similar to: Sweep statistics

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2006 Mar 29
Lmer BLUPS: was(lmer multilevel)
Paul: I may have found the issue (which is similar to your conclusion). I checked using egsingle in the mlmRev package as these individuals are strictly nested in this case: library(mlmRev) library(nlme) fm1 <- lme(math ~ year, random=~1|schoolid/childid, egsingle) fm2 <- lmer(math ~ year +(1|schoolid:childid) + (1|schoolid), egsingle) Checking the summary of both models, the output is
2004 Nov 17
"Impossible to run" error message when using Sweave
Dear List: I have a large dataset of multiple schools. My goal is to produce a separate tex file for each school that plots some of the student achievement scores. Essentially, the aim is to develop a custom report for each school. To accomplish this, I have code for a loop that gets sourced into R and then Sweaves the multiple files to create the individual school reports. Here is the code for
2007 Mar 09
time demean model matrix
Suppose I have longitudinal data and want to use the econometric strategy of "de-meaning" a model matrix by time. For sake of illustration 'mat' is a model matrix for 3 individuals each with 3 observations where ``1'' denotes that individual i was in group j at time t or ``0'' otherwise. mat <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0),
2004 Nov 28
paste command
In a previous post, I mentioned a loop being used to generate graphs. I have some sample code partially put together but have found one offending line of code that I cannot figure out what to do with. I have one data frame called grade4. If I do something like hist(grade4$math) I get the appropriate chart. Within the loop, however, I am doing this for multiple files and grades, so I use
2001 Jan 05
Trends for many units
I have data on every grade in all elementary schools in Chicago over 5 years. I would like to estimate a trend over time for each grade in each school. There are 17,600 data all together (about 460 schools, nearly 8 grades each, over 5 years). Is there a not-so-hard way to do this in R (I was thinking of using rlm)? ______________________________________________________________________ Stuart
2004 Aug 06
Comparing rows in a dataframe
Hello I have a longitudinal dataframe organized in the long format and would like to make comparison between successive rows if certain conditions apply. Specifically, I have four variables of interest: grade, score, year, and schid, associated with each school with 3 measurements per school per grade, therefore the rows are temporally ordered and each school occupies multiple rows. For example,
2012 Aug 04
how to coerce the result of sweep to be an array if result of FUN is a string?
Hi, I would like to use sweep to "sweep out" proportions and confidence intervals for an array, however when I supply a function which returns a string (containing something like "9% (3-18%)") I get back a list instead of an array, here is a simplified example: # example showing that sweep does not return an array with same dimensions as STATS as advertised
2010 Aug 11
sweep and zoo objects
rc<-list(c( 123,321,234,543,654,768,986,987,246,284),c("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")) # the matrix has rownames that are used as identifiers and columns # of time. 1 years worth of data. Thats the native format
2007 Jun 29
sweep sanity checking?
A friend of mine just got bitten by the fact that sweep() will happily sweep out a STATS vector of an arbitrary length -- even one whose length is not a divisor of any of the margins -- without complaining. I know the answer to this could be "well just don't do that", but it's easy to make a mistake in which margin you're sweeping ... What would R-core think of the
2004 Aug 06
preliminary Speex support in Sweep
Hi Jean-Marc and others, I put Speex support in Sweep (a sound editor) yesterday, and had some fun with it :) I'd like to get some feedback before releasing it publically. I'm not really used to speech codecs (I work more with music) but I've been quite impressed at the file size and quality (especially when you hear what I did with some of the sample files ;) I didn't have any
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Hola, Esta pregunta la hice en stackoverflow <>pero nadie pudo contestarla. 1. Quiero generar N escuelas, con G grados y C divisiones. 2. Quiero asignar cada uno de T maestros a 2 divisiones en un grado y escuela Si tengo C=4 divisiones, puedo lograr lo que quiero con
2004 Aug 06
please test rc2 support in sweep :)
Hi, I'm updating speex support in sweep to RC2 and I'd like some advice on encoder options, and would appreciate some testing of the user interface. a screenshot of the updated speex encoding dialog: you can grab a tarball of sweep for testing here: general
2004 Nov 28
Modifications to an abline
Dear List: I am working to generate graphs for individual students that will be created through a series of loops in Sweave. Before doing so, I am still trying to design the graph. The code for creating the barplot is below with some sample datapoints just made up for now. Ultimately, this chart will take data from an lme object using longitudinal student data. So, the dots represent the
2006 Jul 12
Odd "sweep" error on older code
I''ve got a Rails project that has been on the shelf for a few months, and I''m picking it back up. I''ve frozen Rails at 1.1.4 in vendor/, and did the "rails ." and "rake rails:update" to get it up to a current Rails level. The code initially seems to be working fine, but when I go to my login method, I get a 500 error thrown. Looking in the
2010 Jul 22
sweep / mapply question
Dear list, I have a matrix, spc, that should row-wise be interpolated: E.g. spc <- matrix (1:1e6, ncol = 250, nrow = 4000, byrow = TRUE) spc [1:10, 1:10] shifts <- seq_len (nrow (spc)) wl <- seq_len (ncol (spc)) interpolate <- function (spc.row, shift, wl) spline (wl + shift, spc.row, xout = wl, method = "natural")$y interpolate (spc [1,], shift = shifts [1], wl = wl)
2005 Aug 24
Remove NAs from Barplot
Dear List: I'm creating a series of barplots using Sweave that must assume a standard format. This is student achievement data and the x-axis must include all grades 3 to 8. In some cases, the data for a grade (or more than one grade) are missing in the vector, but are never missing for the vector apmxpmeet. The following sample code illustrates the issue. Using the code below to
2004 Aug 01
Creating dummy codes
Is there an efficient way to create a series of dummy codes from a single variable? For example, I have a variable, “grade” = {2, …, 12}. I want to create k-1 dummy codes for grade such that grade 2 is the base (i.e, grade 2 =0). I am hoping that the new variables can be labeled as grade.3, grade.4 etc. I'll then use grade <- paste("grade.", 3:12, sep="") in
2010 Nov 29
R equivalent of Beaton's Sweep algorithm
I'm looking for an R equivalent of Beaton's (1964) Sweep algorithim for partial inversion of a matrix by pivoting. It implemented in SAS/IML as sweep(matrix, indices), described here and here for python -- Michael Friendly Email: friendly AT yorku
2004 Oct 26
Splitting and saving separate dataframes
Dear List: I have a large dataframe that I need to break down into many smaller dataframes. Specifically, I have student achievement test scores for all students across grades 3 through 12. My goal is to create an individual dataframe for each grade. Rather than subsetting multiple times, the split command appears to be what I need. When I do > foo<-split(data, data$grade) > str(foo)
2010 Feb 28
Change the scale on a barplot's y axis
I have grades data. I read them from a csv in letter-grade format. I then converted them to levels levels(grades$grade)=c('A+','A','A-','B+','B','B-','C+','C','C-','D+','D','D-') And then to numbers grades$gp=grades$grade levels(grades$gp)=c(4.3,4.0,3.7, 3.3,3.0,2.7, 2.3,2.0,1.7, 1.3,1.0,0.7)