similar to: plotting on a reverse log scale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "plotting on a reverse log scale"

2012 Sep 24
Memory usage in R grows considerably while calculating word frequencies
I am working with some large text files (up to 16 GBytes). I am interested in extracting the words and counting each time each word appears in the text. I have written a very simple R program by following some suggestions and examples I found online. If my input file is 1 GByte, I see that R uses up to 11 GBytes of memory when executing the program on a 64-bit system running CentOS 6.3. Why is
2012 Jun 13
need help
hello could you help in solving the following problem I want to replace same consecutive words by a single word in a sentence.. for example --- my name name name is micky so I want the output like this--my name is micky I want this solution for a text file can you tell me the code for it?? thanking you in anticipation -- Shilpa Rai MSc.(2011-2013) Applied Statistics and Informatics Indian
2012 Aug 30
Help on Plot Title where text is "mixed" with numerical carachters
Dear All,   I have the following code set up:   x <-2000 y <-8 z <-3   I would need to use these numbers to show up in my plot title "mixed" with text. The x,y,z numbers would need to change, the text would not. So my title should look like this   "x txt1 y txt2 z txt3"   so if: txt1=hours txt2=minutes txt3=seconds   then my title of the plot should read:   2000 hours
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Hola de nuevo, acabo de encontrar la solución. He creado una variable ficticia con los días 1 de cada mes en la secuencia temporal que quería y después he actuado de la siguiente manera attach(Libro1) plot (xbar~as.Date(fecha,"%d/%m/%y"), type="b", pch=19,cex=2,xaxt="n") xlabels<-strptime(ofeje, format = "%d/%m/%y") axis.Date(1,
2014 Jul 22
Ayuda Error in `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c(
Buenas tardes, grupo. Estoy tratando de hacer la comparación de dos archivos de una misma organización para encontrar las diferencias entre su informe del tema edl año 2005 y el del año 2013: Todos los comandos van bien, a exepción del último "colnames", como se ve en la siguiente secuencia: > pdf1<-"./PLAN de INSPECCIONES/05_seguridad_ciudadana.pdf" >
2010 Feb 14
unable to edit a file
hi, I have a file in a samba share with the following attributes: [dir1002] comment = webmin share write list = usr1,usr2 path = /misc/removable/dir1002 read only = no The files are created with the following ownership(the file system is vfat): -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Feb 14 07:23 New Text Document.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4 Feb 14 07:28 txt1.txt
2001 Aug 17
Solved: Help plotting some data
Hi! The other day I asked a couple of questions about plotting some data. Firstly I wanted to specify the colours used for the text plotted using: > text(chem.predict[,1:2], labels = km$cluster) Matt Wiener suggested: > col.vec <- c("black", "red", "blue") > text(chem.predict[,1:2], labels = km$cluster, color = col.vec[km$clusters]) Cheers Matt, that
2008 Aug 01
Properly Parsing Pre-Superscripts & Displaying Them With grid.text
Hi all... I?m making a chart dealing with frequencies of isotopes of various elements. For instance, I'd like the following text to appear on a chart with the "35" and "37" as superscripts: Based upon: 35Cl: 75% 37Cl: 25% I am having problems properly parsing the superscript that preceeds the "Cl", since there is no character ahead of the superscript (I saw
2015 Nov 23
capturing warnings using capture.output
>From the Details section of ?capture.output: Messages sent to stderr() (including those from message, warning and stop) are captured by type = "message". Note that this can be "unsafe" and should only be used with care. Capturing messages works as expected: capture.output(message("!!!"), type = "message") ## [1] "!!!" Capturing warnings
2008 Aug 30
Unable to send color palette through plot.Design to method="image"
I have been trying to specify a different color palette to the image method in plot.Design. My model has crossed two rcs() arguments and one two-level gender argument. The goal which appears to have been mostly achieved is to produce separate bivariate plots for men and women The call to plot does produce a level plot but it appears only with the default color palette despite various
2012 Nov 09
Mean of matrices entries in list of lists
Hey there, I've got a list of lists with matrices: A list with 13 entries (representing years), each of them another list with 12 matrices (representing one month). In each matrix there are as many rows as there are hours in the different months and 2 columns, since two meteorological parameters are measured. What I want to do is to calculate the hourly mean values for each month over the
2012 May 03
Help with readBin
I'm trying to read a binary file created by a fortran code using readBin and readChar. Everything reads fine (integers and strings) except for double precision numbers, they are read as huge or very small number (1E-250,...). I tried various endianness, swap, But nothing has worked so far. I also tried on R 64 bit for linux and windows (R 2.14) and R 2.11 on windows XP 32 bit. Any help would
2008 Jan 14
Focus on TextCtrl
Hello. I have a problem with set focus on a TextCtrl in wxRuby. I must do something like Login TextCtrl and set focus on a next TextCtrl by clicking Tab key. -- Posted via
2007 Mar 20
Problem with 02 domains on a single PDC
Hi all. I have 01 Samba-LDAP Server running 02 domains on separated networks. ---------------- | SERVER | ---------------- | | | | ADMIN LABI When I try to join the ADMIN domain, the machine joins the LABI domain. When I stop the LABI domain, the machine can join the ADMIN domain normally. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks. My configuration files are
2011 Sep 26
horizontal labels for a dendrogram
Dear R-help list, I'd like to create visualize the clustering of a dataset with a dendrogram. I'm using the following script: data = read.table("data.csv", header=T, sep=";") require(cluster) res = as.dendrogram(agnes(data)) chlab <- function(n) { if(is.leaf(n)) { att <- attributes(n) labx <- data$category1[att$label] lab_color <- ifelse(labx ==
2009 Jun 18
Questíon regarding the use of write.csv2, write.table ...
Hi all, I use "write.csv" and "write.table" to write a data frame in a file like following: write.csv2(allRandomTestCase_XDroped, "allRandomTestCase.csv") But in the created file "allRandomTestCase.csv" an additional column with consecutive numbers is automatically added to the column of the data frame "allRandomTestCase_XDroped". That is why my
2007 Mar 26
Samba-LDAP interdomain trust
I'm trying to create a trust between two Samba-LDAP domains (on a single server). I'm following Samba Howto Collection ( but I'm getting the error below. root@facomp01:~# /usr/local/samba.labi/bin/net rpc testjoin -S rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:get_schannel_session_key(2443) get_schannel_session_key:
2010 Apr 24
Formatting numerical output
Hello, I am new to R and am having difficulty formatting numerical output from a regression analysis. My code iteratively performs linear regression on a dataset while excluding certain data ranges. My code: rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) sink("outfile") dat <- read.table("testdat", sep="\t", header=TRUE) int = 0.2 for (x in c(0:20)) { subdat <- subset(dat, time
2010 May 29
Running MSACCESS and Tildes Jumis
Hello! I am trying to run another Latvian accounting software Tildes Jumis. Free demo is available at It requires MS MSACCESS to run. I am running latest Wine (wine-1.2-rc2), installed RICHTX32.OCX, comctl32.dll,urlmon.dll using winetricks. Operating system:ubuntu 10.04 Program installs fine, but then I run it (using shortcut env
2018 Aug 06
Back to Xfce
On 08/06/2018 11:51 AM, Tony Schreiner wrote: > On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 11:33 AM Robert Moskowitz <rgm at> > wrote: > >> >> On 08/06/2018 11:11 AM, Tony Schreiner wrote: >>> On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:55 AM Robert Moskowitz <rgm at> >>> wrote: >>> >>>> Nicolas, >>>> >>>>