similar to: Forcing the intercept

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Forcing the intercept"

2004 Dec 31
Does anyone know R is to be cited in a publication? I've looked everywhere on the website and cannot find this. Thanks, Heather -- Heather Maughan Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Biosciences West 310 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85701 Phone: 520-626-5108 Fax: 520-621-9190 hmaughan at
2005 Feb 17
Extracting values from linear models
Hello: I want to use values from the output of linear models done using permuted data to construct a random distribution. The problem I am having is the extraction of a value, say the p-value or the regression coefficient, from the summary of a linear model. When summarizing a linear model I get this: Call: lm(formula = fitness ~ mm) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
2004 Dec 07
Importing module into R library
Hello, I am basically familiar with R and am trying to import a module that someone else has written. I know that it must go into the R library but even after I place the file there R doesn't recognize it. The module is maanova, available from the Churchill lab group for analysis of microarray data, if anyone is familiar with it. Any ideas/help? Thanks, Heather --
2005 Dec 20
Using MAANOVA functions
Dear R-users: I am using the package MAANOVA to analyze microarray data and have encountered problems when trying to plot data. I have tried emailing a MAANOVA discussion group, as well as the author of the package, and have not yet received a response so I am hoping that someone on this listserv can be of assistance. There are several functions in MAANOVA (riplot, resiplot) which call the
2002 Nov 01
1 function error
We had been using R1.2.3 "print tip lowess function" as described by Terry Speed's group to normalize microarray data and up until this week the commands we were using were working fine. First, we load our data using arrayname<-read.table("filename", header=T) and then check that the table is OK. We format the data list using setup1< and usually get a
2006 Jan 10
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8468)
This bug is not quite fixed - the example from my original report now = works using R-2.2.1, but plot(Uniform, 6) does not. The bug is due to if (show[6]) { ymx <- max(cook, na.rm =3D TRUE) * 1.025 g <- hatval/(1 - hatval) # Potential division by zero here # plot(g, cook, xlim =3D c(0, max(g)), ylim =3D c(0, ymx),=20 main =3D main, xlab =3D
2019 Jan 19
sieve issue after upgrad
On 19/01/2019 08:01, Aki Tuomi wrote: > >> On 19 January 2019 at 02:07 Tim Dickson via dovecot < >> dovecot at <mailto:dovecot at>> wrote: >> >> >> i recently upgraded a server from dovecot 2.1 to 2.3 >> unfortunately sieve does not appear to be working. The user scripts have >> not changed, and neither has the
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Thanks for the question. Here is a sample of the code for my plot: Top = c(34, 39, 42, 45, 46, 41, 41, 40, 43, 38, 33, 33) Bottom = c(24, 29, 32, 36, 32, 34, 32,41, 40, 39, 29, 24) plot(1,1, col = "white", xlim = c(1.3,11.7), ylim = c(0,80), axis = FALSE, xaxt = "n") axis(1, at = c(1:12)) polygon(c(c(1:12),c(12:1)), c(top, bottom), col =
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
The angle is not based on the polygon edges, but it can seem that way if you do not use the asp=1 argument in your plot. Try this example, > plot(1:10, 1:10, type='n') > x <- c(1, 3, 5, 3) > y <- c(3, 5, 3, 1) > polygon(x, y, angle=0, density=10) > polygon(x, y + 4.5, angle=45, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y + 4.5, angle=90, density=10) > polygon(x + 4.5, y,
2009 Dec 07
Announce: edtdbg, integrating R's debug() with your text editor
I've just developed edtdbg, a small package that integrates R's debug() with one's text editor. Excerpt from the README file: Goal The debug() function in R is primitive. My goal was to make it more usable by integrating it with one's text editor. Hence I wrote the package here, edtdbg. Its features include: * As one steps from line to line of code
2004 Oct 05
Package Installation in RGui (PR#7262)
Full_Name: Heather Turner Version: 2.0.0 OS: Windows NT Submission from: (NULL) ( I tried using the Packages menu to install the gam package and get the following output: > local({a <- CRAN.packages() + install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE), .libPaths()[1], available=a, dependencies=TRUE)}) trying URL `' Content
2007 Oct 03
Forcing zero intercept in two predictor case - stat question not R question
When one is doing simple regression and needs to force a zero intercept ( for whatever reason. I realize it's a controversial issue ), then subtracting the means of the left hand side and the right hand side from themselves does the trick. Does anyone know if there is a similar trick when the RHS has two variables ? Thanks. -------------------------------------------------------- This is
2016 Apr 28
polygon angle option perpendicular to axis
Filling polygons with lines is a throwback to the time when the height of quality graphics was the mechanical pen plotter (a device that used a pen in a mechanical arm to draw the plot on a piece of paper). Computing and printing technology has advanced quite a bit from that day, so you may want to reconsider why you want polygons filled with lines instead of just a solid color (and I consider
2004 Aug 13
Question from Newbie on PostScript and Multiple Plots
Hi, As I'm pretty new to R I hope this question isn't too basic. I am currently looping through my dataset and for each iteration am producing three separate plots. When I output these plots to the screen they are nicely grouped as three plots per page, however, when I try to send it to a PostScript file I get one page for each plot. I have adjusted my postscript options so that my
2004 Nov 24
Searching for antilog function
Dear R-users, I have a basic question about how to determine the antilog of a variable. Say I have some number, x, which is a factor of 2 such that x = 2^y. I want to figure out what y is, i.e. I am looking for the antilog base 2 of x. I have found log2 in the Reference Manual. But I am struggling how to get the antilog of that. Any help will be appreciated! > version platform
2008 May 09
str and class
In previous versions of the gnm package, the terms component of "gnm" objects had a "classID" attribute. This caused problems when used with str as the following simple example illustrates: > x <- 1 > attr(x, "classID") <- "type1" > str(x) Class 'type1' Class 'type1' Class 'type1' Class 'type1' Class
2013 Mar 11
Test of Parallel Regression Assumption in R
Hi, I am running an analysis with an ordinal outcome and I need to run a test of the parallel regression assumption to determine if ordinal logistic regression is appropriate. I cannot find a function to conduct such a test. >From searching various message boards I have seen a few useRs ask this same question without a definitive answer - and I came across a thread that indicated there is no
2004 Aug 09
Verbose Logs?
Hello. I'm not quite sure what the problem with my samba is. Im running red hat 9 and samba 3.0 and my log has far too much information. this is my samba log: --------------------- samba Begin ------------------------ **Unmatched Entries** lib/util_sock.c:get_peer_addr(978) getpeername failed. Error was Socket operati on on non-socket : 2 Time(s)
2018 May 21
mapping groups of states without interior borders
I have been using the "map" function in R and I was wondering if there is a way to map multi-state regions just showing the outline of the region without interior state borders. For instance, I am calculating aggregated statistics using 10 multi-state regions. I would like to color-code individual states based on my dataset but then to create black outlines around each of these 10
2012 Mar 16
Host Key verification issue
Hello, I have script that I run remotely on a server, using ssh config with a 'command' call in the authorized keys file. I can successfully run this from one of my servers, but when I try from 2 other machines, I receive a Host Key Verification Failed error. When I remove the 'command' from the call from authorized keys on the remote server, I can successfully connect to the