similar to: identify label format problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "identify label format problem"

2005 Sep 07
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Ronaldo, Further to my previous posting on your Glycogen nested aov model. Having read Douglas Bates' response and Reflected on his lmer analysis output of your aov nested model example as given.The Glycogen treatment has to be a Fixed Effect.If a 'treatment' isn't a Fixed Effect what is ? If Douglas Bates' lmer model is modified to treat Glycogen Treatment as a purely
2007 Aug 30
Barplot2 using for loop, how to adjust margins?
Hi R-users, I inted to make multiple plots using for loop. The question is how can I adjust the left hand side margin of the plot according to the names.arg argument in barplot2. In every plot I have different annotations in the y axis and they vary in length. Now when I have fixed margins opar <- par(mar=c(3,15,0,2)... I get the same margins in all of the plots. That leaves lots of white
2005 Feb 05
Labelling and formatting of graphics
In the output of the code below, I want to do the following: - get hats over some of the betas - get the polygons stippled, not coloured grey - remove the tick marks at the ends of the axes. If I put tick = false, the whole axis disappears. betahat <- c(0.04*0:150) betahatdens <- dnorm(betahat, 3, 1) plot(betahat, betahatdens, xlim = c(-0.2, 6.2),
2002 Dec 05
Passing options as lists
Hi, I apologize if this has previously been posted. I've just subscribed to the R-help digest. I'm writing a plotting function that uses layout() to plot several different plots on the same device. This function uses plot(), image(), and a custom function that uses text(). Each cell of the layout needs different par() parameters, so what I'd like to do is pass them as lists:
2004 Mar 31
identify() and controlling label size
I thought this was going to be easy ... Can the label size of identify() be controlled by setting par(cex.*) because I'm having no luck? My only recourse is to save the index and position of the labels from identify() and use text() to replot them. Regards Alex Alex Hanke Department of Fisheries and Oceans St. Andrews Biological Station 531 Brandy Cove Road St. Andrews, NB Canada E5B 2L9
2001 Apr 25
Re: identify.default ignores any setting of cex (PR#660)
A follow-up to PR#660 (15 Sep 2000) from Brian Ripley: > R 1.1.1 on Windows, but I think this is widespread. > > Using either > > par(cex=0.5) > plot(1:10) > identify(1:10) > > or > > plot(1:10) > identify(1:10, cex=0.5) > > ignores the cex setting. The root cause is that par(cex=0.5) > alters cexbase for the device but sets cex=1.0, and the
2005 Jul 24
Question about 'text'
Dan, Another tweak ! If you want the 'legend' to look pretty you can resize it by adding,say, 'cex=0.6' into the legend code; try--- legend("topleft", #inset=-1, legend ="expression", L), bg='white', ncol = 2, pch=c('','','',':',':',':'), x.intersp = 0.4,
2007 Apr 28
Hmisc curve label size & cex
R-Masters, I need to produce high resolution line plots and place labels on the curves. It seems that cex must be high relative to the other cex values in order to produce sufficiently large & legible tick labels at high resolutions. But high cex values cause the curve labels to become gigantic when using Hmisc. I've struggled and searched the archives, but cannot find a way of
2006 Jun 01
how to add point and label to boxplot using bwplot
Hi. My data contains information for 10 hospitals for 12 different measures. Let's call it x1-x12. I need to create a boxplot for each one of this measures and put them into one page. Each plot also needs to be independent, i.e. cannot use the group feature because of different scales for each measure. I was successful using the following code: x1 <- c(1.317604376, 0.978038233,
2007 Aug 30
Additions to xyplot (lattice)? - legend, ticks, axis label size, text
I have created an xyplot of a time series with the following code... win.graph(width = 10, height = 7) panel1 = function(x, y) { panel.loess(x, y, lwd=2.5, span=0.5, col="gray") panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=19, col="blue", cex=1.25) } xyplot(oneplusdensity ~ year, data=figdata, aspect="fill", cex=1.5, xlab=NULL, ylab=expression("Crabs per
