similar to: Nominal Respose Model in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Nominal Respose Model in R"

2017 Jan 20
Problema con un xml demasiado Grande
Hola, muy buenas, Me bajé un archivo xml de la wikipedia en español. Al intentar abrirlo en R el ordenador no es capaz, ya que pesa descomprimido 10 GB. De ese xml solo me interesa un campo, el referente al texto del artículo. ¿Alguiém conoce alguna forma de cargar solo ese campo del xml en R sin cargar el xml completo? La salida seria un archivo .txt, donde cada fila fuera un artículo ó
2017 Jan 05
Regresión Logística desbalanceada
Hola Comunidad, Feliz Año 2017: Tengo un problemilla con una regresión logística desbalanceada, tengo demasiados TRUE (93%). ¿Sabría alguién alguna forma de corregir el problema con R? Un slaudo, Milagros Camacho --- El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca de virus.
2016 Mar 15
Lógica Bayesiana con R
Hola, buenas a todos: Me dispongo a empezar un proyecto con logística bayesiana y sé que hay varios paquetes que puedo utilizar, arm, Bayelogit y MCMCpack. Me preguntaba si alguien tiene experiencia con éstos paquetes y me pueda decir cuál de ellos es mejor. Además de esto quería saber si sabíais alguna bibliografía para informarme mejor sobre lógica bayesiana, tengo algunas referencias,
2016 Mar 15
Estimados Anteriormente usé sin problemas Rsqlite, pero encuentro un error, comparto el código ¿alguno tiene idea sobre que puede llegar a ser? library(RSQLite) con <- dbConnect('SQLite', dbname='/Users/Javier_2/Desktop/SQLiteJavier.db') // o ? en lugar de ? , el error persiste > con <- dbConnect("SQLite",
2005 Oct 12
Using matprod from array.c
Hi, I was wondering if I could use the matprod function from array.c in my own C routine. I tried the following as a test /* my_matprod.c */ # include <Rinternals.h> /* for REAL, SEXP etc */ # include <R_ext/Applic.h> /* array.c says need for dgemm */ /* following copied from array.c */ static void matprod(double *x, int nrx, int ncx, double *y, int nry, int ncy, double *z)
2013 May 25
When creating a data frame with data.frame() transforms "integers" into "factors"
Hello I am novice to R and i was learning how to do a scatter plot with R using an example from a website. My setup is iMac with Mac OS X 10.8.3, with R 3.0.1, default install, without additional packages loaded I created a .csv file in vim with the following content userID,user,posts 1,user1,581 2,user2,281 3,user3,196 4,user4,150 5,user5,282 6,user6,184 7,user7,90 8,user8,74 9,user9,45
2010 May 19
Multiple language output - Correct in RGui, wrong in .txt after sink()
I have the following problem with outputting multilingual data to a file. I get (except for Korean) what I expect as result in the RGui, but when I use sink() to output to a text file loose the characters in the foreign languages. I post a small example below. Since I am not sure how well my email system as the list copes with all the different characters I have additionally created a pdf
2006 Aug 11
about MCMC pack again...
Hello, thank you very much for your previous answers about the C++ code. I am interested in the application of the Gibbs Sampler in the IRT models, so in the function MCMCirt1d and MCMCirtkd. I've found the C++ source codes, as you suggested, but I cannot find anything about the Gibbs Sampler. All the files are for the Metropolis algorithm. Maybe I am not able to read them very well, by the
2013 Mar 05
memory leak in 3.3.1 rebalance?
