similar to: loop is going to take 26 hours - needs to be quicker!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "loop is going to take 26 hours - needs to be quicker!"

2006 Dec 11
upside down image/data
Dear R-community, I am looking for some simple advice - I have a matrix (therefore 2 dimensional) of global temperature. Having read R-help I think that when I ask R to image() or levelplot() my matrix will it actually appear upside down - I think I therefore need to use the line: > levelplot(temperature.matrix[,ncol(output.temp):1], ........) to get it looking like it was on the globe due
2007 Mar 16
Problem installing R onto Solaris 2.10 system - need advice!!!!!
Dear R-Help friends, I am unable to get the latest version of R (2.4.1) to compile on my solaris 10 system - has anybody else experienced this problem and are you able to offer me any advice? I appreciate your time, many thanks, Jenny Barnes Here are my CURRENT specifications: platform sparc-sun-solaris2.10 arch sparc os solaris2.10
2006 Nov 23
reaccessing array at a later date - trying to write it to file
Dear R-help community I am trying to write an R object (data.out) to a file in order to re-access it later and not have to re-load up the array with data every time. Here is the form of data.out > data.out <- list(lats=seq(88.542, -88.542, length=94), lons=seq(0, 360-1.875, length=192), date=vector(length=nyr*12), data=array(NA, c(nyr*12, 94*192)) ) I tried >
2007 Jun 06
random numbers selection - simple example
Dear R-help, Which random number generator function would you recommend for simply picking 15 random numbers from the sequence 0-42? I want to use replacement (so that the same number could potentially be picked more than once). I have read the R-help archives and the statistics and computing book on modern Applied statistics with S but the advice seems to be for much form complicated
2007 Apr 19
is there a function to give significance to correlation?
Dear R-Help, I am trying to find a function that will give me the significance of the correlation of 2 variables (in the same dimension arrays) correcting for serial autocorrelation. How can I view the function cor.test's code? I would like to know a lot more detail about the function than written in the documentation at to
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data forsome files
Hi Jenny If you want a general solution I understand. However I just downloaded the file fine (as far as I can tell) so you are welcome to have a copy. I can email it to you if you want. I do not think your test for NA is valid. i.e if(test != "NA"){ } I think you should use if({ } Or something similar. J --- John Seers Institute of Food Research Norwich
2006 Dec 12
how do you interpolate a gaussian grid to a standard 2.5 degree grid?
Dear R-help community, I have looked on the R search site and archives but cannot find mention of a way of interpolating a gaussian distribution of data to a standard 2.5 degree grid. I have two global dataset and I need to correlate - unfortunately one is a 2.5 degree grid dim[longitude=144,latitude=72] and one is gaussian dim[longitude=192,latitude=94]. I would rally appreciate hearing
2007 Jul 24
Overlaying a single contour from a new data array in levelplot
Dear R-Help community, I am trying to overlay a single contour line over a correlation plot using levelplot in the lattice package. These are the two arrays: 1) a correlation plot over Africa - so each grid square is a different colour dependent on correlation - this is in an array: result_cor with dim[465,465] 2) a single contour line from a ***different data source*** - this is from data
2007 Jan 10
correlation value and map
Dear R-help community, I have 2 different arrays of precipitation data each of the same dimensions of [longitude, latitude, time] dim=[30,32,43], called array1 and array2. I need to correlate them. This is the code I used to get one overall correlation value for the whole of the area of interest: > result <- cor(array1,array2,use="complete.obs") > result This give me a
2007 Mar 07
compiling latest version of R
Dear R-help community, I have had trouble in the past installing the latest version of R: we got the errors shown below (the computer specifications and version of R are below that). Does anybody have tips for compiling the latest version of R so that I can avoid these errors? configure make ... ... ... f90: CODE: 0 WORDS, DATA: 0 WORDS gcc -G -L/usr/local/lib -o init.o kmeans.o
2007 Feb 04
futures, investment, etc
Hi I am just starting to look at R and trading in futures, stock, etc Can anyone point me to useful background material?
2007 Oct 03
Sample selection problem
I want to get a sample of some arbitrary size from a population having only two values 0 and 1 with replacement, but with different probability for selection. For example 0 will be selected with probability 0.4 and 1 with 0.6. I could use sample function i.e. sample(c(0,1), 30, T) to get this, however here, selection of either 0 or 1 has equal probability here. I am looking for a function which
2007 Feb 28
legend question
Hi to all, I'm sorry for posting this question, I am sure I am missing something important but after reading the documentation I cannot find where the problem is. I want to add a legend to a figure. If I use a simple example drawn from the R Reference Manual such as, for instance: x <- seq(-pi, pi, len = 65) plot(x, sin(x), type="l", col = 2) legend(x = -3, y = .9,
2007 Oct 31
thicker axis in levelplot
Dear R-help community, I need to find out how to make the black axis line around my plot thicker in levelplot, I cannot find the correct command in ?levelplot or ?par - or if it is there I cannot get it to work - any help would be more that appreciated! Here's an example script - I would want the code for making the axis bordering the plot thicker: x<- seq(pi/4, 5*pi,length=100)
2008 Jun 30
Which distribution best fits the data?
Dear R-help community, Does anybody know of a stats function in R that tells you which distribution best fits your data? I have tried look through the archives but have only found functions that tell you if it's normal or log etc. specifically - I am looking for a function that tells you (given a timeseries) what the distribution is. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated, All the
2007 Oct 03
Hi, why don't you try try ks.test(VeriSeti1, VeriSeti2)$p.value All the best Jenny >How can i print only the P-Value of the kolmogorov smirnov test? > > >> ks.test(VeriSeti1, VeriSeti2) > > Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test > >data: VeriSeti1 and VeriSeti2 >D = 0.5, p-value = 0.4413 >alternative hypothesis: two-sided > > >This expression
2006 Nov 20
problem with loop to put data into array with missing data for some files
Dear R-help community, My main goal of this message is to find a way of skipping a file of a month/year in a loop that does not exist (and making it's output into an data.out array would be NA) and moving onto the next year/month in the loop to carry on filling data.out with real precipitation data. The situation so far: I downloaded 50 years worth of GRIB data files from the NCEP data
2005 Aug 23
Plotting using image files
This is a strange request, but I want to build a scatterplot using different image files (jpegs, gif, etc.) as the plot symbols. I have thought about setting this up using a very large layout matrix, but I thought someone might have a better approach. Furthermore, is there any way to have R paste an image file into a specific coordinate within a scatterplot? Thanks in advance, Mike Mike
2012 May 28
Dovecot 2.1 mbox + maildir
What syntax is needed to make this work? The 2.0 wiki recomendations don't work - I can see the inboxes or the folders but not both at once and there are lots of error messages about prefix clashes if I simply use the existing 2.0.20 conf file on 2.1.6 The layout I have is: Inboxes in mbox format - /var/spool/mail/%u Folders in maildir format - /var/spool/imap/%u/Maildir/ Control and
1998 Dec 18
user level authentication on Samba 2.0.0b4
First of, thanks to Robert Dahlem who pointed out that my "error 131" was due to using a hosts allow statement, but not allowing 127. to connect A new problem... I compiled samba on Solaris (Sparc) 2.6 with v4.2 of the sun CC compiler. It compiles just fine, and I appear to have a working binary. I run into problems when trying to connect using smbclient. It works if I specify my