similar to: RODBC not working when connecting to a Sybase database

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "RODBC not working when connecting to a Sybase database"

2009 May 29
RODBC sqlSave with DB2
I am running R version 2.8.1 on Windows XP OS. This works fine. (Data.frame dta is created with records from the DB2 table.): sql <- "select * from storage.testappend_slt order by uut" dta <- sqlQuery(channel,sql) But when I try to append records (from data.frame newdta) to the same DB2 table. I get an error: sqlSave(channel, newdta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append
2012 Feb 06
sqsSave() test using Test.R script returning error suggesting no values upon "insert"
Hi. I attempted to use RODBC and decided to execute all the tests provided in "Test.r" under the unpacked package RODBC folder. Beginning with the following: library(RODBC) library(MASS) USArrests[1,2] <- NA hills <- hills[1:15,] row.names(hills)[12] <- "Dollar ('$')" set.seed(1) # MySQL ## testdb3 is ODBC/Connector 3.51.x, testdb5 is 5.1.x channel <-
2012 Dec 21
segfault reading large BLOB from SQL Server
I am getting segfaults when I try to read a large binary object from a SQL Server database via RODBC. I am using the FreeTDS ODBC driver, and it has been working fine when reading from this same database. I have included relevant parts of the session below. Each row of the v_MAFiles view holds a text, html or pdf version of a document. The FileType entry is one of TXT, PDF, or HTML. If
2008 Sep 24
Error results from MS Access via RODBC
I have an MS Access database with one table and one column holding rep(1:10) I use: library(RODBC) channel <- odbcConnect("test") sqlQuery(channel, paste("SELECT col FROM tblTest"), believeNRows=FALSE) and get: 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 12337 What? The above should, of course, read: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I tried the 'odbcQuery' /
2007 Jul 17
[R-sig-DB] RODBC on Oracle DB
essai <- odbcConnect("ORESTE_prod", uid="osis_r", pwd="12miss15" ,case="oracle") > sqlTables(essai)$ORESTE ... 1315 <NA> ORESTE S_PROFESSIONS_OLD TABLE <NA> 1316 <NA> ORESTE S_PROVENANCES TABLE <NA> 1317 <NA> ORESTE
2005 Jun 23
Stop Warnings for Invalid Factor Level, NAs generated?
How can I stop the following warning from occuring? invalid factor level, NAs generated in: "[<-.factor"(`*tmp*`, iseq, value = structure(1, .Label = "12", class = "factor")) The Label messages are for "5", "8", "12" and "46". I want the NAs to be generated as needed. Is this causing R to slow down by generating the warning
2005 Jun 09
Weibull survival modeling with covariate
I was wondering if someone familiar with survival analysis can help me with the following. I would like to fit a Weibull curve, that may be dependent on a covariate, my dataframe "labdata" that has the fields "cov", "time", and "censor". Do I do the following? wieb<-survreg(Surv(labdata$time, labadata$censor)~labdata$cov,
2010 Feb 16
RODBC missing values in integer columns
Hello, We are having some strange issues with RODBC related to integer columns. Whenever we do a sql query the data in a integer column is 150 actual data points then 150 0's then 150 actual data points then 150 0's. However, our database actually has numbers where the 0's are filled in. Furthermore, other datatypes do not have this problem: double and varchar are correct and do not
2007 Oct 17
R and TeraData
Hello, Does anyone know a way to connect from R on Linux box to TeraData server? I can use ODBC connection on Windows box, but with amount of data I need (and prefer) to use large Linux box. Thanks, Vadim
2000 Apr 01
Bug ? mine or ? in R core
Dear R Gurus, I would very much appreciate some help with this code snippit from my RODBC package. R crashes or exhibits bizarre behaviour when repeatedly fetching large numbers of rows. Examples: > odbcFetchRows(0,max=50000)->xx > odbcFetchRows(0,max=50000)->xx > odbcFetchRows(0,max=50000)->xx > odbcFetchRows(0,max=50000)->xx > odbcFetchRows(0,max=50000)->xx 3rd
2002 Aug 20
RODBC/Solaris/Oracle - No Data
Hi, Version info: R: 1.5.1 RODBC: 0.8.3 Oracle: 8.1.7 unixODBC: 2.2.2 Easysoft ODBC driver: SunOS/Solaris: 5.7 I'm trying to get RODBC working with Oracle on Solaris. I've installed unixODBC and the Easysoft ODBC driver. There are no problems connecting to the DB and executing queries using unixODBC's isql interactive client. Using R and RODBC however, I can open a connection
2010 Mar 23
Frozen hash problem
I''d like to delete some records before saving them. I ran this experiment: before_save :prune_lab_datas def prune_lab_datas lab_datas.each do |lab_data| lab_data.destroy end raise lab_datas.to_yaml end But nothing seems to be deleted in the hash: --- - &id001 !ruby/object:LabData attributes: created_at: 2010-03-21 22:16:06 unit_id: "3"
2002 Mar 12
RArcInfo Package, get.bnddata()
I am having trouble using get.bnddata() in the RArcInfo package. I installed the version 0.2 binary of the package for Windows and am using R 1.4.1 on Windows NT 4.0. I have had no problems importing and plotting arc data with get.arcdata() and plotarc(). plotpal() also works fine. I've been able to use get.arcdata(), get.labdata(), get.paldata(), get.tablenames(), get.tablefields(),
2007 May 16
Filled step-function?
Hello, I'd like to generate a filled step-function in R as you can see in the attachement (image is generated by grapher, but I need a freely available alternative). The problem is, that I don't know, how to fill it up. My code right now looks like this: pH <- c(0,6.1,6.1,6.3,6.6,7.3,0) Tiefe <- c(0,0,10,40,80,120,10) plot(pH,Tiefe,type="s",main="Tiefenfunktion
2009 Oct 21
Temperature Prediction Model
Greetings! As part of my research project I am using R to study temperature data collected by a network. Each node (observation point) records temperature of its surroundings throughout the day and generates a dataset. Using the recorded datasets for the past 7 days I need to build a prediction model for each node that would enable it to check the observed data against the predicted data. How can
2005 Dec 16
I Would Really Like to Try RoR but...
it''s been a nightmare trying to set it up. I keep getting a an Application Error message when I try to navigate to a url which should be taken care of by my newly created controllers. For instance, I wanted to test RoR out so I created a MyTest controller which should allow me to navigate something like: http://localhost/rubytest/MyTest but it does not. I have no problem getting
2007 Oct 11
A read.table mystery (data for Framemaker Mac)
Dear list, I have to read some clinical data a file coming from Filemaker on Macintosh (Ugh ! But it could be worse and come from Excel...). Exporting via Excel is out of question since the file has 467 columns and 121 lines (+ headers), which is out of reach of Excel. So I received an "mer"" files, which is what Filemaker exports as a text file. It seems to be a semicolon
2006 May 22
smbd process grows to 25Mb resident size
Hi, I've 4 Samba servers running 3.0.21c in solaris 10 zones. One PDC, 3 BDCs. The machines are identically installed and the samba binaries and associated libraries are copied between the machines so are also identical. On my PDC which seems to be accepting almost all of the clients, my smbd processes are 33M with 25M resident. This seems to be used by dev:32,0 ino301938 ,see pmap