similar to: Looking for a comprehensive descriptive statistics package

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Looking for a comprehensive descriptive statistics package"

2009 Nov 21
what do i do to fix missing packages...see error
> exampledata <- rnorm(10000) > summary(exampledata) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -4.030000 -0.666200 -0.023390 -0.009384 0.664700 4.092000 > desc <- function(mydata) { + require(e1071) + quantls <- quantile(x=mydata, probs=seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.25)) + themean <- mean(mydata) + thesd <- sd(mydata) + kurt <-
2008 Sep 23
Generating series of distributions with the same skewness and different kurtosis or with same kurtosis and different skewness?
Dear R users, I hope to explain the concepts of skewness and kurtosis by generating series of distributions with same skewness and different kurtosis or with same kurtosis and different skewness, but it seems that i cannot find the right functions. I have searched the mailing list, but no answers were found. Is it possible to do that in R? Which function could be used? Thanks a lot. --
2005 May 23
skewness and kurtosis in e1071 correct?
I wonder whether the functions for skewness and kurtosis in the e1071 package are based on correct formulas. The functions in the package e1071 are: # -------------------------------------------- skewness <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE) { if (na.rm) x <- x[!] sum((x - mean(x))^3)/(length(x) * sd(x)^3) } # -------------------------------------------- and #
2004 Oct 27
Skewness and Kurtosis
Hi, in which R-package I could find skewness and kurtosis measures for a distribution? I built some functions: gamma1<-function(x) { m=mean(x) n=length(x) s=sqrt(var(x)) m3=sum((x-m)^3)/n g1=m3/(s^3) return(g1) } skewness<-function(x) { m=mean(x) me=median(x) s=sqrt(var(x)) sk=(m-me)/s return(sk) } bowley<-function(x) { q<-as.vector(quantile(x,prob=c(.25,.50,.75)))
2011 Aug 03
slow computation of functions over large datasets
Hello there, I’m computing the total value of an order from the price of the order items using a “for” loop and the “ifelse” function. I do this on a large dataframe (close to 1m lines). The computation of this function is painfully slow: in 1min only about 90 rows are calculated. The computation time taken for a given number of rows increases with the size of the dataset, see the example with
2005 Dec 01
about comparison of KURTOSIS in package: moments and fBasics
Hello I do not know very much about statistics (and English language too :-( ), then I come in search of a clarification (explanation): I found two distinct results on KURTOSIS and I do not know which of them is the correct one. Any aid will be welcome! klebyn ################ CODE rnorm(1000) -> x library(moments) kurtosis(x) skewness(x) detach("package:moments")
2009 Jan 14
runs.test in by() statement
Hi everybody I am a recent convert from SAS so please excuse me if this is all very obvious: I want to use the runs test {runs.test() in package tseries} to test the randomness of a certain variable in a survey for each interviewer. I tried to us the by() statement but it doesn't seem to work with runs.test() as the function. Here is what I have: Consider a data frame with two variables and
2004 Sep 21
Ever see a stata import problem like this?
Greetings Everybody: I generated a 1.2MB dta file based on the general social survey with Stata8 for linux. The file can be re-opened with Stata, but when I bring it into R, it says all the values are missing for most of the variables. This dataset is called "morgen.dta" and I dropped a copy online in case you are interested looks like this
2010 Mar 03
help R IRT simulation
hello R, This is about simulation in psychomtrics in IRT in R. I want to simulate b parameters(item difficulty) with moments of fixed values of mean, st.d, skewness and kurtosis. Is there any specific IRT package in R with those functions to control those moments? I have seen other programs that can control mean and st.d but not skewness and kurtosis. Thank you, helen L [[alternative HTML
2004 Feb 09
moments, skewness, kurtosis
I checked the help and the mailing list archives, but I can find no mention of a routine that calculates higher moments like skewness and kurtosis. Of course, these are easy enough to write myself, but I was thinking that they MUST be in here. Am I wrong? Thanks. -Frank
2008 Mar 04
summarizing replicates with multiple treatments
I have a dataframe with several different treatment variables, and would like to calculate the mean and standard deviation of the replicates for each day and treatment variable. It seems like it should be easy, but I've only managed to do it for one treatment at a time using subset and tapply. Here is an example dataset: > `exampledata` <- structure(list(day = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
2004 Jul 22
Replace only Capital Letters
Dear All, I have these data: exampledata <- c("This is one item", "This is Another One", "And so is This") I would like to find each occurence of a blank space followed by a Capital Letter and replace it by a blank space, a left curly brace, the respective Capital Letter, and then a right curly brace. I thought the following will do: gsub(pattern = "
2009 Dec 23
Mean, median and other moments
Hi! Suppose I have a dataset as follows pd = c(10,7,10,11,7,11,7,6,8,3,12,7,7,10,10) I wish to calculate the mean, standard deviation, median, skewness and kurtosis i.e. regular standard statistical measures. average = mean(pd) stdev    = sd(pd) median = median(pd) skew    = skewness(pd) kurt     =  kurtosis(pd) Q. No (1) How do I get these at a stretch using some R package? I came across
2006 Sep 08
Computing skewness and kurtosis with the moments package
Hi, I'm a newcomer to R, having previously used SPSS. One problem I have run into is computing kurtosis. A test dataset is here: > library(moments) > data <- read.table("2401.dat", header=T) > attach(data) > loglen <- log10(Length) With SPSS, I get Skewness -0.320 Kurtosis -1.138 With R: > skewness(loglen) [1]
2001 Dec 10
distributions w. skewness & kurtosis
Is there some reasonable way to generate random data from a distribution that has some degree of skewness and/or kurtosis, but would otherwise be normal? thanks, -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: greiff.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 398 bytes Desc: Card for Warren R. Greiff Url :
2012 Oct 05
avoid <<- in specific case
Hi all, I improved a function drawing horizontal histograms (code below) which uses barplot and works fine. It does,however, need to assign a function to the global environment to later find the actual location on the vertical axis, and not the number of bars used by barplot. Hopefully, running the examples below will illustrate that. As said, it works perfectly fine and does exactly what I
2011 Jan 20
adding text to y-axis per row of panels (lattice)
Dear all, Being a newbie to R, I've trawled through many old posts on this list looking for a solution to my problem, but unfortunately couldn't quite figure it out myself. I'd be very grateful if someone here on this list could perhaps help me out. I have a lattice plot with several panels and would like to add some text next to the y-axis on the right hand side of each row of
2011 Oct 25
alternative option in skewness and kurtosis tests?
I have a question about the D'Agostino skewness test and the Anscombe-Glynn kurtosis test. agostino.test(x, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) anscombe.test(x, alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater")) The option "alternative" in those two functions seems to be the null hypothesis. In the output, the
2007 Apr 27
Jarque-Bera and rnorm()
Folks, I'm a bit puzzled by the fact that if I generate 100,000 standard normal variates using rnorm() and perform the Jarque-Bera on the resulting vector, I get p-values that vary drastically from run to run. Is this expected? Surely the p-val should be close to 1 for each test? Are 100,000 variates sufficient for this test? Or is it that rnorm() is not a robust random number generator?
2009 Dec 01
Normal tests disagree?
If I have data that I feed into shapio.test and jarque.bera.test yet they seem to disagree. What do I use for a decision? For my data set I have p.value of 0.05496421 returned from the shapiro.test and 0.882027 returned from the jarque.bera.test. I have included the data set below. Thank you. Kevin "Category","Period","Residual" "CHILD HATS, WIGS &