similar to: margins too large

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "margins too large"

2006 Feb 08
Reference for R
Hello! Could anyone please tell me how should I include R in a text section for References? Regards, Sara Mouro [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 14
zip package
Dear all I can not understand how to install the package I have read the FAQ and the help pages carefully, but it still not clear for me. I have tried the following (and obtained the respective error messages): >install.packages("c:/ProgramFiles/R/rw2011/library/lpSolve_1.1.9",destdir=" c:/ProgramFiles/R/rw2011/library/lpSolve") Mensagem de aviso:
2008 Nov 20
different ACF results
Dear all, I have one Model (M3) fitted using the lme package, and I have checked the correlation structure of within-group errors using plot(ACF (M3,maxLag=10),alpha=0.05) But now I am not sure how to interpret this plot for the empirical autocorrelation function. The problem is that I am used to see/interpret diagrams in which all the autocorrelation Lags, except lag-1, are inside the
2006 Feb 08
large lines of data
Dear All, I have to enter many lines of data in the same object. I usually use copy-paste to transfer data from an Word file to R. But, for large lines of data, R gets "confused" and gives an error message, i.e. it breaks one line somewhere, and lines get no meaning at all. Some times I solve that problem adding "enters" and making each line shorter, before I do
2006 Sep 30
autologistic model? - what package?
Dear all, Could you pleas advise me on the following? I need to use general(ized) linear models (binomial distribution + logit link function) , to describe the preferred environment of each species (each sample is an individual in which I have measured several variables and also recorded the species it belongs to) However, must account for the spatial autrefoocorrelation between
2008 Nov 15
how to join these two models?
Dear R users, I have this 2 models that fit to my data: M3varI <- update (M3, weights=varIdent(form= ~ 1|SITE)) M3AR1<-update(M3,correlation=corAR1()) The first one, updates my M3 so that I can account for the variance structure of random erros. The second one, updates my M3 so that I can account for the correlation structure of random errors. How can I put them toghether in one
2006 Jun 27
> > Dear all, > > I have been usig R for some time, but now I have a MAC instead of a > PC, am I am having problems in reading files... > > > I have tried: > Data<-read.table("Users/SaraMM/PhD/Analises-LitterBags/Dados- > Litter.txt",head=T) > > but it said: > Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection > In addition:
2006 May 24
Dear all, Does any one knows why should I get the following error message, when trying to do a simple data.frame?? DataF<-data.frame(Subject,BiomR,Spp,Capas,Litter,Herbs,LitterD,MaxCanH,DDifS p,DSSp,Slope, CanDens,NearestSp) Erro em data.frame(Subject, BiomR, Spp, Capas, Litter, Herbs, LitterD, : arguments imply differing number of rows: 202, 0 The data I am using
2007 Oct 17
How to compile sources?
Dear all, I have read the on-line explanations I have found about Building R from sources, and istalling Packages from sources... Also, I have installed gcc4.0 and the gfrotran-4.2.1.dmg. However, I still do not know how to use them to compile one Source (in particular packfor_0.0-7.tar.gz) so that I can use it in R (for MAC OS X). Could someone please explain it to me in an easiest way
2005 Oct 26
Plots of Jest,Jdot, Jcross - legend?
Dear all, I am using the spatstat package, in particular the Jest, Jdot and Jcross functions. When I plot the results using J <- Jest (SpatData) plot.fv (J, main="Recruits") there are 4 different lines (different colours and shapes): black _____ green -------- red _ _ _ _ blue _._._ Could someone please tell me which line is which?? Regards, Sara Mouro [[alternative HTML
2006 Jan 12
envelopes of simulations
Hello! I am writing you because I could not plot the confidence envelopes for functions Jest, Jcross, Jdot, Jmulti, and L, using the Spatstat package. I have already understood how to do that for Kest or Jest, that is: JEnv <- plot(envelope(PPPData, Jest)) Where PPPData is my ppp object. However, for Jcross I must specify the two marks I want to analyse. That is, usually I would get the
2018 Jul 11
UDP for data?
Hi, I'm very interested in making SSH use UDP for large data chunks. Maybe you know FASP (, but that is proprietary, although the website says it's based upon open source methods. Is it possible to make openssh work with UDP for this purpose? Thanks in advance, Stef Bon
2006 Oct 03
loaded or not?
Dear all, Sorry for such basic question, but. when R "says": library(Rcitrus) Loading required package: geoR Loading required package: sp ------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of geostatistical data For an Introduction to geoR go to geoR version 1.6-8 (built on 2006/06/29) is now loaded
2018 Oct 16
Problema de memoria de R
Buenas tardes, Solicito por favor ayuda con este error: Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space Estoy trabajando con matrices de grandes dimensiones y el programa no logra completarse porque dice le falta memoria. Gracias [unnamed] Sara Suarez Zapata Estudiante en práctica - Unidad Gestion Bolsa de Energia. Tel: (574) 380 61 18 Correo: sara.suarez en
2011 May 12
lm and anova
Hi! We have run a linear regression model with 3 explanatory variables and get the output below. Does anyone know what type of test the anova model below does and why we get so different result in terms of significant variables by the two tables? Thanks! /Sara > summary(model) Call: lm(formula = log(HOBU) ~ Vole1 + Volelag + Year) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
2013 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] loop vectorizer issue
Actually what I meant in my original loop, that there is a dependency between every two consecutive iterations. So, how the loop vectorizer says 'we can vectorize this loop'? for(int k=20;k<50;k++) dataY[k] = dataY[k-1]; From: Henrique Santos [mailto:henrique.nazare.santos at] Sent: Sunday, November 03, 2013 4:28 PM To: Sara Elshobaky Cc: <llvmdev at
2013 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] loop vectorizer issue
Hello, I was trying to trace the Loop vectorizer of the LLVM, I wrote a simple loop with a clear dependency. But found that the debug shows that 'we can vectorize this loop' Here you are my loop with dependency: for(int k=20;k<50;k++) dataY[k] = dataY[k-1]; And the debug prints: LV: Checking a loop in "main" LV: Found a loop: for.body4 LV: Found an
2014 Sep 01
[LLVMdev] Modify a module at runtime in MCJIT
Hello, I'm using MCJIT to run some loops on my ARM processor. I was trying to perform some runtime optimizations on some function, and this requires recompiling the function at runtime. I know that this feature is not available yet in MCJIT , and to modify a function I have to create a new module with the newly optimized code. My questions are: - The newly created module can be
2013 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] loop vectorizer issue
Hi Sarah, the loop vectorizer runs not on the C code but on LLVM IR this c code was lowered to. Before the loop vectorizer runs many other optimization change the shape of this IR. You can see in the LLVM IR you referenced below, a preceding LLVM IR transformation has change your loop from: > for(int k=20;k<50;k++) > dataY[k] = dataY[k-1]; to > int a = d[19]; >
2019 Aug 03
conflicting builtins in clang with musl (stddef.h)
Hello there, I'm building a Linux distribution based on musl and LLVM as default toolchain (including lld/libc++/libc++abi/libunwind rather than GNU). For most of the time this works pretty well. However I'm having troubles with few packages, webkit for instance fails because of max_align_t being redeclared in musl's stddef.h I see that stddef.h is provided by both musl and in the