similar to: Three simple steps help you sav a lot on quality tablets.

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "Three simple steps help you sav a lot on quality tablets."

2009 Nov 12
Reading .sav (SPSS) files.
Hi, I used the method read.spss() in library(foreign) to read a .sav file using commands. >library(foreign) >data.sav <- read.spss(''masterfile.sav'') >mydat <- It''s throwing some warnings.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
2011 Jul 01
como levantar en r una base en .sav (spss).
Hola Estimadas y Estimados, Alguno podrá enseñarme, en caso de que sea posible, como lvantar desde R una base (o variables) que estén en formato .sav (SPSS). Hay que aplicar una librería distinta library (RODBC)? ,que es la que llamo para levantar bases de un servidor SQL. Espero que esten bien. Muchas gracias. Saludos cordiales, Juan Manuel. Argentina - Ministero de Salud de la Nación.
2003 Dec 19
read.spss warning message with 12.0 sav files
useRs, Don't know if this requires a bug report, but using the read.spss function on files written by the new SPSS 12.0 produces the following warning message: Warning message: C:\data\spss.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 13 encountered in system file. The data files appear to be read correctly. The warning likely results from changes to the file format due to SPSS increasing
2010 Jul 16
re ading SPSS .sav files (PR#13509)
Sir/Madam, Installed in my computer is the Version 2.9.1(2009-06-26) of R. I have a SPSS.sav file produced by SPSS Version 17. >install.('foreign') >library(foreign) <- read.spss("f:/sme.sav",use.value.labels=FALSE) Warning message: In read.spss("f:/sme.sav", use.value.labels = FALSE) : f:/sme.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18
2009 Sep 20
help with SAV file
Hi, I am trying to do a statistical analysis of a SPSS data set, which has 7 different parameters, 4 of which are Yes/No. When I try to select in one of the parameters all the rows with a Yes it always gives me the same error : object 'Yes' not found although: > suburban [1] No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No [19] No No Yes No Yes Yes
2010 Jun 18
Read SPSS v 18 .sav file
Hi, I repeatedly get an error when trying to read an SPSS v. 18 .sav file into R. > require(foreign) Loading required package: foreign > femaleSPSS.dat <- read.spss("female-04-02-2010.sav") Warning message: In read.spss("female-04-02-2010.sav") : female-04-02-2010.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 18 encountered in system file > However, read.spss works
2004 Jul 26
Read SPSS data (*.sav) in R 1.8.0 (ok) and R1.9.1(error)
Hallo! I read SPSS data in the following way: library(Hmisc) library(foreign) dat<-spss.get("surv_abb.sav") In R1.9.1 I got the message: "Error in all(arg == choices) : Object "typeDate" not found" In R1.8.0 the same script works fine. Does anybody know a possibilty to read a SPSS file under R1.9.1? Thanks! Karl
2006 Apr 16
Reading SPSS .sav files
Greetings, How to I read in SPSS .sav files into R. Thank you. David ===================================== David Kaplan, PhD Professor of Education School of Education University of Delaware Newark DE 19716 Voice: 302-831-8696 Fax: 302-831-4110 email: mailto:dkaplan at Homepage:
2009 Feb 07
reading SPSS .sav files (PR#13509)
Full_Name: Roger Newton Version: 2.8.1 OS: windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have an elderly version of SPSS (version 11) which I still use. R Version 2.6.1 would, and still will, read SPSS *.sav files produced by SPSS version 11. R version 2.8.1 which I installed two days ago (05/02/09) reports an error and shuts down when trying to read SPSS version 11 *.sav files using
2001 Dec 16
windows testing, internet
doing make -f test-Internet in tests gave make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/Work/R-devel/tests' D:/Work/R-devel/bin/Rterm --vanilla LC_ALL=C --internet2 --vanilla < internet.R > internet.Rout2 diff internet.Rout internet.Rout2 99,100c99,100 < unable to resolve ''. < Error in url("", "r") : cannot open URL
2006 Mar 29
Problems with lighty
I''ve been trying to get lighty configured to work with Rails and I''m having quite a time of it. I have all of the following installed on a FC4 system: ruby-1.8.4 gems-0.8.11 rails-1.0 fcgi-2.4.0 ruby-fcgi-0.8.6 lighttpd-1.4.10 Before I tried setting up multiple apps, I just decided to try for a single app setup. I have the following configuration: ### begin config ###
2014 Apr 08
Découvrez les nouveaux programmes du Grand Ouest
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> D??couvrez les nouveaux programmes immobiliers du Grand Ouest <> <> a s??lectionn?? pour vous les meilleurs
2014 Apr 03
Retrouvez-nous au Salon de l'Immobilier avec les promoteurs de l'Ouest
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> RETROUVEZ-NOUS AU SALON NATIONAL DE L'IMMOBILIER ?? PARIS <> <> a s??lectionn?? pour vous les meilleurs
2014 Jul 31
Habiter ou investir sur le littoral atlantique
Si vous ne visualisez pas correctement l???e-mail, cliquez ici <> HABITER OU INVESTIR SUR LE LITTORAL ATLANTIQUE <> <> a s??lectionn?? pour vous les meilleurs programmes
2012 Apr 11
row.names in dunes and dunes.env?
Hello, I've got a small dataset on box turtle shell measurements that I would like to perform a detrended correspondence analysis on. I thought that it would be interesting to examine the morphometrics for each species in the area of overlap and in areas where neither species occurs.  I've taken a look at the dune and dune.env datasets in vegan. Using the str() command gives me  >