similar to: Tip: Working directory in titlebar

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Tip: Working directory in titlebar"

2004 Sep 24
using tcltk in R under ESS/XEmacs on Windows
Sorry for the cross-post. Not sure where the problem is... A while back I posted an R function to R-help: cd <- function (dir = tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()), saveOld = FALSE, loadNew = TRUE) { stopifnot(require(tcltk)) if (saveOld) save.image(compress = TRUE) setwd(dir) rm(list = ls(all = TRUE, envir = .GlobalEnv), envir = .GlobalEnv) if (loadNew &&
2004 Jul 14
RGui Titlebar
In the windows version (RGui), is there a way to set the text displayed in the titlebar of the R window? When I have 2 instances of RGui running, it would be helpul if the titlebar could help to understand which is which. -- Erich Neuwirth, Computer Supported Didactics Working Group Visit our SunSITE at Phone: +43-1-4277-38624 Fax: +43-1-4277-9386
2008 Aug 19
Open directory within a menu in tcltk
Hello, I am trying to setup a menu to open files and directories. I have the following code: opendir<-function() { dirname<<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) } openfile<-function() { filename<<-tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile()) } require(tcltk) t1<-tktoplevel() topMenu<-tkmenu(t1) tkconfigure(t1,menu=topMenu) plotMenu<-tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
2004 Feb 10
how to get the GUI directory chooser on Windows?
Dear R-help, Can anyone tell me if it's possible to call up the "directory chooser" (the one you get when you click on "File" -> "Change Dir...") in Rgui from the R command line? Seems like file.choose() can't be used to choose a directory. This is in R-1.8.1 on WinXPPro. Any help much appreciated! Andy
2005 Aug 31
tcl/tk return problem
Hello, I'm very new in working with tcl/tk in R and have a problem which will probably sound silly to most of you. Here is the code I have problems with: readcelfiles <- function() { require(tcltk) tt <- tktoplevel() tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Choose a directory!")) OnOK <- function() { fileDir<-tclvalue(tkchooseDirectory()) data.raw <-
2004 Jul 15
More on global environment
To follow up on my previous question, suppose a user R session wants to unload one workspace and load another within an R session. Is the following the correct sequence? 1. save.image() to save the current workspace as .Rdata in the current working directory. 2. rm(list=ls()) to remove everything from the workspace. 3. setcwd("xxx") to set the new working directory. 4.
2011 Dec 22
wine 1..3.35 not drawing titlebar and frame
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone is have wine 1.3.35 in virtual desktop not draw the titlebar and the frame?
2012 Jul 22
Extracting the window (titlebar) name from a bash script?
Surely there' s a way to obtain the "window name" -which appears on the Window Manager' s Titlebar- for running processes, right?. Well, I can't find it... I mean, the names that appear below each icon when you alt-tab to switch an app to the foreground. Is there a simple way to obtain that data along with matching PIDs, from a Bash script? any built-in tools that provide
2011 May 06
Need help with auto-titlebar on unmaximized window with Compiz/Ubuntu 11.04/Unity
re, all. Here's a bug filed against Google Chrome for the same problem: and here's some forum users complaining about the same problem, and regrettably their solution is to stop using Ubuntu's Unity mode: I work for VMware and for our Unity mode (which has the unfortunate name
2019 Dec 21
[PATCH 3/8] iommu/vt-d: Remove IOVA handling code from non-dma_ops path
Remove all IOVA handling code from the non-dma_ops path in the intel iommu driver. There's no need for the non-dma_ops path to keep track of IOVAs. The whole point of the non-dma_ops path is that it allows the IOVAs to be handled separately. The IOVA handling code removed in this patch is pointless. Signed-off-by: Tom Murphy <murphyt7 at> --- drivers/iommu/intel-iommu.c | 89
2009 Oct 30
.Rprofile replacement function setwd() causing errors
In my .Rprofile I have the following functions which display the current directory in the main R window title bar, and modify base::setwd() to keep this up to date. I like this because I can always tell where I am in the file system. cd <- function(dir) { base::setwd(dir) utils::setWindowTitle( short.path(base::getwd()) ) } short.path <- function(dir, len=2) { np
2009 Oct 13
how to have tkchooseDirectory resize in windows?
R-2.8.0 / tcltk8.5 In windows, Rgui.exe has a directory browser that can be resized, but when I call tkchooseDirectory(), it is a fixed size. In linux, when I call tkchooseDirectory() it can be resized. How do I get a windows version that I can resize? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 09
Metacity theme titlebar minimise button
Look at it, and you'll see the black outline is missing on the right side of the minimise button. This has been bugging me for a while. I've attached a zoomed in shot, so you can see easily what I mean. It's not a bug in the theme, but in gtk-window-decorator's Metacity theme support, as the border displays perfectly in Metacity. Does it happen with other themes? --------------
2012 Apr 30
Emulate virtual desktop window has a titlebar on OSX
Hi everyone - I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this (but I'd thought I'd give the forums a try before attempting to file any bugs anywhere), but anyway... For a month or two I've been using wine-devel on OSX using macports (from 1.4 to current, approximately) with the latest version of XQuartz, and noticed that while the "emulate virtual desktop" window
2012 Jul 30
locked binding of setwd() in R 2.15.x causes .Rprofile to fail
[Env: Win XP, R 2.14.2, R 2.15.0] I have a replacement function for setwd() in my .Rprofile which displays the current R path in the R window title. It no longer works in R 2.15.x, giving the error below. Worse, the error prevents the rest of my .Rprofile script from completing. Is there some way to rescue this, i.e., preserve this behavior in R 2.15? If not, how can I modify my script so it
2013 Feb 07
assignInNamespace to create a setwd() replacement: how to use unlockBinding()?
In my .Rprofile for Windows, I had the following functions defined to mirror a few features I miss from linux: (a) replace setwd() with a version that stashes the current directory so it can be easily restored (b) writes a short version of the current R directory to the Windows title bar: I can always see where I am, with multiple Rgui windows. (c) creates a cd() shorthand for setwd(), but
2012 Nov 20
tcl/tk problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr.
I everyone, i have a little problem with tklistbox,the " " character and Rcmdr. Please look at this code require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() levels.list2 <-tklistbox(tt,selectmode="multiple",exportselection="FALSE", height=4, yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(levels.list2.scroll,...))
2009 Feb 02
"a binary read error occurred" in read.dta
I'm trying to read in a perfectly good Stata data file created using Stata 10 in Linux and saved in the version 8/9 format using "saveold". R fails to read in the file: aa<-read.dta("myfile.dta") Error in read.dta("myfile.dta"): a binary read error occurred If I resave the file in Stata using the "nolabels" option of saveold, I get: There were
2006 Apr 17
autoscall the y-axis
Dear R users I need to auto scale the left y axis in the code below, so that when I scroll left or right the left y-axis scale changes to accumulate the range of the displayed data with in the max hight of the y-axis. also how can I make the crosshair horizontal since it is only vertical in this code. this code with a kind help from "Gregory (Greg) L. Snow Ph.D." just
2006 Jul 29
fancier plotting
Hi thank you for talking the time to help me with this. I have a sequence of numbers in a file and an equal sequence of various character, say(a b c d) each occurs more than once. I need to plot the numbers so that numbers corresponding to a in the other sequence would have green dots, those corresponding to b a red dot, nothing on c and blue square for d. i.e 2 a show a green dot 4 b show a