similar to: percent rank by an index key?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "percent rank by an index key?"

2007 Mar 27
"Groups" in XYPLOT
I'm not sure I'm barking up the right tree here, but would I need to make use of groups to plot two separate datasets within ONE panel in xyplot? The desired end result is a single xy plot of two separate (but similar in values and ranges). Full code follows, xyplot code at bottom #########Determine Frequencies ##########coastal_slope #needs the maptools package to read ESRI grid
2012 Jan 11
get the percentage rank of a value based on an empirical data vector
Hi, I have a vector with values: x <- rnorm(1000, 5, 2) and one single value: y <- 6.2 now I would like to know the percent rank of y based on the 'population'-vector x. Is there a convenient function that calculates the percent rank of a y for the given vector x? thanks!
2013 Apr 24
matching observations and ranking
Hi, It is not that clear. If VAR1 is a match between columns AB001A, AB0002A, VAR2? between AB001A, AB362 and VAR3 between AB0002A and AB362: Also, I assume row8 match would be taken as 1. dat1<- read.table(text=" ? S.No AB001A AB0002A AB362 ?? 1?? -/-??????? C/C?? A/A??????????????????????? ??? 2?? C/C??????? C/C?? A/A??????????????????????? ??? 3?? C/C??????? C/C??
2019 Jul 02
Percent character in mail_crypt_private_password not possible
Hello, I am using the mail_crypt plugin with Dovecot 2.3 and have issues trying to use a mail crypt private password which contains a percent "%" character as you can see below: $ doveadm -o plugin/mail_crypt_private_password=SomethingWith\%Percent mailbox cryptokey generate -u email at domain.tld -URf doveadm(email at domain.tld): Error: Failed to expand plugin setting
2010 Jul 02
is there a way to do dense rank in R
I have not been able to find a way to do dense rank in R Here is an example of what I need rank() gives the following 5 rank 1 7 rank 2 7 rank 2 9 *rank 4* but I want 5 rank 1 7 rank 2 7 rank 2 9 *rank 3* * * thanks SS [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 15
How to plot image of contour in percent?
I have searched this forum with keywords contour and percent, it only give one irrelevent result. My problems is how to plot contour in percent. In my figure, I have use kde2d to generate density of an array with two dimension point. Using image and contour could plot it. But the line contour generated represent absolute value of population, not how much pecent point within this cycle. So, i there
2005 May 04
rank of a matrix
how do I check the rank of a matrix ? say A= 1 0 0 0 1 0 then rank(A)=2 what is this function? thanks I did try"rank"), but all the returned help information seem irrelevant to what I want. I would like to know how people search for help information like this. rank(base) Sample Ranks SignRank(stats) Distribution of the
2018 Jan 22
Inconsistent rank in qr()
Hi, I have noticed different rank values calculated by qr() depending on LAPACK parameter. When it is FALSE (default) a true rank is estimated and returned. Unfortunately, when LAPACK is set to TRUE, the min(nrow(A), ncol(A)) is returned which is only occasionally a true rank. Would not it be more consistent to replace the rank in the latter case by something based on the following pseudo code ?
2005 May 11
rank (PR#7850)
Full_Name: Stella David Version: 2.1.0 OS: mingw32 Submission from: (NULL) ( It seems that rank doesn't work right on vectors containing negative values. If the negative value is the first component or there are only two components, it works, but if the negative value is somewhere in the middle there's a problem. Here are my examples: > # wrong: > x<-
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hallo Anupam I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me provide almost identical results when removing theme part from ggplot. library(ggplot2) library(lattice) ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent, group=Measure)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Measure) xyplot(Percent ~ Income | Measure, TrialData4, type = "o", pch = 16, as.table =
2018 Jan 23
Inconsistent rank in qr()
Le 23/01/2018 ? 08:47, Martin Maechler a ?crit?: >>>>>> Serguei Sokol <sokol at> >>>>>> on Mon, 22 Jan 2018 17:57:47 +0100 writes: > > Le 22/01/2018 ? 17:40, Keith O'Hara a ?crit?: > >> This behavior is noted in the qr documentation, no? > >> > >> rank - the rank of x as
2003 Sep 11
rank(*) with NAs -- new option "keep" desired
In some contexts, I find the current behavior of rank() very `suboptimal'. We have the argument na.last = {TRUE | FALSE | NA } where the first two cases treating NAs (almost) as if they were == +Inf or == -Inf whereas the 3rd case just drops NAs. For the typical ``Rank Transformation'' that is recommended in EDA in several contexts, I would however want something else, namely keep
2006 Oct 10
Rank Function
Does anyone know why the two rank functions gives different results? I need to use the rank function in a "for" loop, so the sequence to be ranked is given values in the form of part (1). How can I use assignment like in part (1) to get correct ranks as in part (2)? Thank You Part (1) i<-1.94 b<-0.95-i c<-1.73-i d<-2.62-i y<-c(0.68,0.95,b,c,d) y 0.68 0.95 -0.99
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Thanks! You are correct, the graphs look very similar, except ggplot is scaling the text font to make it more readable. Is there a way to scale down the x-axis labels, so they are readable? On Fri, 7 Jul 2023 at 12:02, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote: > Hallo Anupam > > I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me > provide almost identical
2010 Apr 29
Periodic regression - lunar percent cover
Dear List, I am trying include a lunar variable in a model and am having problems figuring out the correct way to include it. I want to convert the percent lunar illumination (fraction of moon showing) to a combination of sin and cos variables to account for the periodic nature of the lunar cycle. Would someone let me know if I am doing this correctly? I have included the first 20 variables
2011 Apr 07
Windrose Percent Interval Frequencies Are Non Linear! Help!
Hi All - I have been using the windrose function found in the circular library to create great looking windroses.  But the dashed, circular percent interval lines that indicate the frequency at which each "pedal" occurs are not evenly spaced (the corresponding parameter is "cir.ind").  That is, the 5% interval closest to the heart of the windrose is wider than the 5-10 chuck,
2010 Apr 16
efficient rolling rank
Could someone give me an idea on how to do rolling ranking, i.e. rank in the moving window of last 100 numbers in a long vector? I tried naive solution like roll.rank<-function(v, len){ r<-numeric(length(v)-len+1) for(i in len:length(v)) r[i-len+1]<-rank(v[(i-len+1):i])[len] r } However, it turns out pretty slow even on my rather able Linux box. For
2003 Nov 07
Bug in cor.test - Spearman
Greetings. There seems to be a problem with the P-value computation in the cor.test with method="spearman". In R1.8.0 (MS Windows) I seem to be getting intermittently nonsense P-values, but the rho's are OK. I can get this reproducibly with the toy example attached where the first use is OK and subsequent calls with the same data give nonsense. (I have also seen the problem
2012 Nov 21
I don't know the difference between rank and order
I don't know the difference between rank and order.For example: > x=c(10,30,30,20,10,20) > x[rank(x,ties.method="first")] [1] 10 10 20 30 30 20 > x[order(x)] [1] 10 10 20 20 30 30 the result is quite different, x[rank(x,ties.method="first")] [1] 10 10 20 30 30 20 It is not sorted,why? -- View this message in context:
2010 Feb 11
Question about rank() function
Hello, I am trying to get the 'rank' function to work for me, but not sure what I am doing wrong. Please help. I ran the following commands: data = read.table("test1.csv", head=T,, na.string=".", row.nam=NULL) X1 = as.factor(data[[3]]) X2 = as.factor(data[[4]]) X3 = as.factor(data[[5]]) Y = data[[2]] model = lm(Y ~ X1*X2*X3, na.action = na.exclude) fmodel =