 35,5) y<- rnorm(200, 0.87,0.12) plot(y~x, xlim=c(0,50), pch=17, bty="l") abline(lm(y~x)) # I would like abline is between min(x) and max(x) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 01
Error with Rcmdr package
Dear all, A friend of mine, who just installed Rcmdr package. When calling the package, the error as following comes up. And actually, I've checked in CRAN packages, the tcltk package doesn't exist anymore, but tcltk2. Any help is appreciated Regards Nguyen D Nguyen Garvan Institute of Medical Research Sydney, Australia library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk
2007 Jul 05
Incidence estimated from Kaplan-Meier
Dear all, I have a stat question that may not be related to R, but I would like to have your advice. I have just read a medical paper in which the authors report the 1-p (where p is the cumulative survival probability from the Kaplan Meier curve) as incidence of disease. Specifically, the study followed ~12000 women on drug A and ~20000 women on drug B for 12 months. During that period
2009 Feb 09
cwhmisc package requests update all the time!
Dear Christian, Every single time check update package, ?cwhmisc? always requests updating. I?m aware that the package was latest updated in CRAN on 20Nov2008. Is there anything wrong with my R library or somethingelse? I use R 2.8.1 on Window XP service pack 2 Regards Nguyen Garvan Institute of Medical Research Sydney, Australia
2009 Mar 29
cmprsk- another survival-depedent package causes R crash
Dear Prof Gray and everyone, As our package developers discussed about incompatibility between Design and survival packages, I faced another problem with cmprsk- a survival dependent packacge. The problem is exactly similar to what happened to the Design package that when I just started running cuminc function, R was suddenly closed. These incidents suggest that maybe many other survival
2007 Apr 02
Create a new var reflecting the order of subjects in existing var
Dear R helpers I have a data set sth like this: set.seed(123);dat <- data.frame(ID= c(rep(1,2),rep(2,3), rep(3,3), rep(4,4), rep(5,5)), var1 =rnorm(17, 35,2), var2=runif(17,0,1)) dat ID var1 var2 1 1 33.87905 0.02461368 2 1 34.53965 0.47779597 3 2 38.11742 0.75845954 4 2 35.14102 0.21640794 5 2 35.25858 0.31818101 6 3 38.43013
2009 Mar 26
R 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha crash when running survest of Design package
Dear Prof Harrell and everyone, My PC: Window XP service pack 3 and service pack 2 R version 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha For the last 3 days, after updating R, my two computers have been facing problems when running existing and runable R commands that involves with Design package I attempt to use 'survest', but I failed all the times with R (both 2.8.1 and 2.9 alpha) being shut down
2007 Mar 13
Highlight overlapping area between two curves
Dear R helpers, I have a graph as following; I would like to highlight the overlapping area between the two curves. Do you know how to do this? Thank you in advance for your help. Nguyen ###START x1 <- rnorm(10000, 0.70,0.12) x2 <- rnorm(10000, 0.90,0.12) d1 <- density(x1) d2 <- density(x2) plot(range(d1$x,d2$x), range(d1$y, d2$y), type = "n", xlab = "X
2005 Feb 16
Load Balancer setting for Public Servers
Hello, I have finished setting up the load balancer with IPROUTE ... also patch the kernel to support DGD and now it''s working fine with the valuable guide at LARTC website, Julian Anastasov, and the kind people in this mailing list. Now I would like to launch a web server and a ftp server to the public but I''m stuck into a problem and really need your help. Currently internal
2006 Nov 06
Competing risk nomogram
Dear R Users, Do you have a sample code for developing a nomogram with competing-risks? Any help is appreciated. Kind regards, ND Nguyen
2007 Apr 05
Generate a serie of new vars that correlate with existingvar
Hello, list why not add the smart proposal by Greg Snow as a built-in function in {stats}, just changing the "x234" and "newc" lines to allow for more distributions to be generated ? Or do I miss an already existing function to do that ? Regards. Olivier # slight modification of the original code by Greg Snow [mailto:Greg.Snow at] # on April 04, 2007
2005 Jan 31
[Fwd: dummy as IMQ replacement]
2014 Nov 12
Dovecot Cur and New Directories are empty
Hi, Recently, we faced an issue with dovecot. Mail delivered to New directory, but after we used Outlook to connect with POP3 protocol, there was no email delivered to Outlook and New/Cur directory was empty. If we don't use Outlook to connect, after a few minutes, it is empty also. Would you please help me to solve this issue? Below is the result from "dovecot -n"
2004 Dec 24
Ingress and Classifier & netfilter
Hi all, Whenever I start up TC and implement traffic policing using ingress, I get logs that goes something like this: Classifier actions preferred over ingress. What does that mean?? This are the relevent lines : tc qdisc add dev $DEV handle ffff: ingress tc filter add dev $DEV parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src police rate ${DOWNLINK}kbit burst 10k drop flowid :1
2006 Dec 18
write() gotcha
Hi I used write() the other day to save some results. It seems that write() does not record the full precision of the objects being written: > write(pi,file="~/f",ncolumns=1) > pi.saved <- scan("~/f") Read 1 item > dput(pi) 3.14159265358979 > dput(pi.saved) 3.141593 > pi-pi.saved [1] -3.464102e-07 > This difficulty was particularly difficult to
2011 Apr 20
Package Name Not Found Warning
Hello, I've got a DESCRIPTION file with a the first line: Package: Repitools But, when I run R CMD INSTALL Repitools I get: * installing *source* package Repitools ... ** R ** data ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Warning in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : Created a package name, "2011-04-20 09:05:40", when none found ** help *** installing help indices ** building package
2010 Sep 03
S4 Method Signatures
Hello, If the signature of a method defines which generic it implements then I'm confused about why this minimal example I invented won't work : setGeneric("myFun", function(rs, ...){standardGeneric("myFun")}) setGeneric("myFun", function(cs, ...){standardGeneric("myFun")}) setMethod("myFun", "numeric", function(rs, colour =
2011 Apr 15
DESCRIPTION file and Rd examples
I have a confusing error from R CMD check that I don't get when running the example manually by hand. In the \examples section of an Rd file, I create a GRanges object, then I call a function with the GRanges object, whose first 2 lines are require(GenomicRanges) annoDF <- # anno is the GRanges object. and that second line gives: Error in
2001 Oct 31
problem with help.start() in R (PR#1156)
Hi, The function help.start() assume that the brower is netscape which is no longer the dominant brower in used. I am using now opera and other use mozilla or Microsoft IE. I can always type help.start(browser="opera"), but it is not convenience: I would like to be able to set the default brwsernone for all. But the real bug is that even after launching
2011 Jan 27
agnes clustering and NAs
Hello, In the documentation for agnes in the package 'cluster', it says that NAs are allowed, and sure enough it works for a small example like : > m <- matrix(c( 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, NA, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) > agnes(m) Call: agnes(x = m) Agglomerative coefficient: 0.1614168 Order of objects: [1] 1 2 3 Height (summary): Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd