similar to: POSIX and summer savings time

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "POSIX and summer savings time"

2006 Oct 19
Time conversion from Win32 64bit FILETIME?
Windows-32 has a time structure called FILETIME, a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). That is not a typo, the year is 1601. Does anyone have a clue(or algorhithm)for how this is converted to something a little more POSIX-like ? Thank you, Derek -- Derek N. Eder Gothenburg University VINKLA - Vigilance and Neurocognition
2007 Jan 03
Lattice / Trellis analog of axis(graphics) ?
My question is so basic that I am (almost too) embarrassed to admit that I could not find an answer after an hour's worth of homework. What is the Trellis / Lattice analog for the axis(graphics) function that enables the creation of axes in locations other than the default (i.e., bottom for X axis and right for Y axis) ? For example when plotting mileage against weight (in American
2006 Oct 04
rendering date/times from 64bit julian format?
Hellos, I have date/times in 64-bit Julian format, that is the number of milliseconds since 1 jan 1970 (or something like that). E.g., "1159884877406" For the life of me I can't figure out how to render these in a more readable format, e.g., "2006-10-04 23:12:93.191" (and I have tried to do my best searching the archives and help etc ...) Thank you most
2007 Jun 12
Can strptime handle milliseconds or AM/PM?
I'm trying to proess date/time fields from files that were given to me to analyze. Any clues what I'm doing wrong with strptime? This seems to fail the same way under Linux or Windows. For ?strptime would it make sense to explain %OS3 somewhere besides the Examples? > # Why does %OS3 work here? > format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S") [1] "16:45:19" >
2011 Mar 04
xts POSIXct index format
Hi, I cannot figure out how to change the index format when displaying POSIXct objects. Would like the xts index to display as %H:%M:%OS3 when doing viewing the xts object. Think I am missing the obvious. Cheers, Chris -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2002 Nov 28
Running R away from windows (to Linux)
I want to migrate my R workspace databases (e.g., .Rdata) from Windows to Linux. The R help file for "save" says that "[a]ll R platforms use the XDR representation of binary objects in binary save-d files, and these are portable across all R platforms." Is it is simple as that? Copy the Windows .Rdata file to the Linux .ext3 file system? Thanks, Derek Derek N. Eder
2000 Oct 02
binom.test bug?
R. 1.1.0 The example below is self explanatory. ## 1 ## # works fine > binom.test((50*.64),50,.5,alt='g') ... Exact binomial test ... ## 2 ## # WHAT ! ? > binom.test((50*.65),50,.5,alt='g') Error in binom.test((50 * 0.65), 50, 0.5, alt = "g") : x must be an
2000 Jun 06
Binary file input to R
I suspect that the recent queries about reading database files into R implicitely answered my question here, but I'll ask anyway. Are there any native binary file read routines in R? I need to a binary data file consisting of 2 byte records, strip off the upper 6 bits (using a logical AND, leaving a ten bit word), and then write the ten bit number in text form for R. Assuming that R
2002 May 15
Fwd: Re: Combining many dataframes from listings of objects?
> I want to combine (rbind) many dataframes into a single data frame, but "automatically" > specifying the names of the dataframes as listing of object names. > E.g., combine these 18 df objects into one big df using something conceptually like this : > rbind(objects(pattern="*.df")) Brian Ripley suggested that something along the lines of:
2001 Mar 28
Returning position of mouse cursor (without button press) ?
I would like a function that return the X,Y position of the mouse cursor whenever it is called PERIOD, i.e., without the button presses of locator() or identify(). E.G., > [1] 123 34 # X and Y coordinates of present mouse position in current graphics window Is this a conceivable R function or does it need to be addressed with a call to the OS (Windows 2000 in my case)?
2002 Sep 06
Scope problems - passing an argument from one function to another (LME) within
I am having trouble understanding what must be a quite simple rule of scope. In the code example below, the argument to the main function, my.subset, would like to be passed to the function LME. This does not happen however. Curiously, the other argument ( is passed to LME. This problem goes away with this: assign("my.subset", my.subset, env = sys.frame()). It works, but it
2002 Nov 29
Regular Expressionsionism
Isn't there a cryptic footnote somewhere in the blue book that describes regular expressions as "a funny little language ..." ? Well, I'm not laughing! I've googled and Man paged, but the GREP-style solution to the following problem still eludes me: ... Using a regular expression in the "pattern" argument to list.files() to restrict the return to filenames which
2011 May 12
How to extract information from the following dataset?
Hi all, I have never worked with this kind of data before, so Please help me out with it. I have the following data set, in a csv file, looks like the following: Jan 27, 2010 16:01:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:06:24,000 125 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:11:24,000 176 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:16:25,000 159 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:21:25,000 142 - - - Jan 27, 2010 16:26:24,000 142 - - - Jan 27, 2010
2002 Sep 27
? Exact pattern matching in GREP ?
How is exact pattern matching achieved in GREP (and GREPlike) functions ? # Want: listing of all object names that end in *.lm > objects(pattern="*.lm",pos=1) # ... but get: all objects that partially match *.lm, e.g., *.lme [1] "j3.lm" "J3.lme" "j8.lm" "J8.lme" # Want: position of string "4jan2002" in vector >
2013 Jan 24
Royston Parmar adjusted survival curves using flexsurv
Dear R I am trying to understand and use the flexible parametric survival model suggested by Royston and Parmar. However I am stuck trying to plot the adjusted survival curves for different covariates in the following code: library(flexsurv) library(graphics) spl <- flexsurvspline(Surv(futime, fustat) ~, data = ovarian, k=2, scale="odds") spl the code
2010 Apr 22
time difference
Hi, Does anyone know how to take a time difference when the format of the time is as 13:22:23.586? I am trying to take the difference of time between stock transactions and need to keep the three decimal places for seconds. I have tried *diff(strptime(x, "%H:%M:%S.000))*, but apperantly that doesn't work. Carol Gao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2018 Mar 09
parallel:::newPSOCKnode(): background worker fails immediately if socket on master is not set up in time (BUG?)
BACKGROUND: While troubleshooting random, occasionally occurring, errors from parallel::makePSOCKcluster("localhost", port = 11000); Error in socketConnection("localhost", port = port, server = TRUE, blocking = TRUE, : cannot open the connection I had another look at parallel:::newPSOCKnode(), which is used internally to set up each background worker. It is designed to,
2013 Dec 13
Minutes after midnight to time
Is there a quick function that can convert minutes (seconds) after midnight to a time? i.e 670.93 (minutes after midnight) --> 11:10:56.** I know it can be done by hand but I thought there must be a function for this already. Thank you. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Feb 15
strptime format = "%H:%M:%OS6"
I read a dataset with times in them, e.g., "09:31:29.18761". I then parse them: > all$X.Time <- strptime(all$X.Time, format = "%H:%M:%OS6"); and get a vector of NAs (how do I check that except for a visual inspection?) then I do > options("digits.secs"=6); > all$X.Time <- strptime(all$X.Time, format = "%H:%M:%OS"); and it, apparently, works:
2018 Mar 09
parallel:::newPSOCKnode(): background worker fails immediately if socket on master is not set up in time (BUG?)
A solution is to have parallel:::.slaveRSOCK() attempt to connect multiple times before failing, e.g. makeSOCKmaster <- function(master, port, timeout, useXDR, maxTries = 10L, interval = 1.0) { port <- as.integer(port) for (i in seq_len(maxTries)) { con <- tryCatch({ socketConnection(master, port = port, blocking = TRUE,