similar to: ML optimization question--unidimensional unfolding scalin g

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "ML optimization question--unidimensional unfolding scalin g"

2005 Oct 03
ML optimization question--unidimensional unfolding scaling
I'm trying to put together an R routine to conduct unidimensional unfolding scaling analysis using maximum likelihood. My problem is that ML optimization will get stuck at latent scale points that are far from optimal. The point optimizes on one of the observed variables but not others and for ML to move away from this 'local optimum', it has to move in a direction in which the
2005 Feb 27
Help with constrained optimization
Dear all, I need an advice in the following problem. I have to maximize two functions of the form f1(x)=f(y1,x,alpha1,beta1) and f2(x)=(y2,x,alpha2,beta2), the maximization is with respect to alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2. I can maximize each function separately using nlm. The problem is that I have to add the constraint of the form g(alpha1)=g(alpha2). The total number of parameters is
2005 Dec 04
Understanding nonlinear optimization and Rosenbrock's banana valley function?
GENERAL REFERENCE ON NONLINEAR OPTIMIZATION? What are your favorite references on nonlinear optimization? I like Bates and Watts (1988) Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications (Wiley), especially for its key insights regarding parameter effects vs. intrinsic curvature. Before I spent time and money on several of the refences cited on the help pages for "optim",
2016 Oct 08
optim(…, method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
Hi, Mark et al.: Thanks, Mark. Three comments: 1. Rvmmin was one of the methods I tried after Ravi directed me to optimx. It returned NAs for essentially everything. See my email of this subject stamped 4:43 PM Central time = 21:43 UTC. 2. It would be interesting to know if the current algorithm behind optim and optimx with
2008 Aug 05
optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities using nlm( ) or optim( )
Dear R users, I?m trying to optimize simultaneously two binomials inequalities (used in acceptance sampling) which are nonlinear solution, so there is no simple direct solution. Please, let me explain shortly the the problem and the question as following. The objective is to obtain the smallest value of 'n' (sample size) satisfying both inequalities: (1-alpha) <= pbinom(c, n, p1)
2016 Oct 08
optim(…, method=‘L-BFGS-B’) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound
Hello: The development version of Ecdat on R-Forge contains a vignette in which optim(?, method=?L-BFGS-B?) stops with an error message while violating the lower bound. To see all the details, try the following: install.packages("Ecdat", repos="") Then do "help(pac=Ecdat)" -> "User guides, package
2005 Dec 22
Testing a linear hypothesis after maximum likelihood
I'd like to be able to test linear hypotheses after setting up and running a model using optim or perhaps nlm. One hypothesis I need to test are that the average of several coefficients is less than zero, so I don't believe I can use the likelihood ratio test. I can't seem to find a provision anywhere for testing linear combinations of coefficients after max. likelihood. Cheers
2003 Sep 30
can't get names from vector in nlm calls
I've been trying to figure out how to get the names of the parameter vector variables when inside the function that nlm calls to return the objective function value: knls <- function( theta, eqns, data, fitmethod="OLS", instr=NULL, S=NULL ) { ## print( names( theta ) ) # returns NULL ## get the values of the parameters for( i in 1:length( theta ) )
2003 Sep 04
error handling in R/ lapack routines
Does any of you know where I can find an explanation of lapack errors codes? I get error code 17 when using optim(). Is there a way to handle errors in R such that depending on the type of error I can decide what to do next? Thanks, Haky
2004 Oct 12
constrained optimization using nlm/optim?
I'm looking for an example of a simple R script that impliments a contrained nonlinear function using nlm or optim. I'm not exactly sure how to impliment the constraints within the objective function that is passed to nlm/optim. obj.func <- function( p ) { x(p) <- unconstrained obj function value if( constraint1 > something ) { obj.func <- x(p) } else {
2003 Jul 08
specifying multiple parameter starting values in nlm
Hi there I am having trouble figuring out how to get an nlm function to report estimates for two parameter values in an estimation. The way I've got it goes something like this: f <- function (q, r) { here, I have a second loop which uses q, r to give me values for c, d below. a and b are already specified; this loop is a mass-balance function where I am trying to find values of q,
2003 Aug 20
Method of L-BFGS-B of optim evaluate function outside of box constraints
Hi, R guys: I'm using L-BFGS-B method of optim for minimization problem. My function called besselI function which need non-negative parameter and the besselI will overflow if the parameter is too large. So I set the constraint box which is reasonable for my problem. But the point outside the box was test, and I got error. My program and the error follows. This program depends on CircStats
2003 Jul 15
Excel can do what R can't?????
Hi there I thought this would be of particular interest to people using 'optim' functions and perhaps people involved with R development. I've been beaten down by R trying to get it to perform an optimization on a mass-balance model. I've written the same program in excel, and using the 'solver' function, it comes up with an answer for my variables (p, ACT, which
2006 Sep 26
warning message in nlm
Dear R-users, I am trying to find the MLEs for a loglikelihood function (loglikcs39) and tried using both optim and nlm. fredcs39<-function(b1,b2,x){return(exp(b1+b2*x))} loglikcs39<-function(theta,len){ sum(mcs39[1:len]*fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],c(8:(7+len))) - pcs39[1:len] * log(fredcs39(theta[1],theta[2],c(8:(7+len))))) } theta.start<-c(0.1,0.1) 1. The output from using optim is
2008 May 23
nls diagnostics?
Hi, All: What tools exist for diagnosing singular gradient problems with 'nls'? Consider the following toy example: DF1 <- data.frame(y=1:9, one=rep(1,9)) nlsToyProblem <- nls(y~(a+2*b)*one, DF1, start=list(a=1, b=1), control=nls.control(warnOnly=TRUE)) Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) : singular gradient matrix at initial
2006 Nov 26
Quadratic Optimization
Hi, I need to solve an optimization problem in R having linear objective function and quadratic constraints(number of variables is around 80). What are the possible choices to do this in R. optim() function only allows box constrained problems. Is it possible in nlm()? Or please tell me if there is any other routine. Thanks Amit
2005 Nov 16
Dear all, I want to solve a score function by using Newton-Raphson algorithm. Is there such a fucntion in R? I know there's one called optim, but it seems only doing minimizing or maximizing. Thanks, Jimmy
2012 May 21
simple, unidimensional heat map
I was wondering if someone could point in the direction of a package that could generate not heatmaps, but something like a unidimensional heat map. I might be mistaken, but it seems like image and heatmap are an overkill for such a simple task. For example, if I have a data frame: x<-data.frame(myname=paste("value",1:10,sep=""),a=1:10,b=sample(1:10,10,replace=T)) I'd
2008 Jun 24
Hessian in box-constraint problem - concern OPTIM function
Hello all useRs, I am using the OPTIM function with particular interest in the method L-BFGS-B, because it is a box-constraint method. I have interest in the errors estimates too. I make: s.e. <- sqrt( diag( solve( optim(...,method='L-BFGS-B', hessian=TRUE)$hessian ))) but in help say: "Note that this is the Hessian of the unconstrained problem even if the box constraints
2003 Sep 04
function is too long to keep source
Dear R users, I am trying to minimise a function using "nlm". I am getting the following error message: "Error: function is too long to keep source" The function is really very long (about 100 A4 pages). Is there anything I could do to solve this problem? At the moment I am using "nlmin" in S-Plus with no problems but I'd prefer to use R. Thank you very