similar to: Analysis for Binary time series

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Analysis for Binary time series"

2003 Oct 01
fitting Markov chains
I need to find a computationally simple process for the movement of interest rates. In this simplified model, an interest rate can have 3--5 possible values, and its movement is characterized by a matrix of transition probabilities (ie, it is a Markov process). I would like to estimate this process from a given set of data. For example, let the interest rate time series be: 7 3 8 2 5 9 6
2008 Oct 22
A matrix automation problem
[I am really sorry if it is double posted, I doubt me previous post could not reach forum due to some problem with net] Suppose I have a matrix : a = matrix(1:9, 3) >From this matrix, I construct 9 additional matrices : i = 1:9 bi = a * i Now combining all those 9 new matrices, I construct a final metrix as : c = b1 b4 b7 b2 b5 b8 b3 b6 b8 I want to automate this procedure for any
2010 Jun 30
vlmc - "In vlmc(traffic.clusters.stationary, cutoff = i) : alphabet with >1-letter strings; trying to abbreviate"
Dear all (copying the package author), I have a question on the vlmc package. I am trying to model a time series, where each element can take one of 11 values (the result of some clustering). When I run the following command (synthetic data to facilitate self-contained example) I get the following warning: ("alphabet with >1-letter strings; trying to abbreviate") +++ START+++ >
2006 Apr 25
R 2.3.0: Use of NULL as an environment is deprecated
Dear R-Devel subscriber, first, let me express my thank to the R-Core team for the new release! I appreciate their efforts and time spent to enhance R. In accordance with the 'NEWS' file (see excerpt of it below), [... o Changed the environment tree to be rooted in an empty environment, available as emptyenv(). baseenv() has been modified to return an environment with emptyenv() as
2006 Apr 25
R 2.3.0: Use of NULL as an environment is deprecated
Dear R-Devel subscriber, first, let me express my thank to the R-Core team for the new release! I appreciate their efforts and time spent to enhance R. In accordance with the 'NEWS' file (see excerpt of it below), [... o Changed the environment tree to be rooted in an empty environment, available as emptyenv(). baseenv() has been modified to return an environment with emptyenv() as
2008 Mar 15
Fwd: Re: How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
Thanks David, It is working. Holtman's also gave me a solution but, I wanted to have a color pallet for description of colors, that was not in his solution. However I need one small modification. If I want to plot only lower diagonal elements of 'dat' then how should I proceed? What I want is, to visualize only lower diagonal elements and having the color pallet on them only. Also
2008 Mar 15
How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
Let me take an artifical matrix : dat = matrix(rnorm(200*200), 200, 200) My goal is to visualize this matrix according to the procedure, described in previous mails. I took Mendelssohn's advice and got following advice : ? Z <- setcov(owin()) plot(Z) .................... etc However I can not reproduce this example in my problem. How I can change my data
2007 Feb 01
Extracting part of date variable
Dear all, Suppose I have a date variable: c = "99/05/12" I want to extract the parts of this date like month number, year and day. I can do it in SPSS. Is it possible to do this in R as well? Rgd, --------------------------------- Here’s a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 20
New App - Rails Pay-Per-Download Test User username: izo password: izo May be a bit heavy on the graphics by I am still try to teach the graphic artist about web 2.0. :-) regards, Leon Leslie -- Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic! --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you
2006 Nov 18
Random sample from log-normal distribution
Dear all R users, Please forgive me if my question is too trivial. Suppose I have two variables, (x,y) which is log-normally distributed with expected value (mu1, mu2) and some variance-covariance matrix. Now I want to draw a random sample of size 1000 from this distribution. Is there any function available to do this? Thanks and regards, Megh
2007 Jun 18
Calculating Percentile in R
Hi all, I have a problem on how R calculates Percentiles : Suppose I have following data set: > data1 [1] -16648185 -14463457 -14449400 -13905309 -13443436 -13234755 -12956282 -11660896 [9] -10061040 -9805005 -9789583 -9754642 -9562164 -9391709 -9212182 -9151073 [17] -9092732 -9068214 -8978151 -8943912 -8761890 -8632106 -8541580 -8501249 [25] -8234466 -8219015
2023 Apr 03
Inconsistent SYSVOL ACLs
03.04.2023 02:53, Anderson Sampaio Mello via samba ?????: > First of all thank you all for the answers and for trying to help me. > > I agree with you michael regarding the parameters passed in the ./configure > command, the location is not part of the problem. > > The file system used is XFS. and the strace command logs are in the > attached link >
2007 Jun 12
Panel data
Dear all R users, I have a small doubt about panel data analysis. My basic understanding on Panel data is a type of data that is collected over time and subjects. Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) model used on this type of data. Therefore can I say that, one of statistical tools used for analysis of panel data is VAR model? If you clarify my doubt I will be very grateful. Thanks and regards,
2007 Jun 28
Call transfer feature
Dear ALL I want to transfer call from one phone 2 another phone so this is asterisk feature or SIP Phone feature or endpoint feature how can i transfer phone call from to another phone Rgd Satish patel --------------------------------- Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2007 Jul 25
Add prefix digits in dialplan extention
Dear all I have asterisk 1.2 configuration and it is working fine but thing is that i have alread Avaya setup and i have intergrate my Linuxbox asterik with Avaya system avaya already use 4 digit dialplan (1644 example ) and in asterisk i have configure 2 digit dialplan ( 44 example ) now i want to configure 4 digit dialplan in asterik without any change in avaya or asterisk so
2008 Feb 29
Fwd: Re: How to create following chart for visualizing multivariate time series
I used ?image function to do that, like below : require(grDevices) # for colours x <- y <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, len=27) r <- sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, "+")) image(x, y, r, col=gray((0:32)/32)) However my next problem to add a color pallet for color description [as shown in following link]. If anyone here tell me how to do that, it will be good for me. Regards, Megh Dal
2007 Aug 05
Understanding of Johansen test.
Dear all, I am struggling to understand the johansen test procedure in the context of co-integration in time series. Yes I understand that this forum is not directly statistics related but still I am posting here hoping that I would get som help. The error correction representation of a VAR[p] model can be written as: Delta y[t] = A[0]*y[t-1] + A[1]*Delta y[t-1] +..............
2007 Aug 16
ADF test
Hi all, Hope you people do not feel irritated for repeatedly sending mail on Time series. Here I got another problem on the same, and hope I would get some answer from you. I have following dataset: data[,1] [1] 4.96 4.95 4.96 4.96 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.99 4.99 5.00 5.01 [19] 5.01 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.01 5.02 5.02 5.03 5.03 5.03
2007 Jul 18
how to use call transfer
Dear all I have beginer in Voip and i have configured Asterisk server with 100 IP SIP phone ( SNOM ) everything is fine but problem is how to transfer call from one user to other means i call to some one and then someone want to transfer call to another person how it is possible i have also try with feartue.conf but it is now working i have also read document on voip-info website
2007 Sep 16
Putting column names in some automated way
Dear all, I have following codes: colnames(data) = c("var", "var", "var") i = c(1,2,3) Now I want construct a "for" loop starting from 1 to 3 to give the new names of columns for dataframe "data" like below colnames(data) > c("var1", "var2", "var3") Definitely I could do this manually, however I want to put