similar to: area between two curves, but one is not continuous

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "area between two curves, but one is not continuous"

2008 Aug 15
continuous coloring of a polygon
R2.7.1, WinXP Hi, I have a polygon inside a circle as follows: radius <- 3 x <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y <- sqrt(radius^2-x^2) xx <- c(x,-x) yy <- c(y,-y) plot(xx,yy, xlim=c(-radius,radius),ylim=c(-radius,radius), type="l", ylab="", xlab="", axes=F) radius <- 2.7 x1 <- seq(-radius,radius,length=2000) y1 <- sqrt(radius^2-x1^2)
2007 Oct 03
Shading area under density curves
Hello, I have a question regarding shading regions under curves to display 95% confidence intervals. I generated bootstrap results for the slope and intercept of a simple linear regression model using the following code (borrowed from JJ Faraway 2005): > attach(allposs.nine.d) > x<-model.matrix(~log(d.dist,10))[,-1] > bcoef<-matrix(0,1000,2) > for(i in 1:1000){ +
2007 Aug 05
Selectively shading areas under two density curves
Dear Listers, I am drawing a plot of two density curves, for male and female incomes. I would like to shade/hatch/color (whatever) the areas under the curves which are distinctive for each gender. This is the code I have tried so far: m <- density(topmal.d$y, bw = "sj") f <- density(topfem.d$y, bw = "sj") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) plot(x = c(0,400), y = c(0,0.02), type =
2007 Mar 13
Highlight overlapping area between two curves
Dear R helpers, I have a graph as following; I would like to highlight the overlapping area between the two curves. Do you know how to do this? Thank you in advance for your help. Nguyen ###START x1 <- rnorm(10000, 0.70,0.12) x2 <- rnorm(10000, 0.90,0.12) d1 <- density(x1) d2 <- density(x2) plot(range(d1$x,d2$x), range(d1$y, d2$y), type = "n", xlab = "X
2007 Jun 25
How to shadow 'power' area?
Dear all, Suppose I plot two normal distributions (A and B) side by side and add vertical line which hipotheticaly represent alpha value; e.g.: x <- seq(-3.5,5, length=1000) y <- dnorm(x) # Plot distribution A plot(y~x, type='l',axes=F,xlab="",ylab="",lwd=2) # Plot distribution B y2 <- dnorm(x-1.5) lines(y2~x,lwd=2) # Plot vertical line for alpha value
2003 Jul 22
curves with shaded areas?
Hi, I want to make a plot with abline where the area below or above the curve is shaded. I can't find any documentation on that. Can anybody help me with that? thanks, Juffi
2007 Oct 29
shading of curves with polygon
Hello again With the poylgon function it's possible to plot shaded areas under a curve. But somehow it connects the start and the endpoint of a line and fills whats between them. I would actually like to set the boarders of the shading by two min and max curves, but I failed. i tried stl like: polygon(min, max, border=0), where min and max are my curves plotet by plot(max) lines(min)
2010 Sep 06
calculating area between plot lines
Hi everyone. I have these data: probClass<-seq(0,0.9,0.1) prob1<-c(0.0070,0.0911,0.1973,0.2949,0.3936,0.5030,0.5985,0.6869,0.7820,0.8822) prob2<-c(0.0066,0.0791,0.2358,0.3478,0.3714,0.3860,0.6667,0.6400,0.7000,1.0000) # which I'm plotting as follows: plot(probClass,prob1,xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1),xaxs='i',yaxs='i',type="n") lines(probClass,prob1)
2009 Dec 15
shading between to curves that intersect repeatedly
Dear R-Community, I have the following problem and was wondering whether someone could help me out. I have a number of time series of discharge (up to 3000 data points in some cases) which I would like to compare on the same line plot by shading the area between some of them. Can anyone tell me how to do that? I have tried to fiddle around with the polygon function, but the curves interact a
2007 Sep 26
Area of overlap between polygon and circle
R-listers, Given a polygon and a circle defined by its center coordinates and a radius, I would like to calculate the area of overlap. I know that I can create a polygon from the circle and then use available packages to get the area of the intersection. However, because the polygon is of a fixed size and I will be doing this for circles of varying sizes, I'm concerned about
2008 Feb 25
color area between two time-series via polygon()?
