similar to: how to suppress a "loading required package: ..." message

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "how to suppress a "loading required package: ..." message"

2006 Nov 04
Error when using cobs library
Dear R-Users, I have problems with the cobs library. When doing the cobs example, I get the folling error message: example(cobs) cobs> x <- seq(-1, 3, , 150) cobs> y <- (f.true <- pnorm(2 * x)) + rnorm(150)/10 cobs> con <- rbind(c(1, min(x), 0), c(-1, max(x), 1), c(0, 0, 0.5)) cobs> Rbs <- cobs(x, y, constraint = "increase", pointwise = con)
2006 Dec 27
stacked plots
Dear helpeRs, Is there a better method of producing stacked charts than par(mfrow(3,1)), plot(x), plot(y), plot(z)? What I would like to do is produce a chart of several panes stacked vertically with no space between them so they appeared to be a single figure. I've attached a small example, though it is not clear that it will make it, as the posting guide doesn't say which sort of images
2006 Jan 30
Sweave: trouble controlling Design package startup output
Hello, everybody: I'm experimenting more with Sweave, R, and LyX. There's now an entry in the LyX wiki on using R, so anybody can do it! Now I notice this frustrating thing. I think I've done everything possible to make the Design library start up without any fanfare: <<echo=F,quiet=T,print=F>>= library(Design, verbose=F)
2006 Oct 25
Quantile Regression
Hi, how is it possible to retrieve the corresponding tau value for each observed data pair (x(t) y(t), t=1,...,n) when doing a quantile regression like <- rq(y~x,tau=-1). Thank you for your help. Jaci --
2016 Apr 09
Quantmod abline and axis configuration
Hi all, I have this code I want to add two ablines like this abline(h=2400, lty=3, col="lightgrey") abline(h=400, lty=3, col="lightgrey") But doesnt wotk. I alo try to set ylim from 0 to max "Foa"+1000 but I?m not able ?Is it posible? require(latticeExtra) require(ggplot2) require(reshape2) suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(googleVis)) require(quantmod)
2007 Jan 16
plot portion of a line
Dear HelpeRs, Given: x <- rnorm(50) y <- rnorm(50) plot(x,y) abline(lm(x ~ y)) Is there a way to plot just a portion of the line? Say for values of x > 2.0 or x > -2.0 and x < 4.0. (Still fitting all the points.) Thank you, jab -- John Bollinger, CFA, CMT If you advance far enough, you arrive at the beginning.
2010 Jan 29
Suppress output from getGEO
Dear R-ers, I am using getGEO to download expression data from the Gene Expression Omnibus. With default settings, when a file is downloaded and parsed, lots of dotted lines are printed in the terminal, like this: .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
2009 Oct 13
gee: suppress printout
I'm using the function gee from the library(gee) gee(Y~X,,corstr="exchangeable",b=tmc$coef,family=binomial(link=logit),silent=T) Every time it runs, it dutifully prints out Beginning Cgee S-function, @(#) geeformula.q 4.13 98/01/27 user's initial regression estimate [,1] [1,] -4.5278335 [2,] -0.2737999 [3,] -0.9528306 [4,] 0.9393861 [5,]
2007 Feb 24
Depending on many packages: another best practice question
Dear all, ggplot currently requires 13 packages (grid, reshape, RColorBrewer, proto, splines, MASS, Hmisc, boot, butler, hexbin, mapproj, quantreg, sm). Some of these are absolutely necessary (eg. proto), but most are used for one or two specific tasks (eg. boot is only used to get plogis, used for logit scales). Do you think I should make them all "depends" packages, or
2005 Apr 11
How to suppress the printing of warnings (Windows)?
Dear all, I'm a newbie in R. I am running simulations using a fixed bandwidth in nonparametric regressions, sending all the output to a file myoutput.txt using sink("myoutput.txt"), & R is printing all warnings by the end of the simulation on the file. I know the source of the problem & can take care of it. However, finding a 50 MB file (where all the output is printed, e.g.
