similar to: Pagination :conditions not working - MySQL v. PostgreSQL, Rails abstraction v. embedded SQL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Pagination :conditions not working - MySQL v. PostgreSQL, Rails abstraction v. embedded SQL"

2006 Jan 31
Pagination - why is it this hard?
Hi everyone, I''m at the end of my rope on this. I can''t get pagination to work with anything but a standard find on a model. If I try to do a search and customize the pagination, I get lots of different variations. My thought was to have the list action do what it does, but to pass it a list of search conditions from the search action. So, if search determines that we need
2006 Feb 15
STI Question
Hi everyone, I have 3 types of people (for now): Staff Faculty Students To break them up into classes, but keep them in the same People table, I''ve broken them up like so (code and ''ends'' snipped): class Person < ActiveRecord::Base class Employee < Person class Staff < Employee class Faculty < Employee class Student < Employee So, when I insert
2006 Mar 29
MySQL in dev, Postgres in prod - differences in "LIKE" query
Hi everyone, I run MySQL in my dev environment, but Postgres in my production environment (out of necessity). I''m having trouble finding a way to write a query with a LIKE condition that is supported as case insensitive in both databases. Right now, I have this: @query = "m" # for example @people = Person.find(:all, :conditions => ["last_name LIKE ?", @query +
2006 May 05
exception_notification plugin not sending mails in development on localhost
Hi everyone, So, I''ve got exception_notification working now, but not in development mode on localhost. In my ApplicationController, I''ve added: local_addresses.clear Shouldn''t that be enough? Thank you! Sean
2006 Mar 30
Model.find(:all) where Model.association has more then 0 items?
Hi everyone, I have a Department model that has_many people. How do I go about finding all departments with more than 0 people? Department.find(:all, :conditions => Department.people.size > 0) That, of course, doesn''t work, but it was as close as I could come. Thanks! Sean
2006 Apr 20
Rails + postgres case insensitive searches.
Hello all I am wondering how rails handles case sensitivity in databases. If I do a Person.find_all_by_name("tim") in mysql I would expect to get tim, TIm, and Tim. Do I only get tim in postgres? How do other people deal with this? Do you resort to find_by_sql for all your postgres queries to get case insensitive results?
2006 Mar 15
O''Reilly Rails Cookbook on Rough Cuts
Subject says it all. Anybody taken a look yet? After buying the Ruby Cookbook and the other Rails book, I''m pretty gunshy about another Rough Cuts purchase. Sean
2006 Mar 10
case insensitive search
I am having trouble with a simple gallery search. I type in a segment of the address and i only seem to be getting results if I use the correct case. This is in my Gallery controller: def search @gallery = Gallery.find(:all, :include => :property, :conditions => "address LIKE ''%#{@params[:keywords]}%''") end On a different note: I am having
2006 May 25
Using an external database behind a firewall
Hi everyone, There''s a separate database I''m using to get mail group info for our users (Sympa), and I''ve got Rails configured to pull data directly from it via an entry in database.yml The issue we''re having is that the database server in question is behind an internal firewall that has idle timeouts set at 30 minutes. If the connection isn''t used
2006 May 05
NameError when running exception_notification plugin?
Hi all, I installed the exception_notification plugin via ''script/plugin install'', and when configure it and try to run it, I get: NameError uninitialized constant ExceptionNotifiable This error occured while loading the following files: application.rb exception_notifiable.rb In my application.rb, I added this: include ExceptionNotifiable And in my development
2006 Apr 11
Passwords in SVN?
Hi everyone, Where do you all keep your passwords for your apps? Out Subversion repo is locked down to authorized users, and only those users can see code in Trac. Is it safe to store passwords in there? For Rails? For other scripts? What''s your strategy for this? Thanks! Sean
2006 Jan 30
Is this a case for STI?
Hi everyone, We have different populations of people here at our college: Staff, Faculty, Students, Alumni (and a host of "Other" that I''ll worry about another day. I originally had only Staff and Faculty loaded in under a Person model using a Personnel controller. Now I want to add the students in, so I thought STI might be the way to go: class Person < AR::Base end
2006 Jan 23
Spawner -p and --port not working?
Hi everyone, I''m trying to set a port with spawner, and it''s not working: ruby /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spinner -c /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spawner --port=7000 -i 4 -d spinner: invalid option: --port=7000 Same with -p: ruby /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spinner -c /var/rails/ldapadmin/current/script/process/spawner -p 7000
2006 Jan 30
AR load script only loading every other item?
Wow, this one is weird. I''ve got a file with data I want to import, one item per line. When I run this code, only the first, third, fifth, etc items get saved: require ''../app/models/entitlement'' #### Add entitlements f ="../tmp/entitlements.csv") f.each do |line| id, code, description = line.chomp.split(''|'') entitlement =
2005 Dec 23
Intergrating delicious?
Whats the best way of intergrating into a RoR app? -- Posted via
2006 May 02
useful bit of code (hopefully)
Hi, I often find myself using bits of code like this inside ActiveRecord, perhaps it''s useful for others, or others can improve on it: ########### # fix user input before validating it before_validation :sanitize_input # santize input before actual validation is called # this uses the little methods defined below def sanitize_input trim %w(adres postcode woonplaats email naam
2006 May 02
[OT]: Asking questions on this list
Hi List, it appears that for the third or fourth time now, I''ve asked a question that nobody seems to respond to. Other questions (often things that could quite easily have been extracted by searching with Google or from are answered almost momentarily. I''ve to admit I''m more than a little frustrated by this, so have to ask myself if it was my own
2005 May 23
has_and_belongs_to_many dual insert error ?
Hi ! (See references at the end) I have a slight problem. Whenever I save one of my domain models, which contains an has_and_belongs_to_many relationship with another one, the relationships are doubled. My domain is a series of pictures, where each picture can be tagged with one or more words. So, a picture of my dog could be tagged "Jordy, Dog, Dog 2005", for example. In my
2006 Jan 31
Rails auth systems using LDAP?
Hi everyone, Are there any Rails systems that are either: * Easily extensible to use a different auth store? * Use LDAP out of the box? Thanks, Sean
2007 Aug 26
Multi-word query searching across columns
I''m trying to implement a basic name search on a People table with separate first_name and last_name columns. I am using the will_paginate plugin and have the following search method in the model: def, page) paginate :page => page, :conditions => ["lower(last_name) like ? or lower(first_name) like ?",