similar to: FW: LyX and Sweave

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "FW: LyX and Sweave"

2006 Aug 01
Global setting for na.rm=TRUE
Hello! Is it possible to set na.rm=TRUE in a global way? I'am constantly forgeting on this when performing analyses. I agree that one should be carefull with this when developing some code, but not necesarilly so in data analysis. Lep pozdrav / With regards, Gregor Gorjanc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- University of Ljubljana PhD student
2005 May 08
Extract just some fields from XML
Hello! I am trying to get specific fields from an XML document and I am totally puzzled. I hope someone can help me. # URL URL<-",11822933,11871444&retmode=xml&rettype=citation" # download a XML file tmp <- xmlTreeParse(URL, isURL = TRUE) tmp <- xmlRoot(tmp) Now I want to extract only
2006 Aug 07
Constrain coefs. in linear model to sum to 0
Hello! I would like to use constrain to sum coeficients of a factor to 0 instead of classical corner contraint i.e. I would like to fit a model like lm(y ~ 1 + effectA + effectB) and say get parameters intercept effectA_1 effectA_2 effectB_1 effectB_2 effectB_3 where effectA_1 represents deviation of level A_1 from intercept and sum(effectA_1, effectA_2) = 0 and the same for factor B. Is
2006 May 20
How long is winepath available?
Hello! Can someone provide me an estimate or relevant source of information on how long is command winepath available or from wich version of wine? I would need this as I work on some R[1] package R2WinBUGS[2] that calls a Windows program WinBUGS[3] and that program needs windows paths. Currently winepath or parsing of .wine/config is used and I wonder if I can remove fiddling with .wine/.config.
2006 Oct 12
Problems with package foreign (r-cran-foreign)
On 12 October 2006 at 13:02, Gregor Gorjanc wrote: | Hello! | | I encounter the following problem when I try to load package foreign | | library(foreign) | Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : | unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/': | /usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/ undefined symbol: | Rf_allocString | Error:
2006 Jul 02
Test for argument in ...
Hello! Say I have a function foo1, which has argument ... to pass various arguments to foo2 i.e. foo1 <- function(x, ...) { foo2(x, ...) } Say that foo2 accepts argument arg1 and I would like to do the following: - if foo1 is called as foo1(x) then I would like to assign some value to arg1 inside foo1 before calling foo2 arg1 <- "some value" foo2(x, arg1=arg1) - if foo1 is
2005 Jun 28
Producing character "given" i.e. "| " with plotmath
Hello! Does someone know how to produce L(y|mu) with plotmath? Some code with unsuccessfull results: plot(dnorm(x = seq(from = -4, to = 4, by = 0.1)), type = "l") ## Not what I want legend(legend = c(expression(L(y:mu))), x = "topright") ## Strange, is this a bug? legend(legend = c(expression(L(y|mu))), x = "top") ## Group produces an error legend(legend =
2005 Nov 17
Problem with fitdistr for gamma in R 2.2.0
Dear R developers, I have encountered strange behaviour of fitdistr for gamma in recent R build i.e. 2.2.0. I have attached the code for data at the end of this mail so you can reproduce the problem. In short, I am able to run fitdistr under 2.1.0 without problems, while I get the following error under 2.2.0 (Version 2.2.0 Patched (2005-11-15 r36348)) > fitdistr(otm, "gamma") Error
2006 Mar 14
Internal codes of the factor
Hello! I am writing some functions and I repeatedly acces internal factor codes. I figured out that internal codes are 1:n where 1 represents 1st level, 2 2nd level etc. This is not documented and I wonder if this is on purpose and subject to change or would be a good idea to add this to documentation for factor? I can prepair a pacth if this is accepted. -- Lep pozdrav / With regards,
2006 Sep 14
R-devel: rownames of a data.frame
Hello! Data.frames have new rownames funcionality, however in use of colnames<- in R-devel "changes" this. Here is the example: > df1 <- data.frame(letters[1:5]) > attributes(df1) $names [1] "letters.1.5." $row.names [1] 1 2 3 4 5 $class [1] "data.frame" > colnames(df1) <- "bla" > attributes(df1) $names [1] "bla"
