similar to: filling an array, vectorized

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "filling an array, vectorized"

2007 Dec 19
array addition
Hi suppose I have two arrays x1,x2 of dimensions a1,b1,c1 and a2,b2,c2 respectively. I want x = x1 "+" x2 with dimensions c(max(a1,a2), max(b1,b2),max (c1,c2)) with x[a,b,c] = x1[a1,b1,c1] + x2[a2,b2,c2] if a <=min(a1,a2) , b<=min (b1,b2), c<=min(c1,c2) and the other bits either x1 or x2 or zero according to whether the coordinates are "in range" for
2005 Jun 13
extracting components of a list
Hi how do I extract those components of a list that satisfy a certain requirement? If jj <- list(list(a=1,b=4:7),list(a=5,b=3:6),list(a=10,b=4:5)) I want just the components of jj that have b[1] ==4 which in this case would be the first and third of jj, viz list (jj[[1]],jj[[3]]). How to do this efficiently? My only idea was to loop through jj, and set unwanted components to NULL,
2004 Sep 08
3"[", ...) question
Hi again everyone I have an arbitrarily dimensional array "a" and a list "jj" of length length(dim(a)). The elements of jj are vectors of indexes. How do I use to extract a[ jj[[1]], jj[[2]], jj[[3]], ...] ? Toy example follows: a <- matrix(1:30,5,6) jj <- list(5:1,6:1) I want the following a[ jj[[1]],jj[[2]] ] How do I do this? OBAttempts:
2004 Jan 14
arrows on contour lines
Hello everybody I'm using contour() to draw streamlines of potential flow, eg jj <- seq(from= -4, to=4,len=20) jj <- outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){x})+1i*outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){y}) f <- function(x){x^2} contour(Im(f(jj)), nlevels=44 , labels="") How best to put arrows on the contour lines to show the direction of flow? (ie I want contour lines looking like
2005 Feb 07
proportional matrix rows
Hi I have a two-column integer matrix like this: R> jj [,1] [,2] [1,] -1 1 [2,] -2 2 [3,] -7 6 [4,] -8 7 [5,] -6 5 [6,] -9 8 [7,] -5 4 [8,] 3 -3 [9,] -10 9 [10,] -4 3 I want a diagnostic that detects whether a row is a multiple of the first row or not. In this case, this would be rows 1,2, and 8. How to do this
2005 Dec 05
apply() and dropped dimensions
Hi I am having difficulty with apply(). I want apply() to return a matrix, but sometimes a vector is returned. Toy example follows. Function jj() takes a couple of matrices m1 and m2 as arguments and returns a matrix with r rows and c columns where r=nrow(m2) and c=nrow(m1). jj <- function(m1,m2,f,...){ apply(m1, 1, function(y) { apply(m2, 1, function(x) { f(x, y, ...)
2007 Apr 17
no visible binding for global variable
Hello everyone I am trying to get one of my packages through R's QC. The package is clean for me under R-2.4.1, R-2.5.0, and R-devel, but Kurt gets > > * checking R code for possible problems ... WARNING > hypercube: no visible binding for global variable ?f? Function hypercube() [cut-&-pasted below] is intended to return an adjacency matrix for an n-dimensional
2002 Mar 26
ellipsis question
Hello R experten I have just written a little function to calculate all pairwise combinations of two vector arguments: > pair(c(1,2,3),c(7,8)) [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 7 [2,] 1 8 [3,] 2 7 [4,] 2 8 [5,] 3 7 [6,] 3 8 > I want to generalize this to any number of arguments, for example, <fantasy> > ntuple(c(1,2,3),c(7,8),c(14,15)) [,1] [,2]
2007 Jul 27
(PR#9811) sequence(c(2, 0, 3)) produces surprising results,
This is as doumented, and I think you could say the same thing of seq(). BTW, sequence() allows negative inputs, and I don't think you want sum(input) in that case. I've never seen the point of sequence(), but it has been around in R for a long time. It is used in packages eRm, extRemes, hydrosanity, klaR, seas. Who knows what people have in private code, so I don't see any
2007 Jun 27
inherits() and virtual classes
Hi How do I test for an object having a particular virtual class? In the following, "onion" is a virtual class, and "octonion" is a non-virtual class contained in onion. The last call to inherits() gives FALSE [R-2.5.0], when inherits.Rd led me to expect TRUE. setClass("onion", representation = "VIRTUAL" )
