similar to: lmer, p-values and all that

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "lmer, p-values and all that"

2006 Aug 15
merge 2 data frame based on more than 2 variables
Dear Lister, I understand merge() can be used to join 2 data frames based on 1 variable. But how about merge based on more than 2 variables? Thank you so much! -- WenSui Liu ( Senior Decision Support Analyst Health Policy and Clinical Effectiveness Cincinnati Children Hospital Medical Center [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Aug 25
R in Nature
Hi all, We've just had a paper accepted for publication in Nature. We used R for 95% of our analyses (one of my co-authors sneaked in some GenStat when I wasn't looking.). The preprint is available from the Nature web site, in the open peer-review trial section. I searched Nature for previous references to "R Development Core Team", and I received no hits. So I tentatively
2006 Nov 29
Lmer, P-values and mixed logistic regression
Hi I know that p-values doesn't appear anymore in the summary of a linear mixed-model with lmer. However, if I do a mixed logistic regression with lmer using family=binomial, the summary includes a p-values for fixed effects. Is it normal, could I use those p-values to interpret the fixed effects or should I use mcmcsamp to obtain 95% confidence interval? Thanks Julien
2009 Feb 24
lmer, estimation of p-values and mcmcsamp
(To the list moderator: I just subscribed to the list. Apologies for not having done so longer before trying to post.) Hi all, I am currently using lmer to analyze data from an experiment with a single fixed factor (treatment, 6 levels) and a single random factor (block). I've been trying to follow the online guidance for estimating p-values for parameter estimates on these and other
2006 Nov 28
comments in scan
I had a question about scan in R. For better code readability, I would like to have lines in the block of data to be scanned that are commented - not just lines that have a comment at the end. For example #age, weight, height 33,128,65 34,56,155 instead of having to do something like 33,128,65 #age, weight, height 34,56,155 Is this at all possible?
2005 Sep 13
Translating lme model call to lme4
I would appreciate help translating the following lme model to an lmer function. lme(lognrms ~ Group*Rotation*muscle*side*support*arms, random=~1|Subject/Stratum2/rep, data=Data) Many thanks Ross Darnell r.darnell at
2006 Sep 11
Extracting overdispersion estimates from lmer amd glm objects
Dear list, I am needing to extract the estimate of overdispersion (deviance / residual degrees of freedom or c-hat) from multiple model objects - so they can then be used to compare the extent of overdispersion among alternative models as well as calculate qausi-AIC values. I have been unable to do this, despite consulting a number of manuals and searching the R-help. I am imaging that in
2005 Jul 13
crossed random fx nlme lme4
I need to specify a model similar to this lme.formula(fixed = sqrt(lbPerAc) ~ y + season + y:season, data = cy, random = ~y | observer/set, correlation = corARMA(q = 6)) except that observer and set are actually crossed instead of nested. observer and set are factors y and lbPerAc are numeric If you know how to do it or have suggestions for reading I will be grateful. eal ps I have
2005 Oct 27
Extracting Variance Components
Dear List, Is there a way to extract variance components from lmeObjects or summary.lme objects without using intervals()? For my purposes I don't need the confidence intervals which I'm obtaining using parametric bootstrap. Thanks, Mike [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 12
Lmer Mcmc Summary and p values
Dear R users I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary. > > My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are totally different. My question is (1) there a bug in my code and > (2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of > the p-values? > > Below
2006 Jun 15
annoying warnings in ESS/Emacs
Hi, I'm not sure if this is an R problem, a Debian problem, a GNU Emacs problem or an ESS problem. I get the following warning the first time I call help on a command in a session, for example: > ?sessionInfo Warning message: use of NULL environment is deprecated This only occurs in GNU Emacs, not when running R from bash, and not with Xemacs. It started happening when I updated R
2007 Feb 13
lme4/lmer: P-Values from mcmc samples or chi2-tests?
Dear R users, I have now tried out several options of obtaining p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and single-term deletions with subsequent chi-square tests (although I am aware that the latter may be problematic). However, I encountered several problems that can be classified as (1) the quasipoisson lmer model does not give p-values when
2007 Feb 12
lmer and estimation of p-values: error with mcmcpvalue()
Dear all, I am currently analyzing count data from a hierarchical design, and I?ve tried to follow the suggestions for a correct estimation of p-values as discusssed at R-Wiki ( However, I have the problem that my model only consists of parameters with just 1 d.f. (intercepts, slopes), so that the
2006 Apr 20
Missing p-values using lmer()
Hello, I’m trying to perform a REML analysis using the lmer() function (lme4 package). Well, it seems to work well, except that I’m not getting any p-value (see example below). Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks for your help, Amélie > library(gdata) > dive <- read.xls("C:/Documents and Settings/Amelie/My Documents/Postdoc/CE 2005-2006/divebydive.xls",
2006 Aug 08
fixed effects following lmer and mcmcsamp - which to present?
Dear all, I am running a mixed model using lmer. In order to obtain CI of individual coefficients I use mcmcsamp. However, I need advice which values that are most appropriate to present in result section of a paper. I have not used mixed models and lmer so much before so my question is probably very naive. However, to avoid to much problems with journal editors and referees addicted to
2005 Jul 12
Computer algebra in R - would that be an idea??
>From time to time people request symbolic computations beyond what D() and deriv() etc can provide. A brief look at the internet shows that there are many more or less developed computer algebra packages freely available. Therefore, I wondered if it would be an idea to try to 'integrate' one of these packages in R, which I guess can be done in more or less elegant ways... I do not know
2010 Jan 31
lmer, mcmcsamp, coda, HPDinterval
Hi, I've got a linear mixed model created using lmer: A6mlm <- lmer(Score ~ division + (1|school), data=Age6m) (To those of you to whom this model looks familiar, thanks for your patience with this & my other questions.) Anyway, I was trying this to look at the significance of my fixed effects: A6post <- mcmcsamp(A6mlm, 50000) library(coda) HPDinterval(A6post) ..but I got this
2007 Apr 27
Example of mcmcsamp() failing with lmer() output
Hi, I would appreciate help with the following model <<1>>= gunload <- read.table(hh('datasets/gunload.dat'), header = T) gunload$method <- factor(gunload$method, labels = c('new', 'old')) gunload$physique <- factor(gunload$group, labels = c('slight', 'average', 'heavy')) gunload$team9 <- factor(rep(1:9, each = 2)) @ This
2006 Jan 28
yet another lmer question
I've been trying to keep track with lmer, and now I have a couple of questions with the latest version of Matrix (0.995-4). I fit 2 very similar models, and the results are severely rounded in one case and rounded not at all in the other. > y <- 1:10 > group <- rep (c(1,2), c(5,5)) > M1 <- lmer (y ~ 1 + (1 | group)) > coef(M1) $group (Intercept) 1 3.1 2
2007 Aug 15
lmer coefficient distributions and p values
I am helping my wife do some statistical analysis. She is a biologist, and she has performed some measurements on various genotypes of mice. My background is in applied mathematics and engineering, and I have a fairly good statistics background, but I am by no means a PhD level expert in statistical methods. We have used the lmer package to fit various models for the various experiments that she