similar to: reading non-existing files

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "reading non-existing files"

2012 Aug 01
Why the error is coming while extracting the data from sheet?
Even though the sheet name Publication exists. The error is coming. Can anyone help? library("RODBC") cdb_cnct <- odbcConnectExcel("Copy of AZIF_DC_GVK_NSCLC_MSALL_287papers_02072012_141450_v1_4.xls") cdb_frame <- sqlFetch(cdb_cnct, "Publication") odbcClose(cdb_cnct) Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable) : 'Publication': table not found on
2003 Sep 23
RODBC access to MS-Excel (PR#4266)
Full_Name: Michael Hecht Version: 1.7.1 OS: WinNT Submission from: (NULL) ( I've got a problem with the RODBC library while trying to access to an MS-Excel file. The Excel file was originally exportet by a commercial software, so I cannot influence it. The problem is, that the names of the tables include spaces, e.g. "Scan 1","Scan 2" etc. If I use RODBC, I
2013 Jul 16
Importing data by odbcConnectExcel in 64 bit
I have probably an old question. I have R.3.0.1 installed in 64 bit windows 7. The odbcConnectExcel in RODBC library does not work. Tried odbcConnectExcel2007 still does not work. Any ideas. Thanks Melissa<-sqlFetch(odbcConnectExcel2007("F:\\Cotton2012\\validation.xlsx"),sqtable = "Sheet3", + na.strings = "NA", = TRUE) Error in
2009 May 21
Error in importing table from SQL to R
Hi Friends, I am trying to import a table from SQL server to R(2.9.0), however i am getting errors while running the below codes. Can anyone identify and let me know where did i go wrong??? Thanks in anticipation :) library(RODBC) myconn <- odbcConnect("RDATABASE") myconn RODB Connection 6 Details: case=nochange DSN=RDATABASE Description=Database for R UID=Madana_Babu
2011 Jan 23
Problem reading PostgreSQL data with RODBC
Dear list - I am having a problem using RODBC to access records from tables in a PostgreSQL database. There is no problem establishing the connection using chnl <- odbcConnect (dsn= ... etc. The DSN seems to be properly set up using the PostgreSQL Unicode ODBC driver, and sqlTables(chnl) works OK and produces a list of tables in the database (they are all in a schema called 'source').
2003 Jul 09
RODBC and Oracle: error "table does not exist"
Dear r-helpers! I have trouble reading data from an Oracle data base using RODBC Version 1.0-3, R Version 1.7.1, Windows XP, Oracle8 ODBC Driver Version > library(RODBC) > channel <- odbcConnect(dsn="PAV32", case="oracle", believeNRows=FALSE) > # ok, this was succesful > x <- sqlTables(channel) > x[37, ] TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME
2005 May 24
reading multiple files
Dear All, How do I read in multiple data frames or matrices in a loop, e.g. for (i in 1:n) { channel <- odbcConnectExcel("filenames") file[i] <-, "sheet")) } I would like file[i] to be the name of the data.frame (i.e. file[1], file[2], file[3],...etc) rather than a vector. Thanks in advance for any help. Dave
2009 Aug 14
RODBC does not like table names >11/12 characters
Hi List, I used to access a Paradox database using RODBC, but since last week I am not able anymore to fetch any table which has a name longer than 11 or 12 characters. Here is the the pattern of my code, nothing spectacular: library(RODBC) channel2<-odbcDriverConnect('DSN=xxx') #table names with up to 11 characters still work sqlFetch(channel2, 'abcdefghijk') #table names
2007 Jan 16
RODBC: sqlQuery is successful, but a similar sqlFetch returns error
Greetings guRus -- I have successfully queried a large (24,445 rows by 281 cols.) in-house database using the following RODBC query (without the line breaks) testout <- sqlQuery(channel, "select idSchedule,EXCL_Total from dbo.vwC1198_2006_RawData_With_CMPL_EXCL") This returns a dataframe of 24445 rows and two columns (as intended), but the following command testout
2008 Feb 05
All, I'm trying to connect to a remote SAS server using SAS's 9.1 ODBC driver and the RODBC package. I'm running R-2.6.1 on Win XP. I can successfully connect to the database, but no matter which table I query, I get back an empty table with only the column headers. For example: > sqlQuery(con, "select * from PRICES.DB_PRICES") [1] COMMOD_CURVE START_DATE
