similar to: Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize unable to start device PNG

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize unable to start device PNG"

2008 Dec 29
X11 PNG Error
Hi All, I am running R 2.6.0 on an Ubuntu 8.04 with Rserve on a machine. I send R commands from a Windows computer to the R machine and a few commands require the creation of plots on png devices. I often get the following error: Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG I've solved this error at times by
2004 Sep 30
pointsize in png graphics
Dear all, I'm trying to produce 2 png files, one consisting of an image plot and a color-table (also an image plot) and the other one consisting of 4 image plots and a color table. I'd like the color table to be exactly the same. The way I proceded is the following: for one plot and the color-table png(file = png.file, width = 650, height = 800, pointsize = 16) layout(matrix(c(1, 2),
2013 Aug 26
Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/', plotName, '.png', sep='')
Estimado Linis, Si estás bajo Windows y no has cambiado las rutas (también dentro de las funciones) es posible que no funcionen bien. Por ejemplo la sentencia paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') deberías cambiarla por: paste('img\',plotName,'.png', sep='') o incluso por paste('img\\',plotName,'.png', sep='')
2005 Dec 22
png support for R 2.2.1 (PR#8425)
Full_Name: Sylvain Broh?e Version: 2.2.1 OS: Suse Linux 9.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( I recently went to a new version of R (2.2.1) but now, when trying to save a plot in the png format, I got this error message : > png("my_plot.png") Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG
2008 Jun 16
tiff(), jpeg(), and png() in R 2.7.0: problems if 'units = "in"' but default height and width
I love the new tiff(), jpeg(), and png() in R 2.7.0 but found an issue that I didn't see reported. When specifying 'units = "in"' but forgetting to change the default height and width (so the figure is unintentionally going to be 480 inches by 480 inches) I run into problems. Here's the reproducible example: tiff("a.tiff", units = "in", res = 1200,
2006 Oct 23
Hi,about the png device
Hi, i have a problem with png device that is my error log "> png(file="figure1.png");plot(significant,type="scatter"); Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG In addition: Warning message: unable to open connection to X11 display '' " i searched the mailing
2006 Sep 01
problem with png
I cannot generate png files running R2.2.1 on a SunOS 5.9 machine. See below. I did a search on this problem and people who have virtually the same error have solved the problem by installing or updating libpng . We downloaded libpng from Sun but still the problem remains. Does a path within R need to be set to this file or does the problem indicate that libpng was not installed properly? I
2013 Aug 19
Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='')
Estimados usuarios de R: Soy nuevo en R, le ruego disculpa por mi *Ignorancia*. Estoy corriendo la siguiente instruccion, ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') y resulta el error: ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') Saving 7.32 x 4.87 in image Error in grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, :
2011 Nov 05
How to infer default width and height for a device?
Hi. GENERAL: Is there a general method for inferring default device settings, particularly 'width' and 'height', that works for all devices? AFAIK, the answer is no, but there might be functions out there that I don't know of. POSTSCRIPT SPECIFIC: If not, I'm considering implementing such a method myself. Is it possible for R to infer the default 'width' and
2016 Apr 19
Problem with X11
Dear All, I have never had this problem before. I run debian testing on my box and I have recently update my R environment. Now, see what happens when I try the most trivial of all plots > plot(seq(22)) Error in (function (display = "", width, height, pointsize, gamma, bg, : X11 module cannot be loaded In addition: Warning message: In (function (display = "", width,
2009 Jun 17
Unable to use jpeg(), png() etc.....
Hello, I 've just re-installed R 2.9.0 on ubuntu 9.04. I do not understand why I am unable to use simple device function such as jpeg(), png()... > png() Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG In addition: Warning message: In png() : no png support in this version of R > capabilities() jpeg
2005 Nov 16
X11 error in png
Hi all, When I ran a script containing the following codes: png(paste(savepath,"a_rnaplot.png",sep = ""),width = fwidth, height = fheight,pointsize = fpointsize); data_deg <- AffyRNAdeg(data_cel) plotAffyRNAdeg(data_deg,col=cols,lty=1,lwd = "2") #a <- par("fin") legend("bottomright",sampleNames(data_cel),col=cols,lty=1)
2016 Apr 19
Problem with X11
I don't have my debian box available so can't confirm. But I would try $apt-get install libpng On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella at> wrote: > Dear All, > I have never had this problem before. I run debian testing on my box > and I have recently update my R environment. > Now, see what happens when I try the most trivial of all
2009 Sep 22
R PNG graph width limitation
Hi folks, I am trying to do a clustering and generate a long dendrogram in R on Linux server: ========= data<-read.table(file="mean_ratio.txt.noheader",row.names=1,sep="\t",quote="\"") hc<-hclust(dist(data),"ward") png(file="mean_ratio.txt.noheader.ward.png",bg="white",pointsize=8,width=32767,height=1536) plot(hc,hang=-1)
2008 Feb 19
Bug using X11 on mac osx (for jpeg or png creation) (PR#10800)
Full_Name: Stephane Bonneaud Version: 2.6.2 OS: OSX - Leopard 10.5.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hello, I have a R code file containing the following code: ------- # This code is in r2jpg.r # myData is filled here with some data from a file jpeg(filename="test.jpg",width=960,height=720,pointsize=16,quality=100) plot(myData,xlab="anything",
2008 Mar 03
unable to start device PNG and unable to open connection to X11 display
Hi, I have installed R on a computational cluster, and am using putty to access R. Please help on how to solve the problem of saving png files. > png(file="myplot.png", bg="transparent") Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG In addition: Warning message: unable to open connection
2005 Feb 16
YUM and Tripwaire
I am looking for a location where I can get tripwire to install and update via YUM. I know this is not the most secure thing but with the amount of machines that I have, I have not other choice. So far I have found Does anyone know one for CentOS? Thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This mail
2011 Dec 06
R 2.14 png X11
Dear R-Help, On a new server (Ubuntu 10.04.1/Lucid), with R2.14.0, I am trying to create a heatmap using a script that works fine elsewhere (R2.12 on a different Ubuntu server). The script halts when calling png, "Error in X11...unable to start device PNG" (full error message and session info at the bottom of this e-mail). I checked the system requirements within R using: > test =
2005 Mar 23
Mounting Netware Volumes
I have one last RH 7.3 system that I want to convert to CentOS 4, but I can''t find the ncpfs utilities that I used to use to mount Netware shares. Has support been removed from the 3.x and 4? Regards, Paul Berger
2003 Sep 08
png support
Hi all, It's me again with compiling questions :) Even though I have libpng and zlib: rpm -q libpng libpng-1.2.2-8 and rpm -q zlib zlib-1.1.4-8.8x my newly-compiled R doesn't support png. > No png support in this version of R Anyone knows why? Thanks, -Jose -- Jose Quesada, PhD. quesadaj at Research associate