2006 Jul 14
Export to LaTeX
Dear Everybody! I want to export data to LaTeX. As I want to employ the data as freely as possible I want to avoid the xtable-command and instead generate some List like \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Adam}{Auer}{17} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Bertram}{Bauer}{14} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Christoph}{Huber}{75} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Damian}{Dorfer}{69} \MyOwnPrettyCommand{Emanuel}{Eder}{43} with \MyOwnPrittyCommand
2006 Aug 30
.Rprofile under Windoze.
I am (for my sins) having to do some work using R under Windoze. I wanted to set up a .Rprofile to control my set-up. The docs on .Rprofile say that it can/should be placed in ``the user's home directory''. ``An Introduction to R'' observes lucidly that this concept needs to be clarified under Windoze. Following the suggestions in An Introduction to R, I tried putting a
2005 Jan 10
Graphical table in R
I would like R to produce some tabulated data in a graphical output. When I say tabulated data, what I mean is a table with rows and columns. This would be useful when reading in a big file, performing some analysis on it, and then wanting to display the results as a table. Something like plot(x,...) where x is a matrix For example, the result could look (approximatly) like...
2012 Mar 06
How to eliminate for next loops in this script
I needed to compute a complicated cross tabulation to show weighted means and standard deviations and the only method I could get that worked uses a series of nested for next loops. I know that there must be a better way to do so, but could use some assistance pointing the way. Here is my working, but inefficient script: library(Hmisc) rm(list=ls()) load('NHTS.Rdata') day.wt <-
2007 Apr 19
Problem installing packages
I tried to install the package "tseries" but could not do so. Any suggestions are welcome. I am using Ubuntu Linux and here is what I did: $ sudo R Then once in R, I did > install.packages("tseries", dep=TRUE) which gave a long list of errors. Going through them, I saw that the basic problem was that the package "grid" was not found by the packages (like
2010 Sep 04
Function try and Results of a program
Hello, users. Dear users, *******I have a function f to simulate data from a model (example below used only to show my problems) f<-function(n,mean1){ a<-matrix(rnorm(n, mean1 , sd = 1),ncol=5) b<-matrix(runif(n),ncol=5) data<-rbind(a,b) out<-data out} *********I want to simulate 1000 datasets (here only 5) so I use S<-list() for (i in 1:5){ S[[i]]<-f(n=10,mean1=0)}
2006 Aug 29
passing namees
R 2.3.1 I wrote a little script to do some cross correlations. The symbols are in a text file like so: symbols.txt ibm dd csco """ require(tseries) symbols <- scan("symbols.txt", what = 'character') for(line in 1:(length(symbols)-1)) { assign(symbols[line], get.hist.quote(instrument = symbols[line], start = "2005-09-01", quote =
2002 Nov 01
Empirical distribution
If some can help to find under wich package can i find the commando's wich i schould to use to work with the empirical cummulative (ecdf) distribution and also the QQplot. Zmarrou Hicham Univesity of Amsterdam -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info",
2013 Jul 15
suppress startup messages from default packages
Hi all, several packages print messages during loading. How do I avoid to see them when the packages are in the defaultPackages? Here is an example. With this in ~/.Rprofile ,----[ ~/.Rprofile ] | old <- getOption("defaultPackages") | options(defaultPackages = c(old, "filehash")) | rm(old) `---- I get as last line when starting R: ,---- | filehash: Simple key-value
2012 May 20
system() under windows [x] but not with Mac
Hey Guys, i am kind of confused. Under windows the system() function works great, but not with my mac. I have two questions: 1) What do i have to change. Using packages which require system or eval(parse() everything is fine, but when i try it myself "sh: cmd: command not found" Under windows i use e.g system('cmd /c copy "bild.jpg"',intern=FALSE ) 2) I really love