Hi all, I would like to color the area between two time-series. I tried it by using the polygon() function but I keeps drawing lines between beginning and end points. Is there another more appropriate function or how could I close the polygon at the end en the beginning of the time series (e.g., drawing a straight line)? The following doesn't plot a polygon between the two
2013 Sep 19
How do I ensure that the polygon in spatstat::owin(poly=<polygon>) does not have “negative area”
I am a new user of the R spatstat package and am having problems creating a polygonal observation window with owin(). Code follows: library("maps") library ("sp")` library("spatstat") <- map("state", "massachusetts:main", fill=T) # This returns a data frame includding x and y components that form a polygon of massachusetts mainland`
2008 Jul 08
shading an area in a edf
Hi, I've got the following edf: *** x = c(1.6,1.8,2.4,2.7,2.9,3.3,3.4,3.4,4,5.2) F2.5 <- ecdf(x) plot(F2.5, verticals= TRUE, do.p = TRUE, lwd=3, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = c(1,5.5)) abline(h= (0:5)*0.2) #mean abline(v=mean(x), lwd=2) mtext(text=expression(bar(x) == 3.07), side=1, adj=0.462, padj=3, cex=1) *** Now I would like to
2009 Mar 10
How to color certain area under curve
For a given random variable rv, for instance, rv = rnorm(1000), I plot its density curve and calculate some quantiles: plot(density(rv)) P10P50P90 = = quantile(rv,probs = c(10,50,90)/100) I would like to color the area between P10 and P90 and under the curve and mark the P50 on the curve. > rv = rnorm(1000) > plot(density(rv)) > P10P50P90 = = quantile(rv,probs = c(10,50,90)/100) Could
2007 Sep 13
how to plot shaded area under a curve?
say, I am plotting x=seq(0,5,len=100) y=-(x-5)^2 plot(x,y) how can I put some color or verticle lines below the plotted curve? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Sep 22
Multiple Lorenz curves in one diagram
Hi group, I would like to draw multiple Lorenz curves in a single plot using data already prepared. Here is a simple example: require("lawstat") lorenz.curve(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,4)) lorenz.curve(c(1,2,3),c(4,2,1)) This example draws two separate graphs. How can I combine them in a distinguishable way? I tried ?polygon without success... Ralf
2012 Aug 02
Polygon shaded area
Hi all, I have two vectors (columns) called "efinal" and "efinal 2". I want to plot them on the same plot and "draw" a shaded area beween the two lines using function polygon I have tried all but I don ?t understand the polygon area, can you help me with examples? plot(efinal,type="l",ylim=range(min(efinal2),
2006 Oct 23
calculate area of outer polygon
Dear all, Does anyone know of a function that calculates the area of the outer polygon constructed from a data frame with co-ordinates? For example, library(splancs) test = rbind(c(0,0), c(10,0),c(10,10),c(0,20)) plot(test) areapl(test) [1] 150 This is OK, but I want the same area to be returned (150) when adding yet another co-ordinate in the middle of the polygon: test = rbind(c(0,0),
2008 Feb 12
shaded area graph and extra plot
R-help, I'm using the code below to plot a shaded area graph. At the same time I want to plot a second series on the y-axis (from par(new=T) on) but as the two series have different x-axis range (first 1994:2007 and second 1996:2007) the corresponding x's do not match. How can this be sorted out? Thanks in advance #############################################
2010 Aug 15
Adding colored background area to a time series plot
Hi, I am trying to add a rectangular colored background area to a plot of a time series of relative price changes. I believe that what I'm trying to do is very similar to the question and example given here: at My problem/difference is that my time series looks like so: >