2007 Jul 26
SQL server service pack 2 prob? (PR#9810)
Full_Name: Jeff Lindon Version: 2.5.0 OS: mingw32 Submission from: (NULL) ( R 2.5.0 seems to be unable to read valid tables from SQL Server 2005 with Service Pack 2 installed: > version _ platform i386-pc-mingw32 arch i386 os mingw32 system i386,
2012 Feb 16
Reading Text Files with RODBC
I'm thoroughly stumped. I've been playing with RODBC and wanted to see if I could retrieve data from text files using this package as well (for the most part, this is an intellectual exercise, but occasionally I do get data files large enough in CSV format RODBC could be helpful) . I set up a DNS called "Text Files" and then ran the following code in R > library(RODBC)
2006 Apr 01
-newbie | RODBC import query
Greetings - After 20+ years of using SAS, for a variety of reasons, I'm using [R] for a bunch of things - while I'm getting a pretty good a handling [R] for script programming, and statistical analysis, I'm struggling with 'pulling data into [R]'. For reasons beyond my control, a number of the files I get sent to 'work with' are in Dbase format (*.dbf). For
2009 Nov 18
Re ading multiple Excel 2007 files with a loop
I have several hundred Excel 2007 data files in a folder. I would like to read every file in a single given folder using a loop. I have searched the FAQ, the forum archives here, other or older R boards and the R Import / Export documentation, and have asked some very knowledgeable R users without learning of a solution. I hope someone here can help. I understand that the most common
2004 Nov 09
RODBC bug or doc error in sqlFetch on xls files (PR#7354)
R 2.0.0 patched under win2000. MS Office Excel 2003. ODBC Drivers? This may not come as a surprise -- sqlFetch() (and perhaps other ?) appear not to handle table/worksheet names with spaces in them in Excel tables. I was not able to find documentation that specifically mentioned this, although the Help pages vaguely hinted that there might be difficulty with Excel's "peculiar
2011 Jul 20
Problem with RODBC
I have been trying to read some data from an Excel workbook without success. The workbook is in .xls format and has multiple sheets, one with the sheet name Data, which is the sheet I wish to read from. One complication is that the header row of this sheet is comprised of dropdown boxes. I tried what I normally would do plus some variations. Here is the output. > require(RODBC) >
2007 Jul 26
(PR#9810) Problem with careless user of RODBC (was SQL
Your error message was >> d <- sqlFetch(channel, District) > Error in odbcTableExists(channel, sqtable) : > object "District" not found and as you had not defined an object 'District' in that session, it seems perfectly plain. If you want to refer to table "District" you have to give a character string (with quotes), not the name of an R
2009 Apr 07
Re ading Excel 5.0 files with RODBC?
Hi, i'm trying to read some data from excel files but it seems that neither xlsReadWrite nor sqlFetch (RODBC) doesn't like the format (Excel 5.0). When i open the file in Excel and save it in a new format Excel 97 -2003 everything works fine. Is it possible to use ODBC connection to open old format files, or i guess i will have to open and save every file in Excel in new format, which
2012 May 19
Loading the stupid dataset--help!!!
I am using the following: library(RODBC) chan = odbcConnectExcel("rats-lda") rats.lda = sqlFetch(chan, "data") close(chan) And getting the following error message: > library(RODBC) Error in library(RODBC) : there is no package called ?RODBC? > chan = odbcConnectExcel("rats-lda") Error: could not find function "odbcConnectExcel" > rats.lda =
2007 Mar 07
sqlSave help!
Hi Everyone, I'm so confused. I've been trying to save data to a table but I keep getting an error that says the table does not exist and at other times saying that it does. So here are some statements: > sqlQuery(channel, "select top 1 * from > TestDB.[SILICON\\holouis1].clep_tier_shift") State NB Change_Number 1 IL 2005-02-08 7 It exists and I