similar to: R_WinEdt question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "R_WinEdt question"

2009 Mar 13
How to combine xtable and minipage with Sweave ?
Hello, I'm trying to put a dynamic table and a dynamic graph side by side in a pdf document using Sweave. The data.frame used to generate the table is called rg (rg.txt): "Date"; "Code"; "Data1"; "Data2" "2009-03-10";"1";1958;147 "2009-03-10";"2";302;144 "2009-03-10";"3";4;141
2008 May 17
How to paste graph from R in Latex?
Dear R-expert, Is it possible to save graph from R into Latex document? I?can?see save as metafile , PNG, pdf etc, but I'm not sure which one to use. Thank ?you so much for your help.
2006 Dec 07
svm plot question
I run the following code, all other is ok, but plot(m.svm,,As~Cur) is not ok Anyone know why? install.packages("e1071") library(e1071) library(MASS) p5 <- read.csv("")<-subset(p5,select=-Ms)$Y<-factor($Y) levels($Y) <- list(Out=c(1), In=c(0)) attach(
2008 Oct 13
Sorry, I forgot to include a reproducible example on my last e-mail but here it is: Since the file is large to be included here: The path to the foo.Rnw examples is: and is suppossed to produce a pdf like this one: I have downloaded MiKTEX but I don't know how to make it work. Sweave and Stangle seem to
2010 May 13
Using Sweave in hostile environments
I'm trying to put together a poster using the LaTeX a0poster package and including some things from pstricks to get gradient shading, etc. The problem is that the default environments used by Sweave don't work where I need them. A simple code chunk like <<eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ buried in a minipage within a psshadowbox gives the error Runaway argument? > x <- 1
2007 Aug 21
Formatting Sweave in R-News
Hi, I am editing a document for submission to the R-news newsletter, and in my article my Sweave code inserts a dynamically generated PDF report that my R program generates. However, when I insert the PDF using the following Sweave code: \newpage \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{\Sexpr{print(location)}} \newpage (in tex this looks like): \newpage \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{/home/arjun/sample.pdf}
2008 Nov 03
Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs
Hi all: I'm trying to create some side by side dynamic graphics on the same page but I am running into some problems. I am able to create side by side figures only if I import them into my PDF. see the example bellow: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{color,cite,graphicx}% to put in axodraw \usepackage{latexsym,amssymb,epsf} \begin{document} %Import two figures side by side. Please
2006 Nov 26
plot p(Y=1) vs as
I am trying to fit a logistic regression model for this data set. Firstly, I want to plot P(Y=1) vs As and P(Y=1) vs Aa. Does any body know how to do these in R. Thanks, Aimin > p5 <- read.csv("") > str(p5) 'data.frame': 1030 obs. of 6 variables: $ P : Factor w/ 5 levels "821p","8ABP",..: 1
2011 Oct 18
Latex question
Dear all, This may not be the right place for latex questions, but I do not know where else to ask the question. I have two subfigures. I want the first subfigure to have a caption on the side of it and the second subfigure to have a caption below it. Thank you. Hannah [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1998 Jul 05
R-beta: Suggestion for a very minor change to Rd.sty
Dear R gurus and users, for some functions in some of the many packages available for R, with the current definition of \Header given in Rd.sty, the heading bumps into the surrounding words in documentation printed via LaTeX. To alleviate this minor typographical mishap, I'd like to suggest the change to R/doc/manual/Rd.sty included below as a context diff. With this minor diff applied, the
2006 Dec 08
please help me for svm plot question
I run the following code, all other is ok, but plot(m.svm,,As~Cur) is not ok Anyone know why? install.packages("e1071") library(e1071) library(MASS) p5 <- read.csv("")<-subset(p5,select=-Ms)$Y<-factor($Y) levels($Y) <- list(Out=c(1), In=c(0)) attach(
2008 Mar 07
How to navigate in layout() created graph?
Hi I created a complex layout with using layout() and it looks exactly as I need it. But I don't want to print in the order in which the subfigure are numbered, but in a different order. How can I navigate in the layout so that I can specify the subfigure in which to plot? At the moment I am using a function which is converting the number to mfg parameter for par, but it does not seem to
2007 Oct 19
Dear R-users: I am trying to use the following code to reproduce the figures on page 140 of Prof. Frank Harrell's book 'Regression Modeling Strategies': rm(list=ls()) options(width=128) library(Hmisc) library(Design) getHdata(counties) counties$older <- counties$age6574 + counties$age75 label(counties$older) <- '% age >= 65, 1990' counties$pdensity <-
2010 Jul 23
Figures in Latex
Hi all, I want to add 6 plots in the format of 2 columns and 3 rows as one figure in latex. The plots are in .eps file. I know how to add 2 plots side by side, but could not figure out how to do multiple rows. I know this may not be the right place to ask such a question. But I do not know who to ask, so just try my luck here. Thank you in advance.
2009 Mar 14
multiple hypothesis testing
Dear all, Myself Vijaykumar Muley working as senior research fellow. By training I am a computational biologist with not a strong knowledge of statistics. I have done some analysis which is explained as follows, I have 10340 (X) profiles of binary vectors with same length(N=845), I will call then "gene profiles" for example... v1 v2 v3 v4.....vN a 1 0 1 0 1 b 0
2009 Jun 19
Sweave and xtable floating issues -- SOLVED
Dear all, I've recently made in LyX a report using Sweave and run into troubles with xtable() generated LaTeX tables. One example, xtable() commands inside floats (table, box (minipage), etc.) will make the LaTeX compilation fail. Another, if four-five xtable() commands are run in a sequence, at least one of the generated tables will strangely hop onto the next page. The culprit is that
2006 Nov 08
query in R
how to realize the following SQL command in R? select distinct A, B, count(C) from TABLE group by A, B ; quit; Best Regards --------------------------------- Sponsored Link Get a free Motorola Razr! Today Only! Choose Cingular, Sprint, Verizon, Alltel, or T-Mobile. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 19
Sweave: Changing the background color, adding a border
Hi all, I am using Sweave to produce a document. Unfortunately, I have to print several copies and I can't print them in color. So I would like to change the way of printing the code. I would like to print the code in a box with a black borderline and a grey background (quite classic). Is it possible to do it by changing some Schunk options? Christophe
2005 Jun 16
Sweave and sideways
Hi there, I'm rying to 'turn' an Schunk in an .Rnw file(Xemacs-21.4.13, ESS-5.2.8, R-2.1, miktex-2.4.1705). Has anyone got the isorot package to work with Sweave? JC example test.Rnw: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \usepackage{isorot} \rotdriver{dvips} \clockwise \title{Sweave Example 1} \author{apologies to Friedrich Leisch } \begin{document} \maketitle
2008 Mar 20
little subplot in corner
I want to draw a little subplot ("overview") into my detailed plot. It should be placed in say the top right corner and have the size of some legend (like legend(x="topright", inset=0.03, ...) #main plot plot(rnorm(100)) #give little density in corner plot(seq(-2,2,length=300),dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=300)),type="l") I don't want something like par(mfrow=c(1,2)) as