2006 Mar 28
Remove [1] ... from output
Hello! I am writing some numbers and character vectors to an ascii file and would like to get rid of [1] ... as shown bellow (a dummy example) R> runif(20) [1] 0.653574 0.164053 0.036031 0.127208 0.134274 0.103252 0.506480 0.547759 [9] 0.912421 0.584382 0.987208 0.996846 0.666760 0.053637 0.327590 0.370737 [17] 0.505706 0.412316 0.887421 0.812151 I have managed to work up to remove quotes
2006 Aug 05
R CMD check and RUnit
Hi! I appologize for crossposting, but this might be of broader interest. In case you are interested in fusing RUnit with R CMD check under unix alike OS, here is one way of doing/hacking this. My aim was to perform unit tests: (1) during R CMD check (2) at any other time Say you have a package PKG in a map PKG. I use the following structure PKG |- R |- ... |- inst | |- doc | `-
2006 Mar 20
levels for list and data.frame
Hello! Does R core find the following pacth usefull - I created methods for levels for list and data.frame, which can be usefull to get a list of levels for entries in a list or columns in a data.frame. Patch is attached and shown bellow example # Example > tmp <- list() > tmp$a <- factor(letters[1:10]) > tmp$b <- factor(letters[5:14]) > tmp$c <- 1:10 > tmp1 <-
2005 Jun 08
FW: Random seed problem in MCMC coupling of chains
And a last post from Paul Gilbert. Thanks to all! This disscusion was really beneficial for me! -----Original Message----- From: Paul Gilbert [mailto:pgilbert at] Sent: sre 2005-06-08 21:01 To: Gorjanc Gregor Subject: Re: [R] Random seed problem in MCMC coupling of chains Gorjanc Gregor wrote: > Thanks to Paul and Gabor for additional tips/examples. Actually, I find
2005 Feb 22
Run Sweave and LaTeX directly from command line
Hello! Those of you, who use Sweave a lot, will probably find my shell script usable. You can get it at: No warranty, however don't hesitate to contact me if you find an error or have a patch! -- Lep pozdrav / With regards, Gregor GORJANC --------------------------------------------------------------- University of
2005 May 03
r-doc-html link problems
Hello! I have a Debian package r-doc-html 2.1.0-1 and I can't find the HTML files of manuals. Contents of the package are: $ dpkg -S r-doc-html r-doc-html: /usr/share/doc/r-doc-html/changelog.Debian.gz r-doc-html: /usr/share/doc/r-doc-html/manual/R-data.html r-doc-html: /usr/share/doc/r-doc-html/manual/R-lang.html r-doc-html: /usr/share/doc/r-doc-html/copyright r-doc-html:
2006 Feb 10
Fitdistr and MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution
Hello! I would like to get MLE for parameter lambda of Poisson distribution. I can use fitdistr() for this. After looking a bit into the code of this function I can see that value for lambda and its standard error is estimated via estimate <- mean(x) sds <- sqrt(estimate/n) Is this MLE? With my poor math/stat knowledge I thought that MLE for Poisson parameter is (in mixture of LaTeX
2005 May 02
"Special" characters in URI
Hello! I am crossposting this to R-help and BioC, since it is relevant to both groups. I wrote a wrapper for Entrez search utility (link for this is provided bellow), which can add some new search functionality to existing code in Bioconductor's package 'annotate'*. Entrez search utuility returns a XML document
2005 Mar 25
Gmail invitation
Hello R users! I just found out that I have 49 invitations for Gmail ( I have been using it now for a while and is really nice. Don't forget 1 GB for free. I will invite those who respond to this mail by FIFO. -- Lep pozdrav / With regards, Gregor Gorjanc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ University of Ljubljana Biotechnical
2006 Mar 06
Sort problem in merge()
Hello! I am merging two datasets and I have encountered a problem with sort. Can someone please point me to my error. Here is the example. ## I have dataframes, first one with factor and second one with factor ## and integer > tmp1 <- data.frame(col1 = factor(c("A", "A", "C", "C", "0", "0"))) > tmp2 <- data.frame(col1 =