2008 Sep 29
x axis label overlap
Hello, On the figure produced by this code: ############## # données Bacher 2001 y .bacher = c (69,18,13,12,5,4,3,3,13,9,7,6,4,2,69,19,12,40,5,2,2,2,51,18,8,31,9,3,2,2 ) x.bacher=c(seq(1:6),8,9,seq(9,13), 15,15,16,17,17,18,19,20,22,22,23,25,25,26,27,28,30) # graphe #quartz(width=2.12,height=2.12) quartz(width=10,height=10) par(mar=c(5.1+2,4.1+2,4.1,2.1))
2010 Jun 13
losing line of mtext when saving to png format
I have a simple graph (oode below) which looks fine on the screen but when I save it in png format the title (actually the last mtext line) is cut off. I am pretty sure that I am doing something very stupid but other than playing around with the png height and width commands which don't seem to help I have no idea of what to look for. Any suggestions or cures would be appreciated. Thanks
2011 Nov 24
pairs(), expression in label and color in text.panel
Hello, I'd like to add custom labels to my pair() plot. These labels include math expression but they aren't correctly displayed... Further, I want that the boxes for the text.panel (diagonal) have an other background color (grey80). Is that generally possible? If yes how do I have to set it? What I've so far is: panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="",
2009 Jul 16
axis label config mgp
I have long axis labels (8units) on the x axis and 2 unit number labels on the y axis. I need to move the x axis title without moving the y axis title. I have used mgp=c(title, label and line), but mgp moves both the x and y titles. The following puts the y axis title way way out to the left. Anyone know how to move just the x axis. X11() conif<-c("Control", "Switched
2008 Dec 06
Barplot label
Dear all, I am trying to make barplot from matrix with "beside=FALSE". I have 165 labels in my bar plot. When i plot the label horizontally below the barplot, then all labels are not appear in the plot due to lack of space. I used the following function: barplot(t(bar), main="Barplot based on LCMS", ylab="RF membership Probability",   
2003 Apr 07
Justifying only the X-label
In the attached plot, how do I move just the X-label(Time) to the right. Basically, I just want to do a par ( adj = 1) on just the X-label, not all my labels. Any ideas how to accomplish this? Thanks, Tony Tony Vargas Cisco Systems Engineering Computing Services (408) 525-4113 tvargas at -------------- next part -------------- <-
2006 Sep 06
biplot label size
Which is the parameter that is used to decrease the size of ylabs plotted in biplot? I tried playing with cex and cex.lab I am not getting it right pc <- princomp(USArrests) biplot(pc, xlabs = rep("", nrow(USArrests)),ylabs=(colnames(USArrests))) Thanks../Murli [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 07
xyplot - label one line
Hi All, I have a panel xyplot with 2 lines in each panel. I'd like to label one line only but don't know how to do this. The code below labels both lines. Any ideas how I could change it to show the y-values of only one of the lines? Many thanks! xyplot(apples + bananas ~ year | category, data=fruit, as.table=TRUE, par.strip.text=list(cex=1.2,font="bold"), par.settings =
2012 Sep 03
Scatter plot from tapply output, labels of data
Hei, i am trying to plot the means of two variables (d13C and d15N), by 2 grouping factors (Species and Year) that i obtained by the function tapply. I would like to plot with different colours according to the Year and show the "Species" as data labels. My data looks like this: Species d13C d13N Year "Species1" 14,4 11.5 2009 "Species2"
2011 Dec 12
how to colour labels (each label with a colour) in a dendrogram?
Hello to all, I still have this doubt. I'd like to colour the different labels of my dendrogram each one with a different colour. How can I do? I guess I could do using *edgetext* and then *t.col* or* lab.col* but I don't know how to add edgetext to my dendrogram. Can you help me please? Example: require(graphics); require(utils) hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") (dend1