I started rebalancing my 25x2 distributed-replicate volume two days ago. Since then, the memory usage of the rebalance processes has been steadily climbing by 1-2 megabytes per minute. Following, I tried "echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches". This had no effect on the processes' memory usage. Some of the
2006 Dec 20
R windows crash (PR#9426)
Full_Name: Robert Denham Version: R-2.4.1 OS: Windows Xp Submission from: (NULL) ( R gui exits without warning when I run a function which has an argument with a default that is not found. This was a result of an error in a function I wrote, but I thought that it should exit more gracefully than it does. Here is an example: testfun <- function(aa=aa) { aa <-
2005 Sep 02
source package linking problem under linux
I'm having some problems in installing some source packages under linux. As an example, MCMCpack. An error is raised when linking: > install.packages("MCMCpack") [...] * Installing *source* package 'MCMCpack' ... checking for C++ compiler default output file name... a.out checking whether the C++ compiler works... yes checking whether we are cross compiling... no checking
2012 Oct 12
ks.test not working?
Hi, I am performing GEV analysis on temperature/precipitation data and want to use the ks.boot function but I am unsure of how to implement it using the pgev distribution. For example: ks.test(data,pgev,shape,location,scale) ks.boot(data,(distribution parameters?),alternative="pgev",nboots=1000) Any advice? Apologies in advance if I have used the wrong email address. Regards, Louise
2023 Jun 03
Nuevo conjunto de datos
Hola, buenas estimados. Acabo de instalar, después de algún tiempo,  R versión 4.3  y Rcommander en Manjaro Linux, 6.3.5  Y me he dado cuenta que no existe la opción de crear un Nuevo conjunto de datos. ¿eso es así ahora? Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Saludos. -- Ps. Félix Pérez Villoria Centro Kumon & Ayudantía Pedagógica. General Ordóñez 30 oficina
2007 Sep 24
Compatibility HP Proliant ML350 G4p for Xen 4
Hi list! I tried to install Xen 4 in a HP Proliant ML350 G4p, but it seems not compatible, is there another way to run Xen 4 in this server ? I couldn''t find any information on Hp''s site neither Intel''s site ... Thanks ! -- @ntonio _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2005 Sep 22
Descriptive statistics for tables
I have a lot (more than one hundred) of files with tables of the same kind (quadratic, same size) and I want to obtain some statistics for every position on them. Therefore, as a result I want another table. I import every table, and create an object “read.table” for it, then I have try to create a “list” or a “data frame“ and directly utilize some functions like sd( ) without success, because it
2006 Nov 16
How Aggegate Data in R
Hello: When I use SPSS I execute the AGGREGATE DATA comand for the next data: 2112141123212213212213334 3143244113442312121213344 2114141123112214212113344 2112211122212413421213221 3114444123442414343413344 2312231223212222323223322 2143241123212313131213234 2113241113212313222213333 2113141123112214212113344 2114141123412111114413344 2113211122342314222313234 2114141123112414212113344
2008 Mar 09
Multiple deployments of same application using backgroundrb
Thanks for this great app. I am having some problems configuring it in my server. I have a single app deployed three times, one is for testing, one is for demoing and the other one is for production. I read that it was unnecesary and it will not work to have multiple instances of backgroundrb for each of my deployments. I read that it was enough to instantiate backgroundrb only once from one of
2006 May 11
about MCMC pack
Hello, I tryed to use the MCMC pack, particularly the function MCMCirtKd to simulate the posterior distribution in a multidimensional IRT model. The code I used is: posterior1 <- MCMCirtKd(Y, dimensions=2, item.constraints=list("V2"=list(3,0)), burnin = 1000, mcmc = 10000, thin=1, verbose = 1, seed = NA, alphabeta.start = NA, b0 = 0, B0=0, store.item = FALSE,
2009 Oct 14
ltm package error for grm (IRT)
Using the grm function (graded response IRT model) in the ltm package I receive the following error: Error: subscript out of bounds for several scales I'd like to examine. Here's a small example that if run a few times will likley produce the error at least once ch<-array(round(runif(50,1,5)),c(10,5)) grm(ch,start.val="random") ## or
2013 Aug 25
Backend for Lucene format indexes-How to get doclength
On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 07:28:42PM +0800, jiangwen jiang wrote: > I think norm(t, d) in Lucene can used to caculate the number which is > similar to doc length(see norm(t,d) in > It sounds similar (especially if document and field boosts aren't in use), though some places may rely on