2004 Oct 01
multiple dimensional diag()
Hi I have two arbitrarily dimensioned arrays, "a" and "b", with length(dim(a))==length(dim(b)). I want to form a sort of "corner-to-corner" version of abind(), or a multidimensional version of blockdiag(). In the case of matrices, the function is easy to write and if a=matrix(1,3,4) and b=matrix(2,2,2), then adiag(a,b) would return: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
2008 Jan 14
Hi [this after some considerable thought as to R-help vs R-devel] I want to write a (S3) method for as.function(); toy example follows. Given a matrix "a", I need to evaluate trace(ax) as a function of (matrix) "x". Here's a trace function: tr <- function (a) { i <- seq_len(nrow(a)) return(sum(a[cbind(i, i)])) } How do I accomplish the following:
2008 Apr 02
"[<-" plus drop-type extra argument
Hello I am writing a replacement method for an S4 class and want to pass an additional argument to "[<-"() along the lines of "["()'s "drop" argument. Specifically, I have an S4 class, call it "foo", with a slot 'x' that is a vector and a slot 'NC' that is a scalar. I want to be able to pass a Boolean argument to the
2004 Jul 28
elegant matrix creation
Hello everybody. I am trying to reproduce a particular matrix in an elegant way. If I have jj1 <- structure(c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2, 3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3, 1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,3,1,2,3,1, 2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1, 2),.Dim = as.integer(c(9,9))) [ image(jj1) is good here ] then I can get this with
2009 Oct 23
access elements of a named list using a factor
Hi I have a factor 'f' and a named list 'jj'. I want names(jj) to match up with levels(f). How do I use levels(f) to access elements of jj? > f <- factor(c("pigs","pigs","slugs")) > f [1] pigs pigs slugs Levels: pigs slugs > > jj <- list(pigs=1:10,slugs=1:3) My attempts to produce jj$pigs all give errors: >
2006 Oct 31
Hi If x <- 1:10 then x[5] <- 1i will promote x to be a complex vector. Suppose I have an S4 class "brob", and have functions is.brob(), as.brob(), as.numeric() and so forth (minimal self-contained code below). If x is numeric (1:10, say) and y is a brob, what is the best way to make x[5] <- y promote x to a brob in the same way as the complex example? Or is
2011 Sep 27
array extraction
hello everyone. Look at the following R idiom: a <- array(1:30,c(3,5,2)) M <- (matrix(1:15,c(3,5)) %% 4) < 2 a[M,] <- 0 Now, I think that "a[M,]" has an unambiguous meaning (to a human). However, the last line doesn't work as desired, but I expected it to...and it recently took me an indecent amount of time to debug an analogous case. Just to be explicit, I would
2003 Oct 21
5 and aperm()
Hi everyone I've been playing with but I'm having problems understanding it. I have a list of "n" elements, each one of which is "d" dimensional [actually an n-by-n-by ... by-n array]. Neither n nor d is known in advance. I want to bind the elements together in a higher-dimensional array. Toy example follows with d=n=3. f <-
2007 May 03
Filling array: No recycling
Hello, is it possible to fill an array with no using of the recycling rule? My problem. I want to fill an array but my values have not always the same length. My aim. I want to fill the array only ONE TIME. All vacent places should be written with NA. Thank's a lot. Felix Example: -------- #Write 1 to 3 only one time. The last #5 place should be NA. dim(as.array(letters)) array(1:3,
2009 Oct 16
generalization of tabulate()
Hi I want a generalization of tabulate() which works on rows of a matrix. Suppose I have an integer matrix 'observation': > observation y1 y2 y3 1 4 0 1 4 0 2 0 3 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 4 2 0 3 Each row corresponds to a (multivariate) observation. Note that the first two rows are identical: this means that data "c(1,4,0)" was observed twice. Now suppose I can list the sample