similar to: dendrogram and dendrapply

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "dendrogram and dendrapply"

2023 Feb 23
`dendrapply` Enhancements
Hi everyone, My apologies if this isn?t the right place to submit this?I?m new to the R-devel community and still figuring out what is where. If people want to skip my writeup and just look at the code, I?ve made a repository for it here: I?m not quite sure how to integrate it into a fork of R-devel; the package structure is different from
2007 Nov 25
accessing the "address" of items in a recursive list
Dear useRs, I am working on a project involving the clustering of a large dataset. I need to extract specific sub-clusters from the parent dendrogram for further analysis. The data is too large for the use of convenient tools such as identify.clust (it selects the specific group of interest on a graph), so alternatively I have saved the plot as a large image file so that it can be printed or
2015 May 18
A "bug" in plot.dendrogram - can't plot lty with character color
The problem: =========== Once a dendrogram has a branch with both a line type AND a color (which is a character color), the plot.dendrogram function will not plot and return an error. I say this is a bug because (I believe), we would like a dendrogram to be able to use character colors, while also allowing control over line types. This e-mail includes an example, and what I think a solution
2023 Mar 23
`dendrapply` Enhancements
Hello Aidan, Sorry for dropping this for a while. ? Thu, 2 Mar 2023 21:03:59 +0000 "Lakshman, Aidan H" <AHL27 at> ?????: > //after > curnode = eval(lang3(R_Bracket2Symbol, parent->node, DEND_IND), env); lang3() always constructs a new language object. If you do end up using eval(), it may make sense to move lang3() out of the loop and reuse the existing object
2009 Apr 03
dendrogram rect.hclust() not working?
I have tried to use rect.hclust() to draw a rectangle around a set of leaves, but am running into trouble. The rect.hclust() is drawing two rects instead of one, and of the wrong size: -------------------- scoreClusterObj <- hclust(scoreDistanceObj, method=clustMethod) order <- scoreClusterObj$order orderedLabels <- rep(0, length(order)) for (orderIndex in 1:length(order)) { # this
2013 Jan 16
dendrogram stops!
Dear I am using the 'as.dendrogram' function from the 'stats' library to convert from an hclust object to a dendrogram with a dataset of size ~30000 (an example code is below). I need the dendrogram structure to use the "dendrapply" and "attributes" functions and to access the child nodes, I do not need any of the plot properties. The problem is that it
2004 May 06
question about plot.dendrogram
hi all, i'm trying to plot a dendrogram with labeled leaves >rownames(f)<-v.names >v<-rowMeans(f, na.rm=T) >clust<-hclust(dist(v)) >dend<-as.dendrogram(clust,hang=0.05) >clust2<-cut(dend, h=0.5) >class(clust2$low[[1]]) >[1] "dendrogram" then >plot(clust2$low[[1]],horiz=TRUE,frame=F,type = "tr")) but my leaf labels do not fit
2005 Nov 02
x/y coordinates of dendrogram branches
Dear R-users, I need some help concerning the plotting of dendrograms for hierarchical agglomerative clustering. The agglomeration niveau of each step should be displayed at the branches of the dendrogram. For this I need the x/y coordinates of the branch-agglomerations of the dendrogram. The y-values are known (the heights of the agglomeration), but how can I get the x-values? > mydata
2012 Oct 24
recursive function on a structured list of lists (dendrogram)
Dear all, I have been trying the following without avail and would be very grateful for any help. From a dendrogram (recursive list of lists with some structure), I would like to obtain some information of the component lists and of the enclosing list at the same time. In dendrogram-speech I basically would like the label of the leaf and the height of the enclosing branch. A dendrogram example
2010 Apr 13
Coloring leaves in Dendrogram according to gene names
Hello, I am a new R user and have a question regarding dendrogram coloring. I would like to color each leaf in the dendrogram (dhc) according to a specific criterion. For me this criterion is the gene name. For this, I created a data.frame with 2 variables: The gene name and the corresponding color. Using the following function, adapted from "dendrapply {stats}", I still have the same
2005 Dec 12
dendrogram: how to obtain leaf height
Dear All, How can the height of a leaf be extracted from a dendrogram? Sure, I can print it, but I am not able to, say, store it in an object. I think I understand that the height is a property of the split, not the leaf itself, but the printing functions display a "height" or "h" (which changes with "hang") and that is what I want. Obviously, the info is there
2017 Mar 23
A question on stats::as.hclust.dendrogram
Hi all, This is the first time I'm writing to R-devel, and this time I'm just asking for the purpose for a certain line of code in stats::as.hclust.dendrogram, which comes up as I'm trying to fix dendextend. The line in question is at line 128 of dendrogram.R in R-3.3.3, at stats::as.hclust.dendrogram: stopifnot(length(s) == 2L, all( vapply(s, is.integer, NA) )) Is there any
2005 Oct 23
Coloring leaves, twigs and labels in plot.dendrogram()
Core developers, I couldn't find any simple way to send a vector of colors to apply to each terminal in plot.dendrogram() or plot.hclust()---I asked R-help about it a few weeks ago and didn't get any response---so I hacked that functionality into the plot.dendrgram code (see below for hacked function plus examples).... Is there any chance this functionality could be added to the
2003 Oct 17
heatmap function
Hi all, By default, the heatmap function gives an image with a dendrogram added to the left side and to the top. Is it possible to only add the dendrogram to the left side and let the order of the columns unchanged ? I tried heatmap(mat, col=rbg,Rowv=res.hclust$order,Colv=1:dim(mat)[[2]]). In this case, the order of the columns are unchanged but a dendrogram is added to the top. How can I
2011 Sep 26
horizontal labels for a dendrogram
Dear R-help list, I'd like to create visualize the clustering of a dataset with a dendrogram. I'm using the following script: data = read.table("data.csv", header=T, sep=";") require(cluster) res = as.dendrogram(agnes(data)) chlab <- function(n) { if(is.leaf(n)) { att <- attributes(n) labx <- data$category1[att$label] lab_color <- ifelse(labx ==
2008 Aug 01
hclust interrogation & use of $merge for dendrogram annotation?
Hi all, I've been doing some investigation to see if it is possible to implement an hclust/dendrogram related requirement that I've been given. So far ?hclust and a lot of googling haven't provided the information I'm looking for (I've been using R sporadically for a year). The requirement I have is to: On a dendrogram plot, draw points at various merge locations, based on
2015 May 20
Probably a "bug" in the dendextend package
>>>>> Tal Galili <tal.galili at> >>>>> on Mon, 18 May 2015 23:01:44 +0300 writes: > The problem: > =========== > Once a dendrogram has a branch with both a line type AND a color (which is > a character color), the plot.dendrogram function will not plot and return > an error. If the dendrogram has been messed up
2012 May 24
Manually modifying an hclust dendrogram to remove singletons
Dear R-Help, I have a clustering problem with hclust that I hope someone can help me with. Consider the classic hclust example: hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") plot(hc) I would like to cut the tree up in such a way so as to avoid small clusters, so that we get a minimum number of items in each cluster, and therefore avoid singletons. e.g. in this example, you can see
2008 Feb 04
Concatenation and Evaluation
Hello all, I've run into what I bet is a silly problem; however, I've been trying to get around it now for a couple weeks and every time I think I have the answer it still doesn't work. So I apologize in advance if this is painfully obvious, but I've run out of ideas and would really appreciate any input. My situation is this, I'm importing a number of tab
2010 Jun 17
plotting radial dendrograms
Dear list, I am trying to plot a radial dendrogram using the ape package, which requires my data to be of class 'phylo'. Currently I have my dendrogram stored as an object of class 'dendrogram' which was produced from an outside bit of C code, but was made into an object of class 'igraph.eigenc' and converted to a dendrogram using 'as.dendrogram()' from the igraph