similar to: Local library under Windoze.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Local library under Windoze."

2006 Sep 01
Summary --- Local library under Windoze.
Prof. Brian Ripley solved the problem. He wrote: > I was not aware that this works with relative paths for any version > of R. Try using a full path, which always works for me. I tried it using a full path, and bingo! It worked like a charm. Under Unix the relative path also works, but. Prof. Ripley also remarked: > If indeed your filesystem is readonly, you will have problems
2007 Nov 05
Hmisc for Mac OSX.
I'm not sure if this is the right target to which to direct this post, but I couldn't think of anything more appropriate. I just downloaded the Hmisc package to the Imac that I use. When I attempted to load it I got an error to the effect that it could not load the library: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/lib/ libgfortran.2.dylib Note the ``2.5'' in
2004 Aug 05
Local library on Windoze.
I'm mystified by a Windoze ``phenomenon'' which has just bitten me. I have a laptop which boots either Windoze or Linux; I (sad to say) need the Windoze OS for teaching purposes. I have R 1.9.1 installed on the laptop in the Windoze OS. Just now I decided to install, under the Windoze version of R, a library (``Misc'') of some local functions that I have collected over the
2005 Nov 05
Problem with installing home-made package under Windoze.
I am using/trying to use R 2.2.0. I have created a package of ``supplementary'' time series functions for use by my students in a time series course. The package involves only raw R code; no dynamic loading to complicate matters. I need to install this package in a location on a local area network where the students can access it under Windoze. In the past I learned that I could do
2006 Aug 30
.Rprofile under Windoze.
I am (for my sins) having to do some work using R under Windoze. I wanted to set up a .Rprofile to control my set-up. The docs on .Rprofile say that it can/should be placed in ``the user's home directory''. ``An Introduction to R'' observes lucidly that this concept needs to be clarified under Windoze. Following the suggestions in An Introduction to R, I tried putting a
2008 Sep 05
Trouble with R CMD check: I can't seem to get dependencies right (maybe I'm using R_LIBS incorrectly?)
Hi there, I'm in the following directory: ~/Documents/Rstuff/diceFiles/dice_1.1 The directory "dice" is in this directory, with all the usual build files (DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, etc). I'm trying to run the following command: R CMD check dice (where "dice" is the name of the package I'm checking), and I get the following: * checking package dependencies ...
2005 Mar 02
Error on Windows installing package to non-default library
Hi all, I'm seeing an error on Windows when I try to install a package to a package library path that starts with a digit. I can reproduce the error as follows using R-devel from Feb 24 on Windows advanced server: badLib = "c:\\badExample\\2\\foo" dir.create(badLib, recursive=TRUE) z = .libPaths() z = .libPaths(c(badLib, z)) z [1] "c:\\badExample\\2\\foo"
2008 Apr 29
Problem installing packages
Hi, when I try installing new packages (in this case DBI) I run into the following problem: Paket 'DBI' erfolgreich ausgepackt und MD5 Summen abgeglichen Warnung: kann tempor?re Installation 'C:\Programme\R\R-2.7.0\library\file5f906952\DBI' nicht nach '? xlD?? $@\R\R-2.7.0\libra' verschieben Has anybody any idea where these strange symbols come from? Thanks in
2009 Nov 24
The "lib" argument in install.packages().
I was flummoxed for a long time by errors generated when I did something like install.packages(foo,lib="Rlib") where ``Rlib'' is my personalized directory of R packages, which lives in my home directory (from which I started R before issuing the foregoing install.packages() call. Recently someone (I forget who, but thanks very much to whomever it was) pointed out that I
2006 Nov 23
loading libraries on MPI cluster
Dear R-users, we are using library(snow) for computation on a linux cluster with RMPI. We have a problem with clusterEvalQ: after launching clusterEvalQ it seems loading the required library on each node but if we type a function belonging to the loaded package R doesn't find it. > library(snow) # making cluster with 3 nodes > cl <- makeCluster(3, type = "MPI") Loading
2005 Apr 21
Installing packages from source code
Hi everybody, I have trouble in installing packages from source code by following Section 5.1 in manual R-admin.pdf . I am using R 2.1.0 and Win NT. Following the Windows toolset section in the manual, I download the tool set package from: and unzip under C:\tools I also downloaded Perl (Windows Port) and installed it.
1999 Apr 14
character vector as input to function?
I would like to have a function that inputs a file name, then reads that data file and does various stuff to it. Something like: doit<-function(filename) { x<-scan("~/rstuff/data/"filename) #for example, if filename is a0.dat, it will scan("~/rstuff/data/a0.dat") ... } Can someone please tell me how to do this? Thanks for any help! Bill Simpson
2011 Aug 12
install packages from intranet
Hi, I'm new to R. Apologies if this is a simple query, I've searched the mailing lists and docs but can't find a solution to my problem. I'm trying to make some packages available on our intranet. During development the 'intranet' is a webserver running on localhost. * When I call "install.packages" I get a mesage about not being able to access 'index
2003 Oct 21
5 and aperm()
Hi everyone I've been playing with but I'm having problems understanding it. I have a list of "n" elements, each one of which is "d" dimensional [actually an n-by-n-by ... by-n array]. Neither n nor d is known in advance. I want to bind the elements together in a higher-dimensional array. Toy example follows with d=n=3. f <-
2006 Aug 31
Summary and thanks: .Rprofile under Windoze.
Many thanks to all who responded to my cri de coeur: Charles Annis, John Bollinger, Petr Pikal, Brian Ripley, Duncan Murdoch, Dan Nordlund, and Richard Heiberger. (I don't think --- I hope --- I haven't missed anyone.) The essential solution to my problem was indeed to eliminate that @#@$#@$^#@ ``.txt'' extension from the filename. I.e. the file must be called
2005 Oct 21
Generalised rbind/cbind
Dear list, Is there a generalised form of rbind/cbind for combining matrices/arrays into higher-D structures? ie. if I have: a <- matrix(2,2,2) b <- matrix(3,2,2) how can I get array(rep(c(3,2), each=4), c(2,2,2)) ? It seems like this would be the job of a generalised abind function: abind(a,b, along=1) == rbind(a,b) abind(a,b, along=2) == cbind(a,b) abind(a,b, along=3)
2002 Mar 13
several bugs (PR#918) lists and matrices
### I got bit again by the same bugs I wrote about a year ago. ### The bugs are related to matrices and arrays of lists. ### 1. There is a clear inconsistency in how R handles two ### functionally equivalent statements. ### array() is able to take a list and create a matrix. ### matrix() is unable to create that matrix. > vector("list", 2) [[1]] NULL [[2]] NULL >
2004 Jul 16
rd2dvi bug on windoze?
hi, can anyone confirm the following problem? when i do dos> rcmd rd2dvi --pdf my-package-name i get dos> Can't open perl script "c:\PROGRA~1\r\rw1091/bin/rd2dvi": No such file or directory might the problem be in (double back slashes rather than forward slashes) R-1.9.1\src\gnuwin32\front-ends\rcmdfn.c(251): strcat(cmd, RHome); strcat(cmd, "/bin/");
2011 Jan 20
syntax for a list of components from a list
I'm attempting to generalise a function that reads individual list components, in this case they are matrices, and converts them into 3 dimensional array. I can input each matrix individually, but want to do it for about 1,000 of them ... This works array2 <- abind(list1[[1]],list1[[2]],list1[[3]],along=3) This doesn't array2 <- abind(list1[[1:3]],along=3) This doesn't either
2001 Dec 20
I've just installed version 1.4.0 of R, and am experiencing a puzzling phenomenon with the library() function. I have .lib.loc set as follows: > .lib.loc [1] "/usr/local/lib/R/library" "/home/faculty/rolf/Rlib" If I invoke > library(melvin) I get the error message Error in library(melvin) : There is no package called `melvin' but if I invoke >