similar to: data storage/cubes and pointers in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "data storage/cubes and pointers in R"

2005 Jan 25
"disregarded projections" warning when fitting lm model
Hi all, I'm fitting a linear model (using lm) to some 2500 data points. The model consists of 4 single terms and two combined terms. I get the following warning message: "Extra arguments projections are just disregarded. in:, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) " Can anybody clarify this ? I don't seem to find any pointer to what this might
2005 Jan 24
proj() function for lm objects
Dear all, I'm trying to find a clear explanation of what the 'proj(lm)' function produces after having fit a linear model using 'lm'. I find the help page on the proj() function highly unclear (surely part to my limited knowledge of statistics). Can anybody provide a pointer to a clearer explanation, preferable containing some examples of the calculations involved ?
2006 Feb 06
for-loop with multiple variables changing
Hi all, Never really managed to build a for-loop with multiple running variables in an elegant way. Can anybody hint ? See below for an example of what I would like. EXAMPLE a<-c(1,2,3) b<-c("name1","name2","name3") for( number in a, name in b ) { print( number ) ##take a value print( name ) ##and have its name available from a second list } Does R
2004 Feb 11
large fonts on plots
Hi all, I need to enlarge te fonts used oo R-plots (plots, histograms, ...) in labels and titles etc. I seem to be unable to figure out how to do it. The problem is that the titles of the plots are simply unreadable when I insert them into my LaTeX text, since they are relatively small compared to the entire plot. I am sure it is pretty simple, can anybody give me a hint ? Please reply
2005 Mar 29
matching vectors against vectors
Hi all. I have a re-occuring typical problem that I don't know how to solve efficiently. The situation is the following: I have a number of data-sets (A,B,C,...) , consisting of an identifier (e.g. 11,12,13,...,20) and a measurement (e.g. in the range 100-120). I want to compile a large table, with all availabe identifiers in all data-sets in the rows, and a column for every
2003 Nov 02
Boxplot with full x-range
Hi all, I'm new to R, and have the following problem: I wish to draw a boxplot of simple data in two columns. The x-axis (taken from first column) is grouped to intervals (using 'cut'). These intervals serve as x-value to the boxplot, and the data from the second column are the y-values. The problem is that I want to give an impression of the trend of the data in the x-range.
2004 Mar 11
tics and grids
Hi, Whats the easiest way to set a desired interval for tics on axes in R ? And will the 'grid' command put gridlines on all tics automatically ? I tend to get stuck with graphs with ranges 0-1 with only 2 tics and 2 gridlines in the 0-1 range, while I would like 10 tics (or every 0.1) tnx, Piet please reply to pvremortNOSPAM at
2006 Jun 21
model with not te be updated attributes ?
Hi List, I have a table that contains several fields that must be initialized when first created, but may not be altered afterwards (when updating the other fields) because they can be changed by external processes. I noticed that the ActiveRecord update commands (even update_attribute) only seem to work by loading the complete record, changing fields that need to be changed and doing a full
2006 Jan 25
Salted Hash Login Generator
Does this work with rails 1.0 ? I saw that people said it failed with rails 14.1, which practically identical. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 24
xyplot tick marks and line thickness
Hello, A made a xyplot using the lattice library in R (latest version). The publisher of our paper has requested: 1. all tick marks should point inwards instead of outwards. 2. All lines should be thicker (lines, axes, boxes, etc. Everything). Lines is easy...I used: lwd=1.5 but what about the lines of the axes, and the lines that build up the plot itself?....? Any
2007 Jan 23
dynamic tablenames
Hi List! May I tap into your combined common sense ? I have a legacy logging app that needs to be modernized. At the moment, Data is going to be stored in 5 tables, one table is going to contain more than 200 million and 2 others about 60 million rows. Mysql will be used, unless someone sees a major advantage in using something else (at the moment data is stored in a raw positioned file format,
2010 Sep 17
Data Cube in R from CSV
Hello I am at the moment trying to get to grips with a data cube in R, and I am increasingly wondering whether I am actually making things unnecessarily difficult for myself. The idea is that I have a data cube with three dimensions (so a 3D matrix): companies, figures, and years. So along the z axis the vectors are essentially time series, the horizontals are all about a single figure and the
2005 Dec 23
Selecting time
I''m currently building a small app that''s going to be used to keep track of the amount of time spend on customers of the company I work for. This mainly consists of object with a begin time, an end time and a calculation of the difference between those timestamps (actual time spend on the job). I made a small form with a datetime_select helper for the begin and end time (the
2008 Jul 10
Lattice: merged strips?
Hi all, By default a call to xyplot from the Lattice package when using 2 factors [eg xyplot( dv~iv | XY * AB ) ] yields the following shingle structure: |_A_|_A_|_B_|_B_| |_X_|_Y_|_X_|_Y_| However, I'm wondering if it is possible to merge the upper shingle within levels of that factor, as in: |___A___|___B___| |_X_|_Y_|_X_|_Y_| Mike -- Mike Lawrence Graduate Student, Department of
2011 Jun 14
Obtaining OLAP cubes using R
Hello All, I have a dataset and I wish to obtain all possible data cuboids from it using R . For eg if my data frame is : A B C 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 The output intended is : A=1 A=2 B=1 B=2 C=1 A=1,B=1 A=1,B=2 A=2,B=2 A=1,C=1 A=2,C=1 B=1,C=1 B=2,C=1 A=1,B=1,C=1 A=1,B=2,C=1 A=2,B=2,C=1 Are there any function(s) to do this in R ? I tried a combination of expand.grid and
2007 May 24
Calculation of ratio distribution properties
Hi all, Looking to calculate the expected mean and variance of a ratio distribution where the source distributions are gaussian with known parameters and sample values are correlated. I see (from wikipedia: Ratio_distribution#Gaussian_ratio_distribution) that this calculation is quite involved, so I'm hoping that someone has already coded a function to
2006 Jun 08
more cubes and 3d metaphoric objects...
hi how about having more cubes to fly around in 3d space. though at first thought this might appear unessacary as who needs so many desktops? So i thought, why not have special cubes (as well as the original cube of course) and these special cubes, instead of cubes, be 3d metaphric objects for specific tasks such as a radio, or ipod or whatever for music a cinema for movies arcade thingo for
2009 Dec 04
latex.table for table with character and numeric columns
Hallo, I have a dataset with one or two columns with character data and the rest with numeric data. Using latex.table from the quantreg package produced a table, but I cannot set the decimals. For instance: --- > x<-data.frame(Name=c("Jan","Piet","Jan"), V=c(1,2.991,3)) > latex.table(as.matrix(x),file="x",caption="x") >
2009 Feb 05
plans for lenny-cran? can I help?
Hi, I'm running a highschool network with Debian etch and the etch-cran "backports" on top of it. Being bio-informatics, the newest R is essential to us. I did some upgrading experiments; switching to ubuntu is not an option, neither is fetching the sid debs for r. When trying to upgrade from etch to lenny with etch-cran packages installed things block on etch-cran dependencies.
2013 Mar 01
NSD compressing RP content
Hello, while investigating a report from Jan-Piet Mens (resulting in, we discovered that NSD (both 3.2.15 and 4.0.0b4) compresses labels in RP content. As far as I can see, this is not allowed by RFC3597 section 4 paragraph 1/2. PowerDNS Recursor, like Unbound and BIND, now deals with this as 3597 section 4 paragraph 4 says we SHOULD. Nevertheless,