similar to: R and texmacs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R and texmacs"

2004 Oct 02
conditional assignments and calculations
Hello! I am using the TeXmacs interface to R. (Though I encountered a similar problem when using Sweave) In doing calculations I often ecounter this scenario: I'll have some calculations in my file: -- B=huge.calculation.on(A) C=another.calculation.on(B) -- Now, if A has already been read, I don't need to re-read it. If B has already been calculated, I don't
2010 Aug 02
Linux Editor
Hi Everyone, I recently have started using R again on a Linux box after spending several years on a Mac. Last I checked, the best way to use R was through EMACS using something like ESS. I remember that being serviceable but not always the most convenient. Is there anything comparable to the mac version of R with its built in console, editor, etc?? thanks! -- View this message in context:
2004 Nov 21
TeXmacs and R 2.0.0
I have encountered an issue with TeXmacs and R 2.0.0, and I've found a somewhat unsatisfying workaround. My apologies if this is old news to the R-Devel list. TeXmacs has the ability to start up an R session and copy the session input and output into a working document. The way it does this involves starting R and executing >
2010 Sep 07
what is the best way for an external interface to interact with graphics, libraries
Another message about the R to TeXmacs interface. 1. Graphics The TeXmacs interface allows the user to directly insert graphics into the session. Since I am not very familiar with programming for R, I implemented the interaction with graphics in a very primitive way. It was two modes of working: with X11, and without (for example when working remotely through ssh without forwarding X11). In
2006 Oct 29
Rmix package and different distributions
hi all! i want to mix a dataset that is build up from 2 distribution: an exponential and a normal. I can' figure out how can i use Rmix package to do the fitting of my data. Pheraps it si the wrong package? any suggestion? thanks, nelson
2010 Sep 07
Is an R sub-session somehow possible?
I wrote the interface between R and TeXmacs. Recently, I added tab completion. However, there is one slight problem. In order to enable easy interaction with R, I (I.e. my program) interact with the command-line interface. This means that the user can invoke demo(), and then R will interact with the user and ask to press enter. It also means that the user can enter a<-c(3,4 and then R will
2005 Jan 24
winbind error - Conversion error: Illegal multibyte sequence(æ~S^\^H)
Hi there I hope that you understand by English. I'm a Rooky and don't know Samba very well. I installed the newest version 3.0.10 on my SuSE Linux 7.3 machine and it works very well. I make User- and Passwort-Requests with Samba (winbind) for the Squid-Proxy. Now always work's well but I get the following error message from log.winbind: [2005/01/24 11:05:52, 4]
2009 Oct 05
reverse name resolving of winbind 3.4.x
Hi all, I did upgrade from samba 3.0.28 to 3.4.1 on a domain member server. Now it seems there is a problem with reverse name resolving of winbind. The tools "ls" and "getfacl" shows UIDs instead of the usernames. When I run id "<username>" the username and the UID are shown correctly. After using "id" the name is also listed fine in the output of
2006 Mar 10
Linux editor like WinEdt?
Hi to all, I initiate in R - Linux and I've some problems to find an editor with R interface as like RWinEdt for WinEdt. Anyone know one? Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation. Best regards Atenciosamente Ana Patricia Martins ------------------------------------------- Serviço Métodos Estatísticos Departamento de Metodologia Estatística Telef: 218 426 100 - Ext: 3210
2005 Sep 20
net rpc vampire / Question or Problem?
Hello list, i did a quite sucessfull net rpc vampire but one promblem remains. Everything is fine, but the user group memberships aren't restored. Only alle primary group member ships are restored. every user is in the primgrp (4126 Users). All Groups (2659) are restored including sids. but no membership is restored! I don't know why. here's my command: net rpc vampire -l -S nt4pdc
2006 Sep 28
starting point for non linear fitting
Hi all! i'm trying to use nls for fitting my data. I wrote this code to find some minimum, but it fails, returning 0 every time..... and i can't figure out the problem... any advice? grid <- expand.grid(A0 = seq(1000,10000,1000), A1 = seq(0,2,0.1)) exp.approx <- function(x,A0,A1) { A0 * exp(- x*A1) } ss <- function(p) { sum((durata.h.freq -
2004 Mar 19
Unknown "Search Filter" in LDAP by SAMBA !!!
hi viewing my logs i saw some weird "saerch filters" by sambav3 using openldapv2 filter: (&(&(objectClass=sambaSamAccount)(?=undefined))(objectClass=sambaSamAccount)) smb.conf related entries: passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost:389 ldap suffix = dc=eva,dc=mpg,dc=de ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=eva,dc=mpg,dc=de ldap filter =
2007 Mar 04
residuals in lme4 package
Hi, I have not been able to calculate residuals in the lme4 package. I've been trying the resid() function after I ran a GLMM with the lmer() function, but I get an error message that says "residuals are not inserted yet". I looked it up in the "help" history and I realized that several people have had this problem in the past, related to some bug in this function and
2003 Dec 05
GUI's for R
Hello, I am not currently using R but I have been using S+ for sevaral years. I think that I fit in the category of power users, never using the GUI prefering the flexibility of a command line interface (CLI). In a short while I will try to move to R, that is if we can convince our IT people that installing a freeware package on a Unix server will not damaged the companie's network! The
2005 Jun 23
grep negation
hi, using the example in the grep help: txt <- c("arm","foot","lefroo", "bafoobar") i <- grep("foo",txt); i [1] 2 4 but how can i get the negation (1,3) when looking for 'foo'? thanks, m.
2011 Nov 10
Problem with kerberos method attribut
Hi; ? I would like to use a samba configuration with : ? dedicated keytab file = /etc/krb5.keytab kerberos method = system keytab security = ADS ? But when I test the configuration (testparm) I have the following error msg : ? Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf Unknown parameter encountered: "dedicated keytab file" Ignoring unknown parameter "dedicated keytab file"
2006 Jul 06
engineering notation format
Hi, How can I format numbers to engineering notation? That is, like scientific but where the exponent is always a multiple of three. Some examples: 1635 000 000 => 1.635E9 163 500 000 => 163.5E6 0.000 000 000 135 => 135E-9 I've tried format and formatC but I couldn't get them to work they I want. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sam
2009 Aug 07
how to limit output to console beyond options(max.print) ?
I have code that generates a structure that includes in it 30 data frames of size 57*1004. It isn't so important why I needed shape of data frame, maybe I didn't.... I have options(max.print) set to a low number but it seems that this does not have much effect - printing my structure still takes hours, as does str()-ing it. here is short code that exhibits and doesn't exhibit the
2010 Jul 26
the real dimnames
Hi, R seems to have a feature that isn't used much, which I don't really now how to call. But, the dimnames function, can in addition to giving names to rows/columns/dim 3 rows/dim 4 rows... can also give labels to the dimensions themselves. Thus, I can do: A = matrix(1:9,3,3) dimnames(A) = list(from=c(), to=c() ) and now, printing a prints these dimension labels nicely: > A
2006 Jun 30
aggregate data.frame by one column
Hi, everyone, I have a data.frame named "eva" like this: IND PARTNO VC1 EO1 EO2 EO3 EO4 EO5 114 114001 2 5 4 4 5 4 114 114001 2 4 4 4 4 4 114 114001 2 4 NA NA NA NA 112 112002 2 3 3 6 2 6 112 112002 2 1 1 3 4 4 112 112003 2 6 6 6 5 6 112 112003 2 5 7 6 6 6 112 112003 2 6 6 6 4 5 114 114004 2