similar to: slow R start up

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "slow R start up"

2006 Jun 06
error working through Agile !!!
Hi everyone, I''m working my way thru the ''Depot'' project from Agile Web Development with Rails. I got to the bit where I type: ruby script/generate scaffold Product admin And I get the following error: error Before updating scaffolding from new DB schema, try creating a table for your model (Product) ( on the last line ! ) Now I have followed everything as
2008 Aug 18
How to upgrade domU
How do i upgrade my Xen guest (domu1) ? On a stand alone hardware one would insert DVD/CD/Network and perform the upgrade, What is the equivalent in Xen World ? Tahnks !!! -- Regards, mantra - Instrument of Thought _______________________________________________ Xen-users mailing list
2006 Feb 24
Understanding controllers
You''ll have to forgive me ... I''ve been toying with rails for about a week and although I don''t feel completely lost there''s still a lot that I don''t understand. Here goes. Assume I have a controller called admin in app/controllers as well as three model classes in app/models: product, category, warehouse. How exactly do I use the admin controller to
2010 Jan 30
Stop packages and datasets to be loaded on startup.
Hi. I would like to know how to start an embedded R session, and avoid datasets and the standard library packages to be loaded on startup. I've been looking at littler's code (so this is partly a question to Dirk Eddelbuettel...): > /* We don't require() default packages upon startup; rather, we > * set up delayedAssign's instead. see autoloads(). >
2011 May 11
Vermunt's LEM in R
I don't know of any R package that can match all the functionality of LEM eg fitting equality constraints to model parameters a la LISREL. WRT dumping tables, I would have thought that does pretty much what you want, [not tested] newtab <-,b,c)) cat("dim\n") for(i in seq(1, ncol(newtab)-1) { cat(nlevels(newtab[,1]," ") }
2005 Jul 11
exact values for p-values
Hi there, If I do an lm, I get p-vlues as p-value: < 2.2e-16 Suppose am interested in exact value such as p-value = 1.6e-16 (note = and not <) How do I go about it? stephen
2008 Nov 26
distro recommedation
Hi guys, what distribution do you recommend, if you want to run producive systems on it. i got a cluster with two sles10sp2 nodes - but i''m not that satisfied. The migration of my windows-systems are not working in an acceptable way and the pv-drivers for win of suse are not a speed boost at all. Well I could spend big money for Xen Enterprise or VirtualIron - but - do I really have to
2017 Dec 26
Rscript fails with some packages (for example, h5)
Consider this script (with h5 installed): $ cat test.R library(h5) name <- tempfile() f <- h5file(name) file.remove(name) $ Rscript test.R Error in initialize(value, ...) : cannot use object of class "character" in new(): class "H5File" does not extend that class Calls: h5file -> new -> initialize -> initialize Execution halted $ /usr/lib64/R/bin/R --slave
2013 Oct 09
Version of L-BFGS-B used in optim etc
Hi. I just noticed the paper by Morales and Nocedal Remark on "Algorithm 778: L-BFGS-B: Fortran Subroutines for Large-Scale Bound Constrained Optimization". TOMS 2011; 38(1): 7 which describes a couple of improvements (speed and accuracy) to the original Netlib code which AFAICT is that still used by optim() via f2c.
2019 Sep 08
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils
Hi, When starting an embedded R I encounter the following issue under certain conditions: ``` Error: package or namespace load failed for ?utils? in if (.identC(class1, class2) || .identC(class2, "ANY")) TRUE else {: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed ``` (more such errors for grDevices, graphics, and stats) And in the end: ``` Warning messages: 1: package ?utils? in
2005 Jan 10
Problem with compiling - Freebsd on AMD64 (PR#7489)
Full_Name: Kelly Black Version: 2.0.1 OS: FreeBSD 5.3 on AMD64 Submission from: (NULL) ( I downloaded R-2.0.1 from the R website, ran configure then make and got an error. I will paste a copy of the output from the makefile below. The problem was when the makefile tried to run the R binary. When I came across the error I reran configure, but this time with the following arguments:
2004 Dec 09
Re: Tetrachoric and polychoric correlations, Polycor package
A bit late, but you might like to look at Regarding the original posters queries: You can analyse polychoric correlations as if they were Pearson correlations using standard software (eg sem), and this usually doesn't do too badly, or go to AWLS (Browne) in LISREL etc, or ML analysis of the full multidimensional contingency table using programs such as
2001 Mar 02
Does anyone run the following reliably under WINE?
Robert MacGregor wrote: > I have some indispensable tools which I have not seen satisfying GPL > alternatives, which I've invested considerable amounts of $$$$, and > which are indispensable tools for me and I'd like to ping you all for > confirmation or other comments about getting the following apps to work > in WINE -- so I can finally make the jump to Linux as my
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
Hi All Please see the Rprofile file which i have modified as follows and after that when I start R then I see that R says to me "TRUE" for all the packages implying that all loaded at once. But when i try to use commands as simple as help("lm"), it doesnt work nor any of the menu "Packages" is not working. Although the regression using lm ( Y ~ X ) is working
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Thank you Dan but it isn't my tests that are failing (all of them pass without problem) but one of the examples from the inst/examples directory. I did try, however, to start R with the environmental variables as you suggest but it had no effect on my tests. Charles On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba at> wrote: > > > ----- Original Message
2019 Sep 08
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils
Also, check the settings of R_HOME and/or R_LIBS. Bill Dunlap TIBCO Software wdunlap On Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 9:58 AM William Dunlap <wdunlap at> wrote: > Look at section 6.1 of the R Installation and Admin manual. > > 6.1 Default packages > > The set of packages loaded on startup is by default > > > getOption("defaultPackages") > [1]
2006 Feb 08
is 3110us supported now?
2007 May 31
I have a Belkin F6C900.
My Belking is no longer responding to the megatec driver. I get * Starting UPS drivers ... Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5 Network UPS Tools - Megatec protocol driver 1.5 (2.0.5) Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003-2006 Megatec protocol UPS not detected. Driver failed to start (exit status=1) * Failed to start UPS drivers! Thank you, Barbara Smith -- Using Opera's
2006 Feb 22
var-covar matrices comparison
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 16:43:55 -0600 > From: Aldi Kraja <aldi at> > > Hi, > Using package gclus in R, I have created some graphs that show the > trends within subgroups of data and correlations among 9 variables (v1-v9). > Being interested for more details on these data I have produced also the > var-covar matrices. > Question: From a pair of two
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Greetings, I am collaborating with developing the bigmemory package and have run in to a strange problem when we run R CMD CHECK. For some reason that isn't clear to us one of the examples crashes stating: Error: memory could not be allocated for instance of type big.matrix You can see the output on the Travis CI